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The Southern Sewcialite

I feel it is my duty to share with you when I find new favorites, and The Southern Sewcialite is one of them!! 
First of all, can we talk about how adorable Kara is?? She is the owner and monogramming maven behind The Southern Sewcialite. She is just precious–check out that vintage Louis! 
(photo credit: Lang Thomas Photography)
She is also a Kentucky girl 😉
Well sweet Kara sent me some items to try out, and I absolutely love them all. This monogrammed sweatshirt is hands down my favorite sweatshirt I have ever had. It is lightweight, the sleeves are cut smaller, and it is SO soft. It also has zippers on the side that are super flattering, and give it such a cute fit. And how cute is the tiny burlap clutch?? It is the perfect size for phone, lipstick and the necessities.
I seriously live in this sweatshirt. 
{pardon the messy closet…stocking up for sissy’s bachelorette party!}
She also sent this nautical racerback tank with front and back monograms. Love the fit, can’t wait to wear it in Hawaii next week!
 Here are some more pics I swiped from The Southern Sewcialite facebook page so you can see some more of the fab items she has in stock. I think the clutches would make such a great gift, and only $15 are you kidding me?!

If you can find it, she can monogram it! I would recommend her items to anyone! She is super speedy, everything comes beautifully packaged with love, and her prices are amazing! Definitely check out The Southern Sewcialite on facebook!
Thanks Kara for my most favorite sweatshirt in the whole world. Happy Shopping!!
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  1. MakeMeUpMia says:

    Oh my gosh girl, I'm kind of freaking out of that pink sweatshirt! It looks incredibly comfortable and I LOVE the zipper on the side. Oh my, I need it. All of her stuff is amazing.

  2. I LOVE all of this! Bet she doesn't ship to the UK though…

  3. Ashley says:

    I love that sweater!! I think I need one…did you order a small?

  4. I think I'm going to have to have one of those sweatshirts!!! The zippers seem totally made for me right now (hello, I'm expanding?!)

  5. Saving this sweatshirt… that would be a great gift for some girls I know! Thanks!

  6. so so so so sos os sosoooooo CUTE OMG I want it all!

    Oh and I am going to be having a few giveaways for future brides( tell your sissy!!)in the next upcoming weeks! Of course I thought i'd pass on the word to you and sista! First one starts Tuesday!

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  7. Zippers on the side? Well, that's just adingdangdorable. I've heard so much about her, but haven't ever checked out her stuff. CUTE!

  8. TerinAleah says:

    OMG, I am loving those Racerback Tanks!!

  9. Mary Latuch says:

    I'm in love with your monogram pink sweater !! 😉 xo , Mary

  10. such cute stuff! I'm dying over those tanks!

  11. Kelly says:

    Oh my goodness, I am obsessed with every single piece – especially that bathing suit!

    xx Kelly
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