We baptized our beautiful baby girl this weekend, and it was the sweetest day for our little family. I have dreamt my whole life of having a baby girl. I hope she knows one day that all my dreams came true the day I become her mama, and what a gift from God she is!

I picked out the most beautiful dress from Baby Beau and Belle. I had been saving pictures of their dresses on instagram even before I knew Cameron was a girl, they have the most gorgeous pieces. We chose the Poppy Christening Gown, and I am officially obsessed!

It is a handmade full length heirloom gown, lined with silk dupioni in a vintage ivory, with a floral lace overlay. I love the contrast between the lace and the silk, it is so soft and lovely. Everyone kept asking if it was handmade, which I replied “Yes, but not by me!” haha.

The sweet little cap sleeves, I can’t even handle it! Have you ever seen a baby in cap sleeves? You are welcome.
And the bonnet, I mean I love it! Sweetest little baby cherub in her beautiful gown! My neighbor mentioned that I should save the bonnet, and somehow incorporate on her wedding day, a handkerchief maybe? So sweet!!

We had one very proud daddy, he held her the whole time, it was so sweet. Look at these twins!

Cameron wore her Maple and J bangle that we both never take off. She also wore a baby ring that came from my Great Aunt, that I also wore in my 6 month baby pictures. This little ring guard bracelet was also mine, and smart might I add. It kept the little ring safe just in case it slipped off, which it did.

She really took to the Holy Water, trying to do handstands in the Baptismal Bowl and such.

Our friends (and Tim’s cousin!!) Brendan and Meghann kindly accepted the role of Godparents for Cameron. Meghann, you rear my child in the way of the Lord, ya hear?

Now we all know Cami girl is the star of the show here, but in case you were wondering where my dress is from, it is Rachel Parcell from Nordstrom, but OF COURSE is no longer available the week after I ordered it. I will link some similar ‘baptism appropriate’ options below in the Shop This Post section! I am truly bummed it is no longer available because it was just so beautiful and perfect. I rarely wear this length, but I though it was really pretty and feminine.

Her beautiful cookies that I got for our brunch came from The Cookie Social, she does incredible cookies! She also did the ones from Cameron’s baby shower in the spring.

I also used Cameron’s birth announcement banner to decorate, because I just love it and thought it was so cute and fitting.

It was the sweetest day with our sweet girl, and our families.
Cameron, I pray that you always feel safe and comforted by the Church. I pray that the Lord keeps you safe, healthy and happy each and every day. I pray you always feel loved. You are our everything, and we love you so much!

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