Well as sexy as this title is, I really hope you’re excited to learn what in fact, is in my diaper bag. I love seeing what people have in their bags, that is how nosy I am. What you got in that bag girl?
First of all, let’s start with the diaper bag itself. This is the Luli Bebé Monaco Diaper Bag, in Pearl White. I love this diaper bag. It sells out super fast, so if you want it, stay on it! (ps this link for 25% off!).

I have been using this diaper bag since Cameron was born, and it has worked great. I love that it has backpack straps, and also a shoulder strap, because sometimes you just need to throw it over your shoulder. Another feature I love is that it comes with the stroller hooks to easily attach to your stroller, shopping cart, what have you. It also has lots of compartments inside for added organization.

I like to keep the inside as organized as possible, because trying to find a favorite toy while baby is screaming and the waitress is trying to take your order, is just not for me. So I have everything broken out into little bags in attempts to maintain sanity.

Let’s unpack it shall we? Organized baby chaos is what you have here friends. Lets start at the top and work our way down.

Burp cloths-I always have two, because baby. Cameron actually has never spit up much, which has been nice, but these are great for a variety of spills and messes. I like these the best!
Paci’s-always have a back up! One time Tim took Cameron out by himself, and called me and said “There is no paci in this bag?!” sorry buddy, you gotta check for those before you leave. So now we always try to keep two. These are our favorites!
Change of clothes– I feel like I don’t need to explain this one, again because BABY. I like to keep a cute zippered onesie in there in case of accidents. Also useful if you stay late somewhere and want to change her into pj’s for the ride home for easy crib transfer. These are Cam’s exact ones pictured below!
Bag ‘o diapers-I keep her diapers in this little makeup bag I got at H&M. Sadly this print is no longer available, but I linked the cutest one I could find, it is clear with gold piping. I like having the diapers in a bag so they aren’t just flopping around everywhere.
Bag of lotions and potions– Organization is key. I keep her diaper rash cream, aquaphor, the best baby lotion and motrin in another makeup bag from H&M.
Wipes-I mean.. just don’t forget the wipes is all I am sayin’.
A good read-We keep a fav book in the diaper bag as well. Good for reading and chewing.
Toy bag-Again, this bag cam from H&M and we keep all of her favorite chew toys in there. The silver rattle was a gift from my aunt, and has ben the BEST teether. It is easy for her to hold, and it is cool on her gums. Highly recommend. It has her monogram on one side, and birthdate on the other. The pink owl toy has also been a favorite chew friend as of late.

Babys Brew Travel Bottle Warmer-If you have a very particular baby like mine, who must have her bottle piping hot, then this is your friend. Usually I just get hot water it we are at a restaurant, but if we are somewhere without hot water, or in the car or on a plane for example, this guy is so handy. I will say it does take 10-15 minutes to heat up, so plan ahead.

Travel noise machine-We like this little noise machine because it is small but mighty. In full disclosure sometimes I use it too. I like having a separate noise machine (instead of using your phone) so you can leave it with baby in the other room, stroller etc.
Not pictured, because she is currently clutching it, but I always always have one of her loveys in her diaper bag. Must have at all times. She loves this one and also the ones pictured below from Raising Y’all!

And last but certainly not least, my wallet. I move it back and forth between my purse and diaper bag, depending on if I am just running in somewhere. This is the BEST wallet! It fits in the front pocket of her diaper bag perfectly, and holds all of my important cards, stamps, checks etc. and is still super sleek. It is a FIND and on sale for around $20!

And of course, I would never leave you without Cameron’s outfit details! Linked below! The sweater is the closest I could find, I am not sure where it came from sadly!

And there you have it friends. That is what is in my diaper bag. If I was smart I would put a phone charger in there, because heaven knows I always need one of those!
Just a reminder, use this link for a 25% off code!
This is so great and helpful! Going to need smaller bags to hold things (creams, etc) for organization! Also, my friend told
me about this small (and fashionable) diaper bag – Twelve Little diaper clutch, perfect for quick outings to places like target ????
Thanks so much for reading girl! And yes, small bags inside the big bags are essential! I loved how I could see through them too! I will check out that little clutch as well. Thanks!! xo