I pulled together some of Cameron’s favorite things that would be excellent stocker stuffers for your toddler!
I love this hat and these shoes, such great staple pieces! The hat is just adorable, and the shoes are easy to get on and off. This is her beloved lovey, I actually just ordered another one for Christmas. You can customize fonts and colors, so cute!
I ordered this sippy cup as well, she needs an easy water bottle that doesn’t leak and I am sure hoping this one does the trick!
These are some of our current favorite books, that we read every night before bed. Ten Little Fingers is the absolute sweetest if you are looking to teach about diversity. Cameron loves all of the little baby faces, highly recommend. She also loves I Love You Through and Through, and likes to point out her ears, her eyes, her hair, things like that. So we of course do that when we are going through the book! And Prayer for a Child is my favorite. I can recite it by memory, we have said it every night since Cameron was born!
Cameron loves her baby Stella. He little bottle and paci are magnetic and so cute. She drags Stella everywhere! This little accessory set is adorable too if you already have a baby Stella.
She is also SUPER into her name puzzle right now. We use it to practice her letters and fine motor skills! Big fan of the puzzle.
These are some of our favorite snack accessories! This little snack cup collapses down for easy travel, and it is easy for her to hold because of the handle. It also has a lid, its just pretty great overall. We also love our Simply Toofers plates and utensils. I selfishly love that they are so plain and light colored. I just can’t have the house looking like a circus, I just can’t.
But I spoke to soon, because our bath tub does look like a circus! She loves these bath toys!! This little light up guy that squirts water, my goodness you should see the joy it brings the girl. She has slowly learned that it must remain in the water to work, but not before she handed it to me no less than 300 times.
Anyhoo, I hope this helps you pick out some sweet little gifts for the busy toddlers in your life! Cameron loves all of these so much, and they are all very affordable!

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