One Week from today I will be in Florida! YAYY! About darn time. LouLou needs a vacay STAT. The fam and I still do family vacay ever year (I know, I know, STILL) and I love it. This year Lil’ LouLou’s boyfriend is coming with.
{Sidenote: How cute are they? Don’t they just make you sick?}
Should be super fun! They are actually in Vegas this week with his family, and will go straight to Florida with us! Lucky bish.
Baby Lou and I (seen below as a kangaroo) will probably stick together and patrol the beach in search of bud light lime and underage boys.
I KID. I kid. 😉
We are gonna tone it down a notch this year on family vacay. Last year we got grounded if you will, HA! We were a little wild. My dad turned to my mom at one point said “I’m not sure when it happened, but we went from Blues Clues to Booze Cruise” I mean seriously mom and dad, what did you expect taking three 20 something girls on a CRUISE for a week. We ran those night clubs 😉
So this year I plan on relaxing, and reading this book…
while lounging in some of my new VS swimsuits,
with a skinny girl ‘rita in hand.
That’s all for today 😉

I have the first VS bathing suit in pink – so adorable. Perfect for vaca 🙂
OMG I could not put that book down! So good! Enjoy!
Sounds amazing! Grew up in FL and it's still my vacay spot of choice! Have fun 🙂
Blues Clues to Booze Cruise!! HAHAHA too funny!!!! Hope y'all have fun!!
Your poor parents. Just kidding! Have a great time! I want to read The Help, but can't find the time. That black and white polka dot swimsuit is so girly and cute!!
"underage boys" hahaha!! remember, I know your little secret 😉
But I would never tell.
And hey! I'm 30 and my fam still takes family vacations also! I hope it never stops!
HAHAHA omg, when I was 17 and my sisters were 15, we all went on a family cruise and of course, legal drinking age on the ship was 17, so you know I was buying up those vodka bottles, and my sis and I had a freaking BLAST running amuck. Oh, memories…
Ok, the VS swimsuites….are we soulmates? I have the first one but in pink and white, I have the third one also and now I WANT the last one!!
Have a blast! Can't wait to see all the pics!
that book is on my must read list too!
love the swim suits all super cute!
and love baby lou's kangaroo costume! hahahaha!
sounds like soooo much fun!! I really need to order a new suit from VS-love all of your picks!
yay for you!! I have a couple of those bikinis..unfortunately for this momma while in FL a very tanned 18 year old version of Gisele wore them on the same days I did…fun times 😉
have fun!!
You are going to LOVE THAT BOOK! OMGosh, it's fantastic. I am absolutely dying for the movie to come out.
Have a great time in FL!
1) Family vacays are so much more fun now that my brothers are both 21… ha! We have booze crusied. Mom was on boat too. G'ma mayyyybe even…lolz.
2) Love The Help. It's an even better read as a suth'n lady
3) Hello! That last 'kini! Need! Need! Want! Want!
4) You and your sis are such beaut betties!
The Help is SO good! You will love it. And all of those bathing suits are super cute! Have fun girlie 🙂
You need to find you're camera charger asap. So u can take tons of pictures and share them with us. If not buy on one ebay. Love love ur blog.
You will love The Help! Then, you can come home and watch the movie. Perfect timing! I plan to browse the VS site during my lunch break. I'm in desperate need of some new swim wear. I don't get a vacay until Feb. But, it's in Key West for a wedding. ON A BOAT! So excited!
What a fun week! Searching for "underage" boys – ha! 🙂
I have the black and white polka dot bikini from VS as well – VS makes the best swimsuits!
Hope you have a fabulous time! xoxo
Life with Elizabeth
Oh honey, booze cruise vacay with the family can be fun most of the time! We did it cruising the golf cart on the coast of Carolina this year! Fun times! I hope our family never stops having a vacation every year, even if there are 30 people involved, oh wait, there already is! 🙂 Have fun and much love to ya PLL!
I just ate Taco Bell and now I'm going to go puke it up after seeing these pics. I want that swimsuit with the white top.
LLLL the 1st
I love all those bathing suits!good looks run in your family!
i love family vaca's…what's not to love when the family foots the bill. i just wish i wasn't an only child. but i can remember after my parents divorced my mom would take me and my friends to the beach every year. so. much. fun.
and i wish i that my boobs and ass weren't so big or i might sport those same swimsuits myself.
Yay I live in Florida! Have fun!!
I'm also reading The Help. It's really good so far. I felt like it sucked you into the story right away!
LOVE the pink polka dot suit. Hope you have a blast on your vacation!
Have a fabulous time! The book is a GREAT read!!!!
That first bathing suit is to die for! Have fun on vacay!
It sounds like the perfect beach trip is in store for you!! I still go with my family as well…I can't help it, we have so much fun! I love little loulou's shirt or dress…so cute!
That last swimsuit is to die for…have so much fun!!!
Have fun!! P.S. the Help is a great book!
You're going to love The Help! Plus you can watch the movie when it comes out in Aug 🙂
I love that last VS swimsiut…too cute! I'm ruffle obsessed right now.
Have a blast on vaca!!!
I lived 7 years in FL~ One of the best places on Earth { and I travel a lot}
Have fun Pretty Girl!
That book is A-mazing! I stayed up all night reading it and didn't regret it at all, even though my baby was up at the crack of dawn! Enjoy the vacay!
Love the bathers LouLou! Can't wait to see pics from the vacay and hear ALL about it xx
I'm reading that book right now but not on a beach 🙁 Sad:( But have fun!
Loved, loved, loved, The Help. Couldn't put it down! Great beach book. Have fun!
LOL at "blue's clues to booze cruise" HA too funny! That's cute you & your fam go on a vacation every year, have tons of fun!!! xoxo
Such a great read! You won't be able to put it down! A beach vacay sounds perfect right about now…anything to escape this horrible TX heat! Hope you enjoy 🙂
Sounds like a blast! I still go on vacay with my fam too, it's still fun. You will love that book, it is so good!
How cute is your dad with that Booze Cruise comment! LOL. Have a blast honey. I'm finishing the help now. It is amazing! Have a great Monday sweetheart! Kori xoxo
Just finished reading The Help this weekend and it is SOOOO good. I couldn't put it down!! Enjoy!
so fun! the help was a great read, esp by the pool 🙂 Loving the skinny 'ritas right now too, delish.
Have fun!! The Help is so, so good! And you are just in time since the movie is coming out really soon!
It's seriously THE BEST BOOK ever!! You will love it, and won't be able to put it down. Promise. Love the bathing suits you got from VS!
i wanna go on vacation again! i'm so jealous. i also have that first VS swimsuit in black and white 🙂
Oh gosh, SO jealous of your trip to FL! Have oh-so-much fun and take TONS of pics!
Have fun on your trip!
We still do family vacations and with my extended family we are already planning a cruise in the coming summer! My grandmother said she is excited for my husband's first family trip with everyone!
I think you'll love that book almost as much as I love your cute suits!
I'm reading The Help right now!! I can't put it down! Have fun on your family vacay!!
Have fun! The bathing suits look adorable and I'm on the waiting list at my local library for that book!
Emily @
The Help was AH-MAZ ING!! I read it last year. Bathing suits look fab, have a blast! And hey, enjoy family parents went Disney this year and DID NOT invite any of us kids…not cool!
The book is epic. I ADORED it. PS- did your swimsuits come with the beachbodies or did you have to order those seperately? Much love!
I LOVED that book! I also love those swimsuits! Going on vaca in September…I might need some of those?! 🙂 I wish my vaca were just one week away!
youll love the book! it is amazing! and is lil lou lou your actual sister or just a friend/sorority sister?
youll LOOOOOOOVe the help!! so good. and youll finish just in time for the movie to come out!
have a blast on vaca! i was just there and while it was hot as hell, it was perfecto!
xoxox you and the baby lou lou's look so alike !
Just started reading The Help and am loving it! Oh and girl, those swimsuits are hot!! Love love LOVE them!
Love those bathing suits! I've had my eye on a couple of the ones youve posted all summer!
I can't wait to read that book! Hope you have an amazing time on your trip. Don't get into to much trouble! 🙂
Ok I love your blog and because of you I am so HOOKED on Skinnygirl Margaritas. They are bomb! Thank you miss lou lou 🙂
make sure to bring your hat and sunscreen because it is HOOTTTT down here right now! Have a great time!
I am really loving your VS swimwear!!
I'm a new follower and I think you are adorable! Love the bathing suits 🙂
Let me know how The Help is and I am loving the last bathing suit because I have been eyeing it muhself for quite.some.time now!
Jellllly of the Floridian vacay! Scope out some fellers! 🙂 Underage and allllll. I love it. We only have so much of our 20s left child…I am stillll trying to worm my way into the big city of Lex…..cross your fingers, toes, and EYES that I land something soon!! Hope your day is extra fab
There is nothing wrong with patrolling the beach for Bud Light Lime! It's totally ok to run the night clubs too! I'm a true believer in creating your own fun wherever you go!
I want to go on vacay with you!!!! Smuggle me in your bag?!
O you will love the help!! It was filmed in my hometown and has been a huge part of everyone's lives around here for a year or so. I hope you enjoy. I can't wait to see the movie!
You will LOVE The Help! It is amazing! I could not put it down, and I am ashamed to admit – I don't read very often. Enjoy!
I wrote a lil post about it on my blog:
The Help was soooooo good! I read it in, no exaggeration, a day. Super cute suits…sure to pic up some cute youngins 🙂 Good luck!
Love the last suit the most! Please tell us how that book is, because it is on my reading list!! Have fun!
I just got that same floral ruffle swimsuit from Vicki's and posted about it on my blog!! I love mine so far!! XOXO
You will LOVE The Help. Excellent book! Love your blog, and wanted you to know I recently purchased a Lauren clutch at your recommendation. Life. Changing.
omg your sisters look so much like you that is too cute. Did you wait for the VS sale to shop? The deals are awesome now!
I love the new bikinis! And I'm reading The Help right now (while on vacay). It's fabulous. I've already almost cried several times, and I'm only halfway through. Haha!
Hope you have a blast on your fam vacay 🙂 Love all the swimsuits! So cute.
Gotta love VS…the best swimsuits!!
I have that last bathingsuit – loves! I live in Florida right on the beach. Hope you have a great vacay! XOXO
Looks like a great summer plan! And let me tell you, you will LOVE the Help! SUCH a great book, definitely finish it before the movie comes out in August!
ooo I love those! how cute love the first one in black and white sooo cute!
lol ok Im going to need to refresh my memory with this story! your dad sounds too funny!
I'm dying to read The Help so I can see the movie (I refuse to do it any other way)
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