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Well… she did it!

Baby sis graduated.

I am so proud of all of her accomplishments. She is such a  beautiful person inside and out.

The last five days for me were all about spending time with my family. My sister left for Hawaii yesterday, for TWO years, so we tried to cram as much sissy time in as we possibly could.

We started Thursday night with a sissy sleepover at mom and dads, all dogs invited of course, and all three of us slept in Hannah’s bed, LOL. We are super lame like that. We drank wine and watched old videos of when we were little, which provided hours of entertainment, rest assured.

 Friday night, Hannah’s class had a little soiree for the seniors. It was gorgeous out, and we got to spend time with the fam, and all of Hannie’s friends.

 {dress is Forever 21}

Saturday was the big day. Baby sis was chosen as the commencement speaker (SO proud!) and she did a fantastic job.

That night we all celebrated at a patio downtown that Hannah’s sorority rented out. It was fun running around with the college girls again. Let’s not kid ourselves, I do this often 😉

I wore another Forever 21 specialty. I shop there WAY more than a 28 year old should. And I am not ashamed.

{I can’t find the exact dress, but this one is similar}

 This pic of me and mom below makes me laugh so much… she is not wearing a flower headband… that would be that huge hanging plant behind us that you also see above. LOL.

 Hannah’s BFF Laura captured some sweet sissy moments of us telling Hannah how proud we are of her, and how much we are going to miss her. Tears for days.

Monday morning and goodbye came way to soon. I think we were all trying to procrastinate, looking around the house for things she may have forgotten to pack… but finally we had to let little bit walk out the door, and start her new adventure to Hawaii.

Hannah posted the following on her instagram and facebook. She has the most amazing heart.

Hannah, we are so proud of you. I never thought my little baby sissy would be engaged, graduated, and moving to Hawaii. It seems only natural for a baby who made such a dramatic entrance into this world to be doing such big things! We love you, and we can’t wait to come visit you in Hawaii!! Keep doing what you do, you are changing lives, and have forever changed mine! LOVE YOU NANA!!!

  1. The pic with your mom and the "headband" is hilarious!! hahaha

    I can't imagine having to say bye to my sister like that. I hope y'all can do lots of skyping! 🙂

  2. Brooke says:

    Your baby sissy rocks.

    Your mom wearing the floral headband makes me giggle.

    And, can I just say gluten free looks good on you, sister. You look SKINNY!

  3. aw saying goodbye is so hard! But what an accomplishment for her to graduate and move away and try something new!

    And omg that flower plant totally looks like a headband on your mom! That is too funny!


  4. P!nky says:

    SO wonderful congrats baby sissy!

    FYI I was in lexington this weekend for my cousin's high school graduation. Thought of the Lou Lou famfam!

  5. Hey Allison: I have been following you on Instagram and now I finally have my blog so I can follow here too. Love the website and I am so happy for your sister, that is awesome. XO

  6. jayme says:

    is hannah going to start a blog while she's there? pinkloulou,jr.? so excited for her new journey, she'll love it and you'll love visiting! xo

  7. Tiffany says:

    This is perfect. I love her quote about it being okay for dreams to change. And the picture of you three hugging is precious. Oh, and super cute dress you wore. I wore the black equivalent as a bridesmaid in a wedding this weekend and LOVED it!


  8. Kait says:

    This is so sweet PLL! I love your love that you share with your sisters! So stinking cute and the perfect post to read this Tuesday! Good luck baby Lou! Aloha!

  9. Carolyn says:

    Such a sweet post! 🙂 I love your relationship with your sisters! So sweet!

  10. awww this is so precious!

  11. Lindsey says:

    Such a sweet post! My sister and her husband have the possibility of being stationed in Hawaii in a little over a year. (She's an Army wife.) I'm not so secretly hoping for it. I pick visiting an island over Colorado any day!

    Good luck to your baby sis! 🙂

  12. Those pictures are so sweet! Congratulations to your sissy!

  13. Jessica says:

    congrats to your sister on her graduation! what is your sister going to do in Hawaii for two years?

  14. Stephanie says:

    This post is so sweet! Y'all all look gorgeous 🙂 Congrats to your little sister!!!

    Diary of a Debutante

  15. Brittany Lea says:

    Aww what a cute post! You all looked adorable!
    Good byes are so hard sometimes! Congrats to Hannah!
    YAY for family vacays in Hawaii!!


  16. Nikole! says:

    1. y'all are the perfect definition of sisters & love.
    2. your mom's hippy "headband" is too funny!
    3. you are getting some Carrie legs! jealous.

  17. Lauren says:

    You must be so proud of your sis, she's a little doll and love her speech too! Good luck to her on her next journey, I know you will all miss her bunches!I love both those dresses and your hair in the bun, so gorgeous!

  18. Congrats to your lil' sis! Such an amazing year for her 🙂

    P.S. I'm a few months shy of 30 and I too shop at F21 more than I should. Why not?! It's cute stuff on the cheap.

    Oh and now you have a great excuse to go to Hawaii every time you miss your sis!

  19. Jes says:

    When I moved to Japan, saying goodbye to my sister was the hardest goodbye I had. She was living in another state, I hadn't seen here in over a year and she couldn't afford to fly back to see us before we left. Luckily I have some of the most amazing friends/family and we were able to get her home so we could say a proper goodbye. Her visit was one of the highlights of my 3 years in Japan, I hope you're able to visit your sissy in Hawaii!

  20. Pamela says:

    SUCH a sweet post & beautiful family!!

  21. Ok…tears! I have always wanted sisters and am completely jealous of the sweet relationship you have with yours.

    How amazing to be the commencement speaker! That's big time. And Hawaii? Well at least you will have an amazing place to vacation (and two years does go by pretty quickly!).

    You look gorgeous in these pics!

  22. Kelsey says:

    Seriously could you girls be any prettier?! You make my heart so happy seeing how happy you girls are and close! Baby sis is a doll I love love her instagram and facebook comments.

  23. Day Old News says:

    Such big adventures for the baby! I am following along on IG 🙂

  24. Jules says:

    I love your blue and white dress. I had to do a double take, I was like "Whoa, I didn't know the Kate Spade Carolyn was released in blue".

  25. Lauren says:

    this is precious! I love how close y'all are! I'm jealous you will get to visit her in HAWAII though!

  26. miss t says:

    So sweet! I wish I had sisters!!!! Last year, my littlest brother left for London for a year! When I had an 8-hour layover at Heathrow, I suffered through a 2-hour customs line, tubes and taxis just to spend 3 hours with him. I think I gave him a million hugs when I left.

    My brothers and I live all over the country and every time we get together and must say goodbye again, I sob. They think I'm an emotional nut, but that's what big sisters are for. Siblings are the best.

    Super cute dressed too!

  27. Congrats to your beautiful sister!

  28. Your closet is going to become the next 'it' spot! It's pure eye candy! Ps. just watched the Daily Show – you did really well… and of course looked perfect.

  29. Mash Elle says:

    Loving the white lace dress!

    I'm having a Zoya & Sephora Giveaway, would love for you to enter!



  30. Linn says:

    Your sissy will loveTFA!! We have corp members at my school and several are my good friends! Such a selfless thing to do and a great experience!!

  31. SHAYNA says:

    It sounds like you girls had SO much fun! Tears formed in my eyes. Even though I don't have a sister, I can only imagine how hard it is to say goodbye but, in the same breath be so happy & excited for her! Congrats to Hannah & wish her all the best!!!

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