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Wedding Hair DO’S, and DON’T YOU DARE’S.

With the recent engagement of my BFF Chrissy, my mind’s first thoughts were “but how will we do her hair??” Of course, this is my concern. HA. Granted she hasn’t even asked me to do her hair yet, but I am just thinking ahead here, like any bestie would do.

As I was googling and pintersting hair images, I realized how many BAD bridal hair pics are out there. I mean WOOF. It’s scary. And what s scarier is you can’t just trust anyone with your hair, you just can’t ladies. Trust. So I thought in order to help all of womankind, and brides alike, I would compile a simple list of does and don’ts for achieving wonderful wedding hair.


1. A Trial. 

This is such a must. I do a trial with all of my brides. It just helps work out any kinks before the big day, and helps you get a game plan of where you are going with things. Everyone’s hair is different, and I am always having to adjust how I do things depending on each bride’s type of hair. Trial’s not only help the stylist (aka MOI) but also you brides to feel at ease and confident with the process. Plus, my trials include wine. Bonus.

2. Pick something that is comfortable for you. 
The last thing you want to feel on your wedding day is uncomfortable. I suggest picking a style that looks natural for you, and something you would do normally, just better. HA! You want to be an enhanced version of you, but still YOU!
3. Take pics of styles you like.
I LOVE when brides bring me pictures of things. I also always like to say back to the bride what I am getting from the pic “Ok so you want to keep a part, and have it lower in the back, messier-not perfect, with some height and volume on top” for example.  Granted-while your hair will not look exactly like the picture, it is very helpful for giving your stylist an idea of the look you are going for.
4. Let your stylist know of changes, and suggestions. 
I always tell my clients “You will not hurt my feelings at all, I want you to be happy, please tell me if there are things you would like to change”. It is your day, and you are paying for a service, so speak up! If there is something you want to change, suggest it! I promise your stylist will not be upset, we want you to be happy and to LOVE your hair!! So let us know if there are problems!!
5. Be ok with “imperfection”.
Not to completely negate my previous point, but be “ok” with imperfection. Some of my absolute favorite styles are not “perfect” with every little hair in it’s exact right place. There is a time and place for sleek elegant hair, and there is also a time and place for an imperfect, natural, ‘let the hair do what it wants to do” look. I tend to usually prefer messier, imperfect looks, but that is just me. I look ridiculous ‘sleek and elegant’. Big head. LOL.



1. Come to me with three day dirty hair. 
Just don’t. I am of the school of thought that clean hair is better hair. Now I know there is this urban legend of dirty hair being what all stylists prefer especially for up-dos, but let me tell you- not this one. If I need to dirty it up by golly I know how, and will. But I prefer clean hair. Now there are exceptions, and you know your hair better than me. So if you do want to wash it the night before, by all means do whatever you think is best. But someone with hair like mine that is thinner than a four year old’s, needs to come with clean hair. There is only so much I can do sister. LOL.
2. Pick anything that resembles these looks: 

Stop it. Just stop. Now if you come to me with something absolutely hideous, I will do my darnedest to try and talk you out of it. Should you still insist, then the best job of that hot mess is what I will do! Ha.
3. Babys breath. 
Enough said. I don’t know what the deal is with all the floral arrangements in brides hair you see above, but enough is enough. I like accessories, I like flowers-when done correctly! If it looks like you got a delivery on top of your head, or you are one stem short away from a valentines day bouquet, cut the shit. Just cut the shit out. Literally.
If you want one of the following looks, I’ll allow it. 😉
4. Get crazy with the curling iron.
If I see any of those teeny tiny curls beside your face, aka nasty tendrils, we are gonna have a a serious problem. And you are gonna look a 90’s fool.
5. Have unrealistic expectations.
Don’t come with unrealistic expectations. Granted, I am  clearly a magician. 😉 I have tricks up my sleeve for days. Weave, fake buns, hairspray and teasing combs oh my! But I am still working with YOUR hair. You know your hair better than anyone, remember? If your hair is thin, fine and doesn’t curl well (*PLL points to self) then maaaaaaybe you shouldn’t try a half up, mostly down cascading curled look in mid July. Because about 20 minutes after you leave my hands, your hair is gonna look like a hot freaking mess. Just be reasonable, and think about what would look best on YOU.

Shew. Now that we have covered a few wedding-day-hair ground rules we can get back to Chrissy’s hair. I swear I really like Chrissy’s hair like this. Granted, I did it in the bathroom at a bar in five minutes, but imagine…


Pretty right?? I honestly have no idea what look she will go with. But I DO know she is gonna let me have it for posting this pic. Tee hee. What are friends for amiright?!


{ps to check out any looks I have done recently, just visit my website, Simply Flawless!}

  1. Day Old News says:

    Have you had people come at you with Styrofoam to put in there hair? I have seen that and I'm always like whoa. When you are here next January, I'd like the Julia Roberts please.

  2. Whitney says:

    I love all those updos!

    For my wedding, I hadn't washed my hair, which I usually don't for a big event (or really that much in general. maybe 2-3 times a week). I had my extensions in, and she was like your hair is stiff. I told her and told her that I had extensions. She was going to wash it, and I was about to go bridezilla on her hahaha, until the owner told her not to wash it.

  3. Maxine says:

    3 day old hair… gross. I wouldn't touch it. I gave a poof session a couple weeks ago and the grease was sticking to my hands… that's the last time I will ever do that! Blahhhhh

  4. i felt my skin crawlin' at the thought of touching somebody's 3 day hair.
    and – i like chrissy's hair like that too.

  5. i wish i had an ounce of the talent you have! my hair is perpetually flat and straight

  6. Jess says:

    Awesome advice! I already and doing 1-4 but really need to remember #5! It is okay for my hair not to be perfect!! I love all the do's and will probably add some to my Pinterest board of hair!

  7. Ashley says:

    Not going to lie – I don't wash my hair more than 2 or 3 times a week! For updos I usually wash it the day before, otherwise it's WAY too slippery to do anything with.
    Chrissy's hair looks great like that – so casual but so pretty!

  8. Jill says:

    Those don'ts are just…OH DEAR LORD. Heavens to Betsy. Whew. The problem I have is that on days when I've just washed my hair (actually, straightened-which has to happen-youd on't wanna see me unstraightened), it then won't hold curl very well. I mean, I have to get the curling iron so hot I get nervous I'm going to burn it off like that little girl in the video…bless her heart. I have super thick hair so it's not too gross by the second day. Anytime you want to practice new do's you just call me 😉

  9. Jill says:

    oh! and let's also discuss how to better get the poof on the top of my head, and less so at the back of my head, making me like a conehead.

  10. Alynn says:

    Ah this post struck a chord with me… I had a woman lined up based off of pictures of her work to do my hair for my wedding and I even asked her to do my hair for my bridal portraits. We had to skip the trial run due to conflicting schedules so she showed up the morning of my bridals and I gave her my inspirations and told her what I wanted… 2 hours and $275 dollars later between my hair, make up and photos I got spun around to see a mirror and I kid you not I had 2 cornrows down the side of my head a MAJORILY over hair sprayed poof and a crunchy half up half down flat iron curled under AWFUL hair style. Needless to say I had to redo ALL of it with someone else. Total nightmare! Thanks for posting this unfortunately I wish I had seen it about a year ago!

    PS Your beautiful brides will have no worries because your hair styles and make up are breathtaking and 'simply flawless' 🙂

  11. Lauren says:

    Just get ready, missy. You WILL be doing my wedding hair! 🙂

  12. THANK YOU about the 3-day old hair. I've always heard not to wash your hair before an updo. I have fine hair, so if I don't wash it it gets a little oily and makes the curls heavy. I want bouncy curls. Not saggy stripper curls. thank you very much.

  13. This is me begging on my hands and knees for you to magically be in Texas when I get married next May! You really are a beauty magician and I could definitely use some poof pointers!

  14. Raven says:

    when I have my ten year marriage renewal, will you come do my hair? I will pay you extra in white wine.

  15. Thanks for sharing this!! I have my bridal hair trial coming up soon so those are great tips!!! The 90s hair is so funny. Sadly I def had my hair styled with all the curls for some middle school/ highschool dances eek.

  16. Katie says:

    Amen to the clean hair requirement. And I just laughed real hard at the Julia Roberts picture– you know she rocked that hair along with her blush and bashful color scheme 😉

  17. Love this do's and dont's list! Thanks for posting! Bride-to-be here, what is your advice about trails? I am now living in TX but getting married back in SC and wondering can I do a trial the same week as the wedding when I am in town? Or should I do trials to pick a stylist a ways out and then have my wedding day hair trial that week? I will not get to be in SC all that much before the wedding.

  18. shannon says:

    The ribbon adorned pigtails just caused an LOL in the office. I am so, so glad you're doing my hair 🙂

  19. Christelle says:

    You are one taleneted hair magician, PLL! I have hair like yours – fine and thin, and wish I could learn to style it like you do! Living in the humidity hell-hole of Houston is the death of my hair! Ugh! Great tips and I love Chrissy's style (that's my nickname, too)!:)

  20. Ashley says:

    Omg I would never touch 3 day old hair YUCK!! Could you imagine if someone asked you to do Julia Roberts hair? I would love to see the reaction on your face!! I know mine would consist of laughing in their face {not professional} lol


  21. michelle says:

    when my best friend got married i literally had to talk the hairstylist into curling my hair. she wanted to do it pin straight. it's naturally wavy/curly and it doesn't stay straight very long but will hold a curl for days! i've come to terms with my hair and realized that straight is just not going to happen.

  22. SHAYNA says:

    HAHA! These are funny but, oh so true! Going to do my bridals today & this was just what I needed to read!!

  23. Oh for the love of babies breathe!! Hahaha I sadly had that in my hair during prom! Eek! And glad you believe in clean hair! I do too and hate it when they say dirty hair is better! My bangs dirty are a shit show..

  24. You crack me up lady – I was laughing so hard the pugs had to come over to investigate! I just got engaged & def just pinned this for future reference!

  25. Babygirl says:

    UGH….I hate hate hate, three day old hair, I always go with clean hair when doing my up-do's!! This post reminds of the good old days, doing everyone else's hair but mine getting ready for adpi formals…I was always the last to get to partake in any pre-drink Heck, it's still that way when I'm in a wedding! But I've always loved doing hair, still wish I'd gone to beauty school. Love all your special occasion hair dos!!! Wish I had a reason to get primped up!!

  26. Thank you for sharing such beautiful things

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