These desk pics got left out yesterday. Not sure how?? I blame it on Blogger, although it may have been a user error. Whatever, since I took the time to make them, darn it they are getting posted. haha.

Also, my mom sent me this pic of our dogs, and I laughed out loud. Sadie has been staying at my parents while I have been traveling all over the country, and this dog family portrait cracks me up. I have been jamming to a little “Ashley Tisdale-Last Christmas” Pandora, and am now in fact ready or Christmas. So I decided to add a little yuletide flair to the dogs pic. I am thinking this could be our Christmas card this year. Enough of the awkward pics of me and my sisters holding stockings or ornaments that my mom pics out WITHOUT our approval. So, I give you, Kevin, Sadie, and Mo, pimped for xmas. 

A mini CHI? Where have I been? I need to get one of those stat!
Love the little office tour. I want to work in an office now so I can have cool stuff like that 🙂 Or maybe I'll come visit you (cause that's not stalkerish right?) and pretend to work in your office LOL I'm kidding 🙂
hahahaha 🙂 1. your desk decorations are amazing! I would love to be sitting at your "cube" it's so fun! 2. that xmas pic of your dogs is hilarious! I absolutely LOVE dog xmas pics. i had one of mia the year before last.. and DEF have to arrange one this year… I'm SOO in the mood for xmas too!!! i just got a XMASY smelling candle today that's making the house smell festive and makes me want to decorate!
Your desk is absolutely fabulous!! Love it 🙂
Love the desk mine isn't nearly as fabulous but I'd like it to be that way.
LOVE that pic of your pups! Too cute, and that martini glass is perfect! haha
I LOVE all your office pics 🙂
So much, that I even blogged about them! I hope that's ok. I am just in AWE of the cuteness going on! And I love your blog. It makes me smile!
Love the mini chi I dont know where I would be without mine, too cute photos and the dogs are so adorable!
Awe, Adorable Cube" the best one i have ever seen" i love all the personal touches. The Picture of the pups is precious. XO Erica
Your cube is so cute!!
What type of planner is that and where can I get one?
Love the picture of the fur babies….I am wanting to do a Christmas card with Daisy in some Christmas flair as my Christmas card 🙂
Hope your work day is going well!
I looooove the doggie pic. They are so cute all together like that, and all Christmased out? Perfect Christmas card! 🙂
Love the picture of the 4 legged family.
I have the same planner!
You have a lovely cubie!
OMG I love what you did to the family dog photo!! I was actually going to ask you about your cat who lived in the basement for some reason I thought of him the other day (or was it a her- my memory is horrible with certain things!) When I read that you hate cats it made me chuckle b/c I was just thinking of your cat! I have to send you these links from my other computer of the perfect ocd list planners for the holiday that my ocd list loving self is absolutely LOVING!! you will also love I'm sure! 🙂
"really nice carpet" haahaha, I love your desk area, so cute!
You have the best cube EVER. And a mini Chi? I need one of those. ASAP. Love the Christmas card too, hilarious and totally cute!
lol this is adorable! My sister and I did a Thanksgiving picture session with our doggies..
That picture of the dogs just cracks me up!! Love love the martini in hand! Too cute! By the way, I'm your newest follower, saw your button over at Simply Sunshine and Daisys! 🙂
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