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Ask PinkLouLou, HAIR edition!

Bonjour ladies, PLL here to answer some of your hair related questions! I picked a few for this week, and will work on getting the other ones answered too πŸ™‚

Well MissΒ April, I got ya covered. First, I love love your bangs. So stinking cute. I like your hair longer, so I agree, I wouldn’t take much off. As far as color goes, no dyeing,-I also agree-but have you thought about some natural highlights? Maybe some copper-y ones, not chunky at all of course.

Thoughts?? I love this color.

As far as perms go, I am no expert, but when I hear perm I think of this-

PLUS... it is kinda permanent (kinda permanent?) anyhoo, I would advise against that at the moment, and maybe try to get a fabulous curl look from this fancy contraption I blogged about hereΒ 

I also think trying different looks is key for you. Not necessarily changing what you are working with, but changing the way you work with it. Make sense? I think all of these styles would look fab on you, and totally allow you to feel new and fresh!

For those lengthy curls, you could totally get that super fierce look by adding in some clip in extensions. Details and DIY directionsΒ here. πŸ™‚

Hope this helps, and send pics of your new looks!! xoxo

AlrightΒ Beth, girlfrand put the teasing comb down for a second if your hair is getting damaged. Teasing can definitely put stress on your hair. I recommend using this comb (it’s my favorite)…

it has three rows of further spaced out teeth, so it is not creating as much mess, but still getting the job done. I also take slower big strokes, rather than fast short ones. You would probably benefit from using velcro rollers after you blow dry as well, for added body with minimal teasing. (pssst…there is a video below of the velcro rollers!)


WellΒ Kate, I slack in the long hair department, so I will have to find you a model for some long hair looks, BUT I can show you how I use velcro rollers to help add body and height to my hair. πŸ™‚

Products I use in this video:

pink rollersΒ 

three row comb

Tresemme, Tres Two, level 4 (any store)

Well hi there Sandra. I am so happy you already have some extensions, shew, half my work is already done. Β I like to incorporate my extensions for lots of other looks other than just wearing my hair down. I use them in ponytails, side buns, buns on top of my head, you get the drift. Basically, you can get any look you want, but you just may have to fake it with yo weave πŸ˜‰ haha. I filmed a little video for ya of how I use my extensions for my top messy bun.

{DIY extensions post}

Alright, gotta give away some secrets here. Kali, I do not wash my hair everyday, clearly. WHO has time for that πŸ˜‰ I usually wash my hair every other morning. I wear it down on the days I wash it, and up on the second day of no washing. I love the Psssst brand dry shampoo, it seems to really help with body. If you are washing at night, I would always blow dry it, not air dry it, if you are wanting to wear it down the next day. Also the next morning I would either flip your head over and spray some hairspray or dry shampoo to give it texture, or also put in velcro rollers while you are doing something else like putting on your makeup. I swear by rollers. Big hair says “I care”. Someone said that to me recently and I loved it…

Hope this was some help girlies! You guys are so fab with your questions!!

Until next week! xoxo

  1. Amber says:

    Love reading these posts. I need to try out velcro rollers.

  2. Brooke says:

    Love this. Your tips always help me. Need a long haired brunette model? I'm your gal: )

  3. Sami says:

    I cannot wait to watch these vids when I get home from work! You are the hair queen πŸ˜‰ Need to try this Pssst! dry shamps. I always use the Oscar Blandi loose powder kind but it does nothing for the volume! Also love that comb! Mine is a CHI one with a million bristles and it creates quite the mess πŸ™‚

  4. fabulous! i will def have to invest in a comb like that! and you were right, i was doing quick, short strokes. oooooooops!! thanks so much!! πŸ˜€

  5. Fitzi says:

    Love the short hair tutorial! My hair is nearly identical to yours, except I am brunette, so a trip to Sally's might be in order after work today :-).

  6. Lauren says:

    Loved these tips! πŸ™‚ I always enjoy reading tips and stuff when it comes to fashion/beauty.


  7. xx BHB says:

    My friend just sent me a can of Pssssst (wearing it currently) and am OBSESSED. It's so fabulous.

  8. Always so inspirational! Totally going to have to try these!

  9. "Big hair says I care"…gems like that are why I love you/your blog…thanks for all these great tips girl! πŸ™‚

  10. Kate says:

    AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for your tutorial! Loved it…I've got my velcro rollers and I'm ready to try it out…wish me luck!!!

    Kate πŸ™‚

  11. Kait says:

    Love, love, loved this Ask PLL post! I'm a born and bred weave-wearer, so I love all the posts when you incorporate your weave and how-tos! My question is: How do you wash your fake hair?! My always seems to get knotty after a couple uses and I wash it, but it starts to look disgusting on the ends…almost fried looking! Any suggestions?

  12. You're the most darling EVER. Loved watching that lil video! My hair is really different than yours so probably requires totally different tools & techniques, but I love seeing what you come up with. I'm kinda interested in getting some smaller extensions for color contrast–gonna look into that. I'm off to see more of your videos–CUUUUUTE!

    *Also, just wanted to say that it's so clear how much time you put into your blog posts and that's really impressive. πŸ™‚

  13. morilisa says:

    I'm a SUCKER for the messy bun and headband! That's how I'm wearing my hair right now! You can be sloppy and still cute! It's def a good way to cheat! Haha. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and I noticed you had Carrie Underwood playing in the background of your vid…check out the cover I did of Good Girl on my blog! πŸ™‚

  14. Megan G. says:

    You gave some AWESOME tips and I'm definitely bookmarking this to continue to go back on. You've also convinced me to invest in some good curlers! πŸ˜‰ Thank you, ma'am for all the help!

  15. Veronika says:

    you are hilarious, i love these posts πŸ™‚

  16. Kelly says:

    You make me wanna hop on a plane to Kentucky just so you can get a hold of my hair…and show me exactly how to make those extensions…I saw the tutorial, but I'm a slow learner πŸ˜‰ love you, Lou Lou and all your posts!

  17. s.K says:

    Thanks for all of the great hair tips! I have super fine hair and will definitely be picking up some of those rollers — I have velcro rollers and they are a bit too harsh on my fine hair.

  18. K says:

    Thanks for the tips! I have my Rehearsal Dinner next Friday and I can't wait to try them out!

  19. I LOVE that line-Big hair says I care!

  20. Shayna says:

    I love this! I can't wait to check out those velco rollers! I've always wanted to try them but, never knew how to work them! & love the last line… Big hair says "I car". It's so true! Flat hair says "I rolled out of bed & this is what you're getting!" Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. WOMAN. "Big hair says I care." I snorted. It reminds me of this pageant mom on Toddler and Tiaras who said, "The bigger the hair, the closer to Jesus." I *died.* LOL.

  22. Megan says:

    I love your tutorials girl!!! You make everything look so easy and effortless!! Thanks for sharing your secrets!! πŸ™‚

  23. I may or may not have just laughed pumpkin latte out of my nose at the Barbra Streisand photo and the perm. That is exactly what I think when I hear perm. Well, that or my grandma. πŸ˜‰

  24. I flipping love you. If I could have you in the bathroom poofing my hair every time I go out, and not just once in Underground in the Chi I'd be muy happy. Come back to Chicago soon? πŸ™‚

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