2. I have recently become addicted to sugar free Red Bull. While I feel confident I am destroying my insides with the chemicals in this crap, I gotta admit I enjoy have wings at work.
3. I can’t walk in flat shoes. No lie. I trip. 99% of the time I am in heels.
4. I am addicted to my iphone and all things Mac.
5. I once got my arm stuck in the grocery conveyor belt thing. I am not kidding. They had to call maintenance to come free me.
6. My forehead is paralyzed from a freak bicycle accident when I was 5, and does not really move. Can’t feel a thing. Good news? No Botox will be needed girls.
7. I love to wear my roomie Chrissy’s clothes.. ALL the time. Thank goodness she loves me and let’s me get away with this.
8. I have dreams about all my friend’s boyfriends. Always have. Not ok.
9. I secretly love to watch WifeSwap {what?} ha ha
10. Aaaaand…I may or may not be a big flirt. Guilty. He he.
So I pass this award on to:Lauren @ Life with a LabApril @ Highs Lows and Stilettos MntJulep @ Fillies and Juleps Brit @ Dave and Brit Plus OneKatherine @ Just Lovely Second Award- You are going places baby! Form Allison and Tarryn over at 2Bloggeristas! I have known these two girls forever! Thanks ladies for the award! Muah!
I am suppose to tell you where I will be in 10 years. Holy moly. I am not ok with this question. What I have learned this year is how fast things can change, and how plans you once had can completely fall through in the blink of an eye. I would say that in ten years I will be happily married with 3 babies, 2 dogs, a hottie husband who looks like Jesse Metcalfe, and miraculously have this body.
However in reality, I will probably be packing for my single ladies cougar cruise with other washed up 35 year olds just looking for a hot latin fella to swing her around the dance floor. Sad, but this is probably true. Nothing really goes according to my plans, so I have thrown the “plan” out the window and am just living my life as it comes. I have goals of course, but I am not stressing out about how my life is working out differently than I once “planned” it. Shit happens girls.
I pass this award on to:
EmmyLou @ Tales of an All American GirlMeghan @ Summertime BeautyErin @ Sassin’ Southern StyleSame Sweet Girl @ Memoirs of a Southern BellePaige @ Pearls and Ponies
Award three is from one of my most favorite bloggers Leigh Ashley! If you haven’t checked her blog out you need to, because she is great, and so thoughtful. I give you- the Blog of Substance award. I am suppose to tell you about my blog’s philosophy so here goes.
My blog’s philosophy? I never really thought about this. I started blogging when I was going through a hard time to get my mind off the ex, and to help find myself. I try to always be really honest on my blog, sometimes too honest which gets me in trouble. I love building friendships with girls that may be going through similar struggles that I am. It has been so touching reading some of the comments and emails I get. I hope to help someone, even if it is one person, know that no matter what is going on in their life, crazy Allison has probably been through it too. And the fact hat we can laugh about it here, well that is just great. HA.
I pass this award on to:Lauren @ Chasin’ butterflies Whitney @ Everythign Happens for a ReasonMelissa @ For the LoveKristen @ All In My TwentiesLittleDaisMay @ This kind of Love
Random award day now comes to an end. Thanks girls for the awards! It truly just makes my day getting them!!
Sidenote: I am having bloggers block. Is there something you want me to blog about? Suggestions for posts are welcome.
Congrats on the awards!! And how did you ever get your arm stuck in a grocery conveyor belt? 🙂 I am an Apple addict myself…mac lap top, iPod,iTouch, iPad.. its ridiculous… Now I just need Verizon to get the iPhone!
wow! look at you go girl!! congrats on all your hundreds of awards!! 😉 you deserve every one of them! i think you're adorable and LOVE reading your blog!!
Congrats on all your awards!!! I love all the random facts 🙂
Thanks for the award 🙂
I love that you have a straightener at your desk!
To add to your award love… I gave you one! 🙂 Come check it out!
thanks for the award you are too sweet!
I got a blog idea for you….guest blog for ME. I am having blog block and this mommy is swamped to the core:)
Yay, lots of new blogs for me to check out! Congrats on the awards – you deserve them. 🙂 PS I LOVE the Carrie song you have on here!
I totally did not answer the 10 year question either – so far my last ten year plan did not work out so much and I'm learning to embrace the "go with the flow" lifestyle – even though I have to remind myself of this every once and a while! I think you should do the cruise either way and sign me up I figure either way it never hurts to have a vacation! =)
Thanks girl 🙂
I love all things Mac too. I must say that I love WifeSwap. That show is great. I watch everyday on Lifetime from 4pm-7pm. Those people on there are crazy!
what a cute little straightener! i didn't even know CHI made mini ones! how adorable!
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