I posted a picture yesterday on instagram of my friend Ellen’s ring, and got a lot of people wanting the deets on my nails.
So here you go: the polish is Essie, Shore Thing.
Allow me to let you in on a little PLL approved secret. I love gel nails as much as the next girl, but sometimes I have a hard time finding the exact color I want. Plus-what’s a girl to do with her massive collection of regular polish??
Well, that is when a lightbulb went off and I said to myself, “PLL, why don’t you use your regular polish, but just top with two coats of clear gel?”
I use my at home gel kit ALL the time. (Review here.)
So I literally polish my nails as usual, and then top with two clear coats of the sensational top coat. Genius! My only tip here is wait until the regular polish is 100% dry before you do the gel coats. otherwise it is a huge mess, trust. Sometimes I will wait until the next morning to do the gel coats. Works like a charm, and so cost effective!
Also, I have been getting asked a lot about this little number. Will be posting a how to very soon, it is SO easy. No sock, or fancy bun maker, just rolling and pinning!
{necklace Francesca’s, shirt Old Navy}
Stay tuned…Happy Thursday!!
This is so awesome. I've been curious about those gel starter kits and you answered all of my questions. Thank you!
I've always wondered if that works but I've been too scared to try it. Thanks for clearing this up! It is a great idea! I have at at home gel kit and I loveeeeeeee it. You are right, the colors are limited and sometimes some brands are messy (don't order OPI on Amazon, FYI).
How to you get the gel off? I've done this before but it was so much harder to get off than the gel polish. Any tricks?
Can you buy straight up gel polish without having to buy a gel kit?
I've been too chicken to try the gel coats on regular nail polish! So glad to hear it is possible from a pro 😉 Thanks!
That's the perfect summer polish! Obvi I'll be trying that hair tutorial once you post it. Hopefully all my layers can stay tamed and look as cute as yours!
Genius IDEA!
Love the hair, but sheesh, I always do!
I love your nail polish holder!
I love that idea and have been wondering about that sweet little updo too 🙂
You are a genius!!! I have the gel kit with some polishes but there aren't as many to chose from plus I also have TONS of regular polish! THANK YOU for the awesome tip!
I recently saw this on pintrest. They called it a Gelly Sandwich. Ya know cause you are sandwiching regular polish between the gel!
This is random, but I was searching on etsy today for cute KY prints for our house, AND I found this store and it reminded me of you.
I mean, that's a pug dressed up for the KY derby! Enjoy 🙂
I'm going to be trying this next time I change my color!! I used my sensational kit one time now it's just collecting dust! Thanks girl !!!
A la perfect bun, PLL. Maybe I will have to give sensationail a try…. 🙂 PS. Creeped on your Simply Flawless site the other night after you linked it up on FB – love it!
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