I am talking to you, iphone users.
Surely you group text with your friends, yes? Well we have a little group of my best girlfriends that constantly group text each other all day long. Mostly about our whereabouts, what we ate for lunch, how many days until the weekend, just actually WHAT time WILL we arrive at Two Keys for the game Saturday, you know the important things.
Well yesterday, I was bored whilst being abused at the allergist… exhibit A:
Eww, that was kinda nasty, sorry about that.
But anyway, so I decided to amuse not only myself, but my group mms girlfriends as well by trying to imitate some of my favorite iphone emoticons.
Because that is absolutely normal right? Well this guy is one of my favorites… I think you all know who I am talking about…
I immediately got this back from Leah… and the game of ‘guess which emoticon I am’ began.
Ellen AND Dana…
Moi again…
Aaaaand maybe again this morning.
This girl is definitely my favorite. She says so many things, like ‘stop it’ or ‘don’t even’ and the occasional ‘I can’t’…
I promise you my friends are normal, see:
Who am I kidding? We a’int normal. Not in the slightest.
You might remember Jami, from Dana’s wedding when she got attacked by a bat here!
Or Brooke for teaching us how to make pimp cups here!
Or Leah from her college shenanigans here!
Or Dana from her cray cray bachey party here!
Or Emily from our Blonde and Blue trip here!
or Ellen, from this bittersweet post here!
I love all you girls, and thanks for making my days extra hilar. Hope everyone enjoyed our emoticon impersonations as much as I did, because I am still laughing.
And if you don’t have an iphone, or emoticons… well, I can’t help ya. 😉

Bahahaha! This cracked me up and you girls are pretty clever!!!
oh, I am dying! You girls are a hoot!!
I like how you did your favorite emoticon last. I was scrolling down waiting for it. However, I am most impressed with the ninja and poop one. Gross, I just typed poop.
HOLLA. MISS YOU. Do you still hate me for Hawaii?
I still hate you.
This is hilarious!
I am a professional creeper who had to come out of lurkdom to say that this is all kinds of hilarious! Love it.
I think the poo one is the best. this is hilarious!
I seriously as laughing out loud at my desk reading this!!!! y'all were so dead on with the emoticons hahah love it!!!
OMG I am cracking up, these are hilarious & why have I never thought about doing this?? This would totally make my dad if I received texts like this! You have some pretty bad A friends!!!!
This is hands down the funniest post I have seen in a while- this made my day. SO funny! love it 🙂
This seriously cracked me up. Too funny!
hahaha yall are too funny!
holy shizzies I MUST try this out with my friends. HILARIOUS.
Hahaha this is hilarious! Haha, love the poop one, made me crack up!
Bahaha this made me lol! My favorite emoticon has to be the waterfall tears sad face. This post was too funny!
As soon as I finish typing this I am sending my BFF's some of these (of me of course)! Thank you for this oh so funny idea! Made my boring work day 🙂
Hilarious! I love it.
HAHAHA freaking love this girly! I love that you guys did this during the day. I always wonder what those faces mean too… WOMEN. 🙂
Hahahaha, you ladies are too funny 🙂
That's so much fun! I have a small group I text with randomly and it is a fun way to keep in contact while still being able to function! 😉
I love this! Thanks for the laugh. I might start this game with my mom and sisters the next time I'm bored 🙂
So hilarious love it! 🙂
Awesomeness! Before I downloaded the emoticons on my iPhone I was lost with how to express myself… I should have thought of doing something like that!
Hope all was well at the allergists and you're no longer itching from whatever they were stabbing you/testing you for.
So funny!
OMG y'alllll are seriously too funny! I love this!
hahahaha! This is too funny!
This cracks me up!!!
Oh my gosh this is hilarious! Definitely something me and my friends would do – we are big fans of the group MMS, it always seems to make everything funnier, even if no one else but us would think so. 😉
ha! amazing interpretations!
HAHAHA! Your friends are fabulous!
I just found your blog and you are too cute! I spent all afternoon reading.
Bahaha, ya'll are awesome!
This is AMAZING.
Oh my gosh..this is so funny. I cant even deal. Love it!
I stumbled onto your blog, saw your header and AH! PUG! I have a puggle and I'm absolutely in love with all pugs. Yours is a cutie 🙂
I wish I had an iphone so I could play this emoticon game though 🙁 you guys even made props for some of them…impressive!
Happy Thursday!
Left brain, right brain, pug brain.
hahahaahahaha, this legit just made my day!
i love this!! i think i might just have to try it. my friends would prob be like ashley, wtf?
haha LOVE this.
ps. thanks so much for voting. it really means the world. xo
Hahhah this is the best thing I've seen all day. Too funny!!
hahhaha!!! so funny!
Oh my GOD, this made me laugh SO HARD!!!!!!!
1st of all, you and your girlfriends are HILARIOUS!
2nd, you should come to Japan! At least once a day I get your favorite emoticon IRL. That's how they say no around these here parts! No joke! No seats available? BAM! No gaijin {foreigners} allowed? BAM! Out of something your order? BAM! Taking photos where you shouldn't be? BAM! For reals. I'll have to try to snap a photo of someone doing that to me one time and send it to you =}
Too funny! Aren't girlfriends the BEST way to keep the day interesting?
haha! TOO funny!! 🙂
This is SOOO funny!
What an adorable idea!