So this is funny, Hailey tweeted me during Dirty Soap last week and said “call me crazy, but I think I just saw the green dress wedding PinkLouLou was in on Dirty Soap”
Well Hailey, you were so right!
How funny is this? Dammit if i wasn’t still in the limo downing my champagne.
Also, Sadie says hi!
Happy Saturday!

Whew, glad to know I am not totally crazy! Fiancé thought I was nutso rewinding it over and over again, told him I was just tryin to see my girl PLL!
That is so cool!!!! BTW I love Sadie! Was definitely looking at pugs but couldn't pull myself when cyri looked at me and I swear she went into the form of an angel and just levitated into my arms! 🙂
Too cute! Have a great Saturday honey! Kori xoxo
So glad Sadie is on the up and up!
Too funny! Small world-u gotta love it!
Farah Fath! Love her – I've always coveted her hair. That's so funny that she captured yall on farah cam.
haha too funny!
That is too funny!! So do you really know Farah Fath?
I saw that episode and thought the same thing! I just didn't want you to think I was some crazy pants weirdo but I'm glad you answered the question. Too funny!
Sadie on the mend! DON is still recovering from Saturday…
Wait, do you guys know her?? Did I miss something? Lou Lou, tell me more!