Ello love bugs.
I finally feel like i can BREATH again!
Friday night I went to Cincinnati because my friends hubs had planned a surprise party for her “golden birthday” 11.11.11
We had SO much fun… per usual.
Happy Birthday Lindsey! And yes, her ring is OOC. 😉
Also, not sure if you NOTICED 😉 but I did something very different for me with the hair. I was trying the ballerina bun look, a la Lauren Conrad.
While hers still puts mine to shame, I’d say I did alright for my first try. But I swear- it took me longer than it does when I wear my hair big and curly! I guess you just get use to certain things.
And yes, I absolutely have my extensions in. I just used two of my pieces and clipped them in at the top of my head before I put it in a pony tail. You shoulda seen me try to do it without ma fake hairs… I looked like a balding toddler.
If you yourself want to rock one, girlfrand has a tutorial somewhere on her beauty blog…oh here it is.
Anyhoo. You would be surprised how many compliments from GUYS that I got. It was hysterical.
Saturday morning Sadie and I took a FOUR HOUR NAP.
I would be embarrassed, but it was amazing. I never get to do that. As you can see, upon waking, my ballerina bun was still somewhat in tact. HA 😉
Saturday night I went out with some friends and tried a messier short curl look.
I am sure you can’t tell at all, but it is messier. I left the last inch of my hair outside of the curling iron, so it gave it an unfinished kinda of look. Success I say.
I have some fun posts coming this week, excited to be back in action.

Did you use your extensions to make it longer? Or did your normal length work ok? Mine isn't quite long enough yet to do a higher ponytail.
UH-MAZING. love the bun, which you know I'm obsessed with. I've got the same video on my fash bun trend report. So helpful. As always, you look stunning. love everything. xo
Cute! I can't really pull off the bun hair style.
I'm def going to try to start curling my hair now that it is long enough again. now just to find a good curling iron.
love the "messy" look! even though you don't look messy at all. HAH! gorgeous!
I love your ballerina bun! It's something that I've wanted to try. Is your hair naturally thick? Or did you add extensions?? It is lovely!
Sheila xo
Will you just come to Virginia and fix my hair for me?? I have absolutely no patience when it comes to trying new things with my hair! And yours always looks great! 🙂
The bun looks great! I need to check out the tutorial!
i love the bun! you need to post a hair tutorial. I don't know how to put in my dang extensions!
That's how I curled my hair in the pic I have on my blog today. Left about an inch or so out. The "Michelle Money" curl!
The bun definitely looks good, thumbs up!
The bun is so cute! I wish my hair was long enough that I could do that. LOVE the messy curly look too! You always look so amazing! xo, stephanie
Love the bun, hot mama! Glad you had a great weekend!! Cannot beat GULLS night!!
That tutorial looks way too difficult. I use this mesh/foam sponge thingy that I picked up at Sally's for $3.69. WAY easier. Seriously takes less than 5 mintes. Here is my Big Hair Bun.
I love it!!! I'm about to start rocking the bun again. I rarely wear my hair up, but this would be a less messy way to do it. Thanks for being my inspiration, as usual!
I loves the bun look!!! And the curls in the last pic! You are too pretty!
Thanks for fixin me up! I owe ya big time!
Looking Beautiful! Love the Bun~ very sophisticated!)
I love the ballerina bun look! I'm definitely going to have to give it a whirl sometime in the near future.
Love your blog!
And how did you make your amazing theme!?
Your hair is adorable! I love it and will definitely have to try it. But I know that whenever I do buns, it looks like I don't have much hair :/
Both styles look great but I have to say, I LOVE the ballerina bun!!
Adorable I love it. I rocked Conrad's bun this weekend too (the 'fun bun') I love it!! I even replicated (tried to) her eye makepu. I love the beauty department – always great inspiration.
Cute hair! In my experience, men actually prefer a simpler appearance to a complicated one…I guess they view it as lower maintenance? Who freakin' knows…
Anyway…looks lovely on you and you look gorgeous as per usual! 🙂
Too bad I suck at hair, it looks great.
Love the ballerina bun! So posh!
I have wayyy to many layers to be able to pull that off! FML.
xoxo Inna 🙂
Inna's Daily Fix!
Love both of your cute hairstyles but I especially love the ballerina bun! It turned out fabulously!
you always look fabulous, no fair
The bun looks adorable!! Looks like you ladies had a good weekend!
Giiiirl, you better call next time you are in Cincinnati!!
Hope you ladies had fun!
Loved the Ballerina Bun, it's so cute!
gurrrrrrrrrrrrl you gotta get a hair donut!! i have thin hair too and it's a miracle worker for buns. check out my review here http://lovelipstickandpearls.blogspot.com/2011/10/i-tried-it-top-knot-via-hair-donut.html and i'm posting a video this week on how to do it. it's going to change your life.
Umm more importantly (not that I didn't absolutely love the hair)…who's the guy?!? We must have this story!!! 🙂
First off…I love reading your blog! Your hair looks adorable just the way you did it, and I tried this on my hair about a month ago. Not sure if you watched the bachelor when michelle money was on it, but I found a tutorial she did on you tube. I posted it on my blog.
Here is the link:
I always feel like such a fool trying to get my extensions into a ponytail, you did such an awesome job! Maybe I'll have to try again…
Nights out with friends are the best and I LOVE Cincinnati! A good weekend for sure!
You inspire me to take the plunge and try those hairdos I am afraid to try! Here we go!! I'm glad Sadie is feeling better too.
I love the bun and your blog! Your posts are always entertaining!
you are such a beautiful girl 🙂 Lovin the bun. I am a bun on top of my head girl when my hair is dirty haha
Gorgeous pics… pretty girl!
Hey have you tried one of the donut makers from conair? it would probably keep you from having to use your extensions to get the fullness.
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LOL! I loved your post.And the ballerina bun looks stunning! 🙂 A sure success indeed!
Do peek into my blog sometime! I'd love to hear from you! And glad to follow you! 🙂