The amazing Angela Anderson put up some teaser pics from Ashley’s wedding this weekend.
Umm… amazing. Love them.
Gorgeous litte couple. Le sigh.
Also, while we are one the subject of weddings, Let’s discuss wedding speeches. The majority of the ones I saw this past weekend were great, however, I saw this on pinterest and thought it was so perfect.
I mean we could all use a few toasting tips am I right? I gave one wedding speech one time, and let’s just say I wasn’t heartbroken when the videographer lost that portion of the tapes. NO ONE needed to see that more than once. 😉
And one more thing, wedding speech related. This made me laugh so much, great post & so true 😉

Ummm hello those pictures look like they came out of Vogue or something! Absolutely gorgeous! I guess if and when I do get married I'll be finding this Angela girl.. she has amazing talent! Love the speech tips, thank god I've never had to give one. I'd get nervous and choke for sure haha.
Those pictures are going to be amazing!! Love the tips for the speeches so true!
Those pictures are absolutely AMAZING! They look straight out of a a magazine 🙂 And I'm SO tucking that toast guide away future use!
I love that picture I'm just not so sure about that girl that is posed on her belly. Makes me chuckle a bit. And all of those tips are perfect! I've had to give 2 speeches and both I would NEVER EVER EVER want to see again. IT was bad.
I love that picture I'm just not so sure about that girl that is posed on her belly. Makes me chuckle a bit. And all of those tips are perfect! I've had to give 2 speeches and both I would NEVER EVER EVER want to see again. IT was bad.
AMAZING pictures!! 🙂 You ladies look beautiful
Love those photos! Style Me Pretty worthy, fa sho!
You Look UH- Maaazing!! So pretty:)
The first picture of all of y'all is definitely magazine worthy! What a wonderful photographer!
The pics look like something out of a magazine. Gorgeous!
Ok those are some amazing pictures! Those could be ads in bridal magazines!
Those pictures are positively stunning! Thanks for the toasting tips, too!
Gorgeous pictures! I've never had to give a speech thankfully, but if and when I do, I will take note of what Owen Wilson said on Wedding Crashers, and that it needs to come from the heart 😉
Oh my gosh that picture… gorgeous! Seriously looks like it came out of a magazine… or an AD!!! yes! an ad! lol
i already tweeted you about those great photos. angela and amy of angela anderson photography are the amy just did my e session and is doing my wedding this fall. i am soooooo pumped. i stalk their fbook page on the reg cause i LOVE their work. i cant wait to see the rest of the photos. such a gorgeous wedding. btw-this lil toast guide is precious! ahh i love wedding season.
Is this 'ish for real? You hot bishes look like the Real Housewives of Kentucky in that first pic =)
I may have given a 45 second m.o.h speech once & my sister let me just opt out completely for her wedding. Worst Maid of Honor ever.
Gorgeous pictures!! My brother decided to "wing it" when he gave his speech for my other brother's wedding and told the bride (my SIL) he couldn't have asked for a better sister. I was like Um HELLO?!?! I AM your sister!!! He did a lot of apologizing for that one!!
So pretty! Unrelated, but did you know your images on your blog aren't pinnable? I wish I could show my Pinterest followers my obsession with your blog!
Great speech tips for any occasion, not just a wedding toast. And that first pic looks like it came out of a magazine! WOW!
THAT PHOTO. Oh my gosh, it took my breath away! I thought for sure it was something out of a couture bridal magazine! So gorgeous!!
That photo is gorgeous! You all looked great! I have never had to give a speech…and I hope I never have to! Is that bad?! lol
Those are great toast tips! I recently went to a wedding where the toasts were unrehearsed and awful! Love the pictures glamourous!
Okay so I miiiiight've just saved that pic for my photographer. I have 11 bridesmaids and I'm having trouble figuring out a way to take a picture together without it looking overwhelming and still interesting and this hits it.
And duh of course you're all gorgeous!
That photo is stunning! It reminds me of the covers of Vanity Fair when they have a young hollywood issue. xx
Beautiful Miss Loulou! You look divine!! I am insanely jealous of your gorge hair, so cute. XXX
I love that picture of all of the bridal party! Definitely looks like it belongs on the front of a wedding magazine somewhere!
What style was her wedding dress?! I am in love with it!!!!
Any chance you would share with us where those bridesmaids dresses are from? I'm getting married next May and have been searching for beautiful blush bridesmaids dresses and those are just gorgeous! Thanks!
Those pics are amazing!!
Sorry! Just saw you had already posted about the dresses. I was catching up on posts this morning. Sorry for the bother. 🙂