Oh boy. This post is a hard one (but a sweet one) to write. I have been putting it off because, change. Change is hard people. I am incredibly nostalgic, and attach meaning and feelings to literally EVERYTHING. One week ago we sold the home that Tim in I have lived in for the past three years. Well, I lived there three years, he was there for a lot of it! I don’t think I can ever fully express what this home means to me (and us!) but I am sure going to try.

I purchased this home in early 2016, when I was going through a really rough time. I was 31, single, and just really really sad. This home saved me. It immediately became my safe haven, and became HOME. I spent a few weeks living at my parents (thanks mom and dad!) while I fixed up some things. First on the to do list was painting. Luckily for me, this fella named Tim Jenks had just asked a friend for my number, and texted me offering his painting help. Now mind you, I looked like a hot mess. I had on no makeup, yoga pants and an ADPi sweatshirt from COLLEGE. Because I had been crushing on this guy for 15 years, and wasn’t about to let him get away, I agreed to let him come help me paint despite my lack of preparation. Best decision I ever made. I wish I could find the selfie I sent my sisters before Tim came over (as proof of said hot mess state) but unfortunately for you (fortunately for me) it is nowhere to be found.
Fast forward 9 months, and we were taking our engagement pics in this home. It was where we had our first date, and where we fell in love. Every inch of this house is filled with memories. Memories of the sweetest time in our lives. Which is probably what makes it so hard to say goodbye to.

Fast forward another year, and I was getting ready for our wedding in this home.

Fast forward one more year, and this home is where I told Tim that we are having a baby!

I have loved (and still love) this home. When we found out that baby Jenks was on the way we ran through a lot of different scenarios about how we could stay put, and make it work. Ultimately we decided it was best to find more space for our growing family before baby comes. So we sold our love nest, and began packing up the best years of the most incredible memories.
Naturally, I wanted to pay proper video homage to this big change in our lives, and luckily for me I have just the sister that was willing to help. Hannah this is the best gift you have ever given us, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Now excuse me while I go cry my eyes out. Thank you to our love nest for being the sweetest place to call home.
Such a great story, I can feel the love. You two are the cutest.