Cami boo boo (that’s what she calls herself) got her first little baby cold this month and it was HORRIBLE! I was so sad because truly, I think I gave it to her. Oopsies. For about two and a half weeks she was so congested, and it was just heartbreaking! It was double heartbreaking because she was not sleeping, so NO ONE was sleeping. Send coffee friends.
Luckily I had our medicine cabinet already stocked with some sick day essentials from Walmart, so we didn’t even have to leave the house when she started feeling bad. It’s tough when the littles get sick, because they just can’t have a lot to help them ya know?
Here are my medicine cabinet baby must-haves, things that seemed to help our sweet girl when she was sick.
Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post!

I have never used one, can you believe it? I honestly had no clue that we even needed one, but keeping the humidity in her room a little higher helped ease her congestion and helped keep her skin from getting so dried out. Bonus about this one is that it is easy to clean, because who has time for deep cleaning your humidifier every week, right?

I know, I know. I too wanted to be able to say that I never used this snot sucking contraption, but I am here to tell you that it is a life saver. My little babe was so congested, she just couldn’t even breathe, making eating difficult and making her and I both VERY unhappy. The Nose Frida Saves lives. I paired it with the saline spray, but you can also get this handy little sick day prep kit for any new moms on your Holiday shopping list this year, and they will surely thank you. It comes with the nose Frida (must have), soothing eucalyptus wipes, the accu-dose pacifier (making giving medicine to your already-angry-baby SO much easier) and a soothing vapor chest rub. Essentials people. I can’t be the only one who has wondered if this would work on yourself as well…right?

Zarbee’s Naturals Baby Cough Syrup + Mucus and Soothing Chest Rub
Formulated with Agave and Ivy Leaf, this helped soother her cough and helped break up congestion. I liked that it was all natural. She ended up getting used to the grape flavoring, although she was skeptical at first. We paired this with the Zarbee’s Natural Soothing Chest rub. I LOVE this stuff. We rubbed it on her chest and the bottom of her feet. Again, all natural and you can use on infants as young as 2 months. I loved that she smelled like a little eucalyptus and lavender baby. I still put this on her at night even though she seems better.

I am not about to take her temp the old fashioned way, so we have the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer and it has worked great for us. Also works well on husbands, might I add. It remembers the last temp taken, so when you are sleep deprived and trying to remember what her temp was, enter thermometer.

Last but certainly not least, you will need you some boogie wipes if your baby comes down with a cold. Their little skin is so sensitive, and I wanted to use something softer on her nose since I was wiping her nose all the live long day. Not gonna lie to you I totally just used one on myself as well. Soothing aloe? Yes, please.

I love that I can find so many name brand items that I need for Cameron at Walmart! Their baby selection is incredible, I was super impressed to see so many natural baby care items. I also found out recently you can order online, and pick up in store, saving so much time!
Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post!

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