Unless you have been around here for a long time, and use to read my blog back in the day, you probably don’t know much about everything that led me to this point in my life. My twenties were rough, we will just leave it at that. I watched friend after friend get married, have babies, and live the dreams I too wanted so badly. It took me a little while, but I finally got it so perfectly right.
I still can’t believe this is my little family. I have dreamed of being a wife and a momma my whole life, and to now be living that dream is just surreal. The past three and a half years have been my favorite so far, but these days, these sweet precious newborn days, may just be the best yet.
I wanted to share some of Cameron’s newborn photos that we took literally two months ago. We did them when she was 15 days old, and so much has changed since then. Where did my teeny tiny, 7 lb baby go?

I mean, can you even handle it? Look at that little smile! I just want to press those chubby cheeks against mine forever! She still wears this bow often, but it looks a little different now. She was so wittle itty bitty!

I love this one, she definitely go her daddy’s pretty pouty lips.

I want to hit pause on this sweet time in my life. A time where everyone I love is happy and healthy, and my baby is tiny and squishy. A time where Tim and I dance in the kitchen, and dream about our future. I hope that Cameron loves these pics one day as much as I do now. I am already hyper aware of how quickly time is passing, and how soon the feeling of my baby sleeping in my arms will be a memory. I just want to hit pause.
Thank you Kelsey Malicote for these beautiful pictures, they mean more than you all ever know!
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