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My Skincare Routine

Skincare is important. Duh. 
And while I do not consider myself an expert by any means, I do pat myself on the back for proper, routine skin care. 
Ladies, you have GOT to take care of your skin! 
I am in my mid (ok that is a strech…) twenties these days and I swear I am starting to see wrinkles. 
ok but seriously, I often get told I don’t look a day over 22, HA, and I like to attribute that to the fact that I take care of my skin. 
I started using the Mary Kay time wise skin set probably about 5 years ago, right out of college. 
I have pretty normal skin, not too sensitive, and not too oily. So I use the normal to dry kind. 
According to the website, “The timewise set provides incredible age-fighting results to help you maintain younger-looking skin. The set offers 11 age-defying benefits in one skin care regimen: cleanse, exfoliate, freshen, energize, hydrate, smooth, firm, soften, protect, rebuild and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.”
check, check, check. I want all of those things. 
1. 3 in 1 cleanser – It cleanses, exfoliates and refreshes all in one step. 
2. age fighting moisturizer – formulated with antioxidants and a patented complex to help skin’s renewal process
3. Day solution – packed with SPF 25, to prevent aging from sun
4. Night solution – packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and collagen enhancing peptides.
I use all of these daily, and I swear my favorite time of day (besides happy hour) is when I wash my face. It’s like a chorus of angels singin’ 😉
How else do I keep my skin so baby fresh? 
Microdermabrasion people
I use this about once a week, it is amazing. I feel like I just had a facial at one of those pirzzicey spas. I think I have blogged about this before… yep, here
And I also am obsessed with the Restore and Recover Complex. You use it at night, to speed up collagen production, and help skin repair from damage of the day. It feels amazing, trust. Also just earned the Good Housekeeping seal.
ALONG with mu Mary Kay essentials, I use my clarisonic Mia daily. It helps take off 6x more makeup, minimizes pores, and helps prep your skin for better absorption of serums and creams. 
and this next thing I WANT. I have noticed the skin around my eyes is changing. EEEK.
We need to firm up. Just… all over firm really.
So basically, 
this is my deal. 
I am sure you can spend hundreds more dollars out there, and there is ALWAYS going to be something new ‘top of the line’ that intrigues you, but this is what I have found that works for me. The key for me I think, is to moisturize. Keep that skin as soft as a baby heiney knowwhatimsayin? I am hoping that preventative care now while I am still young, ahem, will pay off in 10, and 20 years. 
If you want to read up on any more of these products, or try them yourself, hop on over to Miss Darcey’s website
That’s what I got girls! That’s how I keep this skin in check! 
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  1. lilmoomoo says:

    You do have some very fabulous skin!!

    I may have to look into this set..

    I don't know what happened to me! Mine was perfect while I was in college at UK, and now that I am out of college it's gotten worse!

    (Doesn't make sense considering my "drink-four-nights-a-week-and-eat-mad-mushroom-all-the-time" lifestyle I had in college.)



  2. Alexis says:

    Mary Kay has worked for me as well! I've never tried the clarisonic Mia, but looks like something I need. Thanks 🙂

  3. Michelle P says:

    I've been looking for new skincare stuff. I'm going to look into all of this! Thanks.

  4. daisy351 says:

    Do you use your mia with the marykay cleanser? I know people swear by that thing, but I just haven't noticed much of a difference in my skin since getting it about 2 months ago.

  5. I have the eye cream and it's my FAVORITE! You've got to get it – you're going to love it!

  6. Taylor says:

    AHH PLL!!! DON'T USE MARY KAY!!! They use Animal by-products!!!!

    I did love Mary Kay until I knew this and now I only use completely vegan stuff…I couldn't imagine a farm in my hometown whose dead cow was bought and sold to these companies to scrape the fat foam from them and sll it to these companies. They act as barrier, although your skin is gorgeous, when you stop using it you will break out and it only takes 26 seconds for this to soak into your bloodstream!

  7. Many moons ago (ok so like maybe 5 years) I use to be a Mary Kay consultant. They make good stuff. I haven't used their stuff in awhile but I think you are selling me on checking their stuff out again. I also really love the way they re-designed their packaging. So design nerd of me I know. I'm a sucker for good packaging though.

  8. I use the mary kay face wash and lotion set also and i LOVE it. I need to buy the serum for day and night.

  9. I've never tried Mary Kay's skin care line – but it sounds like I have a reason to now! Thanks.

  10. I've used MK since I was 16 ~ LOVE IT!

  11. P!nky says:

    I LOVE the fact you taking care of your skin. I started to take care of mine more in college and people always made fun of my 'routine'.

    I began using eyecream at 21 because I read that Minka Kelly did and has it ever helped. That and NEVER going to sleep with makeup on. Even when plastered…i might wake up to a MESS in the bathroom the next morning but my skin is so fresh and so clean clean!

    lovers you loulou!


  12. Your skin is pretty fab, if I do say so myself!

    I loooooove my Clarisonic (I have the regular one) and I've tried that Mary Kay stuff before, and it's great, but unfortunately at the tender young age of 25 I STILL have to use stuff for my acne prone skin… grrr.


  13. etta says:

    I've never tried MK. I currently use Clinique but my face isn't as clear as it was when I first began using it. 🙁

  14. Dani Ploscik says:

    Girl, you might just be the death of me (I mean, my wallet). Thanks to you, I HAD to have a Hobo Lauren clutch, on TOP of the dog charms I NEED from yesterday… and seriously? Now I MUST purchase a Clarsonic Mia. Ahhhh!

  15. Dani Ploscik says:

    Mmmk. Bought mine in fuchsia.

  16. Kate says:

    I love my Clarisonic Mia! My face is so much softer after and it removes so much more makeup then just regular face washing.

  17. You and your Mary Kay! ha! Love you!! Thanks for all the love today! Youre the best!!

  18. Arielle says:

    I use time wise too!! 🙂

  19. Cassie says:

    I think I may have to try this! One of my best friends just told me last week that I needed to quit being a cheap a#@ when it comes to my face because we only get one chance at our skin! Thanks!

  20. Carroll says:

    I love Mary Kay skincare, too! Especially the microderm. 🙂 Happy Wednesday!

  21. Lauren says:

    I HAD the microderm until Stella decided it would be fun to get it out of my shower, chew up the bottle under my bed and now the cream is now dried in my carpet. I guess she wanted to try microdermabrasion too!

    And I LOVE the firming eye cream. Keeping those wrinkles from forming starting early!

  22. holly h. says:

    I LOVE mary kay products, it's what I use for the bulk of my beauty and skincare routine and can't imagine using anything else. The firming eye cream is amazing- you will love!

  23. I could not agree more!!!!

  24. Kristen479 says:

    I love me some Mary Kay girl!
    I have a lot of the Mary Kay Products on my christmas wish list!
    But this line is the only thing I've found that doesn't leave my skin oily feeling or dried out and won't break my skin out bc it's super sensitive!

  25. McKenzie says:

    I just went to my first Mary Kay party Tuesday night, and I'm SOLD! Everything you mentioned above is fabulous! Have you tried their new lip shine set for $18? It's a soft exfoliator for your lips, plus lip shine and it makes your lips feel EXTRA smooth! Check it out! 🙂

  26. Miss K says:

    i have that mk eye cream and love it!!! it's incredible

  27. A girl after my own heart! I use all the same stuff! just got my Mia and HELLO love! I was just saying how my pores look smaller and my face is sooo fresh and so clean! Truly my favorite part of the day too now!

    Um Taylor's comment is scary about Mary Kay I'm off to read that now..

  28. Casey says:

    I used the have the set from Mary Kay and LOVED it. Then I ran out and realized I didn't know someone who sold it anymore, and moved on to something else :/

    In other news, I dropped your name on my blog today as one of my fave bloggers!

  29. Holly says:

    I sell MK and use the TimeWise set every day…LOOOVE it!!! I have the firming eye cream and the revitilizer, too, both are so great!!

  30. Stephanie says:

    I love my MK!!!! I have all of those products and they are AMAZING!!!! The one thing that I wish I had (and will be buying now!) is the Clarisonic Mia.

    XOXO, Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights

  31. Kristi says:

    OK….so I am going to share the tips I wish someone had shared with me when I was in my twenties.
    #1 (& the most important)–start using Retin-A at night…you can apply under your moisturizer, this will prevent wrinkles.
    #2 Skinceuticals Phloretin CF antioxodant serum–apply under your morning moisturizer. It corrects sun damage and prevents future damage.
    #3 –if you are going to use an eye cream, please let me suggest the eye concentrate from La Mer. I have tried them ALL and nothing compares. It is pricey $130 to $160, but it will last for 5-6months.

  32. Jada says:

    Yes! Mary Kay Ultimate Miracle Set is the best! I love their firming eye cream, its the whole reason I started using Mary Kay. I loved it so much, I became a consultant.

    Moisturizer is def the key. The reason most of our skin problems occur is lack of moisture!

  33. Ashley says:

    Sooo everything you "promote" I feel the URGENT need to purchase. Hense why my Mary Kay products are on their way. Goodness PLL you're breakin' my bank! 😉

  34. PeerMurphy says:

    I use Mary Kay washing and face lotion set and I love it too. I need to buy serum for day and night.


  35. Tony says:

    To find the best wrinkle cream or other skin products based on their skin type, read consumer wrinkle cream reviews before making any decision.

  36. Jennifer says:

    I use the Mary Kay Timewise set also and I absolutely love it! I will definitely have to try the other products you mentioned!


  37. robin adley says:

    Such a nice blog on Skin Care Regimen and i appreciate your all efforts about your thoughts. it's really good work. well done.

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