It’s been a rough 24 hours in the LouLou household.
1. Sadie sez “oh hai ma, check out ma pink band aids”
2. Sad doggy. Blanket-less kennel. Had to wash. You do da math.
3. Medicine and hair dryer.
4. The happy piggy after she had a bath and was dried with said hair dryer.
5. Being a BABY while being administered meds.
I must report, that I am so sad that I can’t go to Columbus tonight to visit girlfriends Erin, Jess and Katie for Halloween.
Literally I am heartbroken.
I had to be a good momma and stay here with da pug child.
Le sigh.
Wish us luck.

Aww, I hope she is feeling a little better! She looks soo precious all bundled up 🙂
Awww poor girl! She looks adorable in the blanket 🙂
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haha. oh my goodness, he really is the cutest little thing ever. I save all of my puppies bandages… weird right? lol. xo
Awww she is so cute.
Thinking of you and puppy loulou 🙁 !!
Poor Sadie!! I hope she gets well soon. Hang in there!
Poor thing. Glad she is with her Momma this weekend but sorry you are missing your fun weekend.
baby doggy sickness is the worst! they can't speak & you don't know when to freak out {i go for immediately}
so glad sadie is home and doing better!
I am SO GLAD TO HEAR miss Sadie Belle is doing much better. You are a fabulous mommy.
If this is any indication, you will be a stellar mother 🙂
Poor thing… hope she feels better 🙁
I'm glad to see she's back home and doing better. It's so scary to go through something like that with your pet, I'm glad you knew something was wrong and knew to take her right to the doggy doctor.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me where you got that pumpkin in picture 4! My shih tzu has a punkin and it's her FAVORITE toy- but punkin has seen better days! we'd love to buy her a new one but we cant find it!!!
Poor sweet Sadie Belle! She is such a precious little baby! She will be in my prayers. Good Luck!
xoxo, Catherine
Omg I love her facial expressions!
She´s lucky to have you looking after her, how sweet … 😉
Hope Miss Sadie feels better pronto! What was your Halloween costume?
Poor Miss Sadie Belle! I hope she gets to feeling better so momma can put those worries aside! Try to relax and rest this weekend! 🙂
Sorry you can't go visit your friends, but I'm sure Miss Sadie appreciates having you at home!
So I'm pretty sure you NEED this. 🙂 the Home&cm_pla=Laundry &cm_ite=H164200
Glad the Pug baby is feeling better!
Aww poor Sadie bug! What made her so sick?
Hope that Sadie Belle gets to feeling better soon. As a fellow puggy owner, I know how much they steal your heart.
Sending lots of love and prayers for a quick recovery. (For the pug baby AND you. So hard on a mama!)
Aww I hope she is doing better.
I know you are a social butterfly, but I am glad you are staying to be with her….so often ppl dump pets off at parents houses or whatever just so they can continue on their "weekend excursion" of fun and place their pet responsibilities on others. I think one day you'll be a terrific "human" mom if this is any indication as to how you would be there for your own children some day when they are ill! 🙂 Pet Sadie girl for me. Aspen sends her wuv 🙂
Bummer about your weekend, but so glad Miss Sadie is feeling better!
Aww she looks so much better!! Glad she is doing better! Can you message me your address pls??? 🙂 Thanks! XO
Awwwww good Sadie mommy!
OMg, Lou, saddest pics ever.
Awww poor baby girl 🙁 sending prayers your way and well wishes!
she looks so sad!! poor thing =[
Your such a good doggy mom! Sadie will appreciate it 🙂
Those pictures of her are sooooo cuuuttte! Glad she is on the mend!! You both deserve a pampery day 🙂 You were missed!! ONE of these days we will be at the same place at the SAME time! haha xoxo
Sadie loves her mommy!! So glad she's feeling better!!
Poor baby! I hope she's doing better!
Those pictures of her wrapped in a blanket are too adorable. That little one just loves all that attention you give her. Look at her! Big 'ole baby.