I’m the littlest Lou, Baby Lou…but most call me Hannah. Some call me Banana Hammock ,and some people up here in
New York call me Anna Farris? I don’t see it…
New York call me Anna Farris? I don’t see it…
Anyhoo, I’m guest blogging for my
lovely big sissy because I have been doing so many fun things in New York and
just had to brag about them!
lovely big sissy because I have been doing so many fun things in New York and
just had to brag about them!
I got my dream internship, am living in the cutest
neighborhood, work/live with some of the coolest people, have four days a week to
explore the city, but enough already stop asking!
neighborhood, work/live with some of the coolest people, have four days a week to
explore the city, but enough already stop asking!
It hasn’t been ALL fun and
games though. There’s the whole stinky people on the subway thing and the whole
long distance relationship thing.
games though. There’s the whole stinky people on the subway thing and the whole
long distance relationship thing.
Meet Ben.
No, he doesn’t always wear pink
boas, and yes, I only like him because he goes along with my silly ideas like
denim stacks imitating the cover of the awkward family photos book.
boas, and yes, I only like him because he goes along with my silly ideas like
denim stacks imitating the cover of the awkward family photos book.
Ben and I
dated in high school, he gave me the boot when he went to college a year
earlier than me, and we got back together this year. Round 2 has been about 7
months and they have been perfect. 🙂
dated in high school, he gave me the boot when he went to college a year
earlier than me, and we got back together this year. Round 2 has been about 7
months and they have been perfect. 🙂
I’m in New York now while he is in
Lexington, and then he leaves for Ecuador for a month and then Spain for 10 months
for these fancy awesome people scholarships. We will keep in touch though with
texts, facetime, etc.
Lexington, and then he leaves for Ecuador for a month and then Spain for 10 months
for these fancy awesome people scholarships. We will keep in touch though with
texts, facetime, etc.
Speaking of which…
I cheated about 1 week into our
separation, surprising him by flying back for his graduation. He went to my
mom’s band gig with his family and between songs she stopped to give him a
“graduation present”…
separation, surprising him by flying back for his graduation. He went to my
mom’s band gig with his family and between songs she stopped to give him a
“graduation present”…
ME from backstage! We had the perfect weekend
But enough about him, let’s talk
about me ;). After I surprised him, I rode back to NYC on a GREYHOUND BUS.
about me ;). After I surprised him, I rode back to NYC on a GREYHOUND BUS.
26 hours y’all (I’ve been clinging
to my southern roots by saying y’all up here)
to my southern roots by saying y’all up here)
I wish I had taken pictures of the characters I met on the bus/ in the
bus stops. There was a woman with a blonde mustache, a tweetie bird shirt and a
lisp who said “hey thweetie, can I thit with you?” and proceeded to
talk to me for about an hour.
bus stops. There was a woman with a blonde mustache, a tweetie bird shirt and a
lisp who said “hey thweetie, can I thit with you?” and proceeded to
talk to me for about an hour.
There was also a man from Bangladesh that told me
of all the beautiful placed I should visit in Asia. Bear and mind that I was
reading a book throughout all of this… which I thought was the universal
symbol for “leave me the heck alone,” but apparently, it is not.
of all the beautiful placed I should visit in Asia. Bear and mind that I was
reading a book throughout all of this… which I thought was the universal
symbol for “leave me the heck alone,” but apparently, it is not.
The only
normal person I met was the guy I sat by when the AC was broken on one of the
buses, and he probably thought I was the weird one with swamp ass from the
normal person I met was the guy I sat by when the AC was broken on one of the
buses, and he probably thought I was the weird one with swamp ass from the
But I finally made it back to NYC.
So you may be wondering why I am
in New York. This should give you a hint:
in New York. This should give you a hint:
I can’t say much other than the
fact I have an internship there, but I absolutely love the experience it is
giving me :).
fact I have an internship there, but I absolutely love the experience it is
giving me :).
I’m living in Brooklyn in housing for students and interns so
there are tons of people my age. My roommate is an intern at Marchesa, she’s such a fashionista.
there are tons of people my age. My roommate is an intern at Marchesa, she’s such a fashionista.
I am the only person I know here that
is from Kentucky or anywhere else really southern. A fellow worker described my
journey as “the Simple Life in reverse.” People have told me they can tell I’m
from the south because of my accent, the way I dress, and the fact that I can’t
ignore people on the street and or/ be mean to anyone. I am so proud of all
those things! It is a different world up here… There is definitely more to do
but I do miss the southern hospitality already.
is from Kentucky or anywhere else really southern. A fellow worker described my
journey as “the Simple Life in reverse.” People have told me they can tell I’m
from the south because of my accent, the way I dress, and the fact that I can’t
ignore people on the street and or/ be mean to anyone. I am so proud of all
those things! It is a different world up here… There is definitely more to do
but I do miss the southern hospitality already.
Some the most interesting
things that have happened to me here include:
things that have happened to me here include:
1. Being told by a stranger I would
be sexier if I had a barbed wire tattoo on my ankle…
be sexier if I had a barbed wire tattoo on my ankle…
a very specific request,
don’t you think?
don’t you think?
2. I met Topher Grace…
3. I got to meet up with two of my
FAVORITE sorority sisters that graduated last year…
FAVORITE sorority sisters that graduated last year…
Virginia (left) works for Nick Jr.
and Holly (right) is like…ending poverty or something. But really, that’s her job… Aside
from showing me the ropes up here!
and Holly (right) is like…ending poverty or something. But really, that’s her job… Aside
from showing me the ropes up here!
4. I saw a woman pushing a cat in a
(not snapping a pic of this was one of my larger regrets in life)
5. I’ve seen
some STUNNING fashion choices, my personal favorite:
some STUNNING fashion choices, my personal favorite:
{Please note that the jean hat also
has a zipper pocket where you can keep all of your things…}
has a zipper pocket where you can keep all of your things…}
6. I paid a foreign man nearly $200
to dye my hair grey (quickly got that reversed) but not until after I spent one whole
day and night with my grey locks picking up grandpas and getting senior discounts at
brunch buffets. However, I managed to make some friends despite my horrendous hair and
went to an improv comedy show where they performed.
to dye my hair grey (quickly got that reversed) but not until after I spent one whole
day and night with my grey locks picking up grandpas and getting senior discounts at
brunch buffets. However, I managed to make some friends despite my horrendous hair and
went to an improv comedy show where they performed.
7. I bought an umbrella hat when I met
up with the president of my university in central park…
up with the president of my university in central park…
… and there have been many, many more interesting experiences.
I’ve just been being really Uh-merican…
I’ve just been being really Uh-merican…
This is at the Mets game, note the
hot dog and beer. My meals this day were: a hot dog from a food cart for
breakfast, a hamburger and fries for lunch, and then another hot dog here. One
thing about NYC is you just can’t afford to eat healthy! And by “you” I mean
broke ass college students like myself.
hot dog and beer. My meals this day were: a hot dog from a food cart for
breakfast, a hamburger and fries for lunch, and then another hot dog here. One
thing about NYC is you just can’t afford to eat healthy! And by “you” I mean
broke ass college students like myself.
bar scene is definitely fun here, so I’m glad I turned 21 in time for it all..
bar scene is definitely fun here, so I’m glad I turned 21 in time for it all..
(Pink and Baby Lou Lou on my 21st
in Lex)
in Lex)
Overall, it has been a blast. I
haven’t even touched the LSAT books I brought along for my days off… but who
knows, I may not even need them if I keep loving this industry so much 🙂
haven’t even touched the LSAT books I brought along for my days off… but who
knows, I may not even need them if I keep loving this industry so much 🙂
To be continued….
Baby Lou

WOOO!! I see the universal hand-sign for Chi Omega right there 🙂 I love you already! 😉 Hootie Hoo!
Lady, you need your own bloggy! 🙂 Sounds like so much fun!
You're adorable. Enjoy NY girlfriend! And I'm loving the umbrella hat. Haha too cute 🙂
Sooo much friend. I have 2 girlfriends (from TN) living up there. One is there permanently and one is there on an internship as well. Enjoy every minute of it!
I may need an umbrella hat!
Omg you're hilarious! PLEASE keep guest blogging or get your own!
What a cute and fun post! Also, I know Virginia, too! She was one of my interns, and an all around awesome girl!
Sounds like soooo much fun!!! Sending you some Chi-O love from down south to the big apple 🙂
How fun! I absolutely love NYC! And btw- I can totally see Anna Faris.
How fun! I absolutely love NYC! And btw- I can totally see Anna Faris.
Love this post!! So jealous–sounds like you are having the time of your life!! And forget the LSAT books. The test isn't even until October so you can study later. Oh, and it's stupid, too. 🙂
Does Baby Lou have her own blog?! Because I think she totes needs one! Looks like a blast in NYC!
Baby Lou absolutely needs her own blog!! She must get her awesome writing and entertainment skills from her big sissy! 😉
Loved this – so fun!
Love this! Sounds like she is having an amazing time and she is hilar! She sort of lost me after Marchesa though.. I would have killed someone to be a Marchesa intern. I'm head over heels in love with that brand. I harassed them for about 6 months with my resumes and cover letters only to find out that they get their interns from a company you had to pay to give your resume too. Too bad I didn't know this until it was too late 🙂
You intern for John Stewart?! OMG so cool. A friend of mine interned for Craig Ferguson in college and now is a writing assistant. You never know where this crazy industry can take you. Best of luck!
NYC sounds amazing! Super jealous… you are too cute! 🙂
I have that same shirt.. I think.. the blue long sleeve shirt from j crew:)
Awesome post! Glad you're loving it up here! It's definitely different from anywhere else! Enjoy every moment and don't forget to keep snapping pics of the snazzy natives creeping around the citay in their "unique" get ups!
This made my day…and I'm in Mexico, that's how much I love baby Lou! Enjoy the summer kiddo and make sure you stop by 3rd & Long and ask for the manager LeAnn. She'll give you a shot from me.
Love this post! Looks like so much fun 🙂
{Please note that the jean hat also has a zipper pocket where you can keep all of your things…}
Jean hat man made me think of that quote from "The Hot Chick"…
"A lot of people don't know this, but you can put your weed in there!"
Also, looks like he's about to throw up the "blood" gang sign…scary!!
Be safe, baby lou!
Omg you are so cute! I freaking love the 21st birthday pic! Super exciting ur interning for John Stewart! What an amazing experience that is!
love it! I live by the beach so if you want to experience the ocean, do drop me a line!
Hilarious! I have had gray hair on accident once, too! Live it up in NYC 🙂
She's too danged adorable! I love that you call her the "littlest Lou" too cute!
As much as I love living in FL now (originally from CT) I soooo miss the city! Yes.. NYC is "the city" to anyone and everyone who lives in the northeast 😛
More more more!!!!! I love this post! You girls are adorable!
I would've loved to see that cat in a stroller! Cant' wait to see what's next!
I am so glad that you are enjoying the city! I love it so much and couldn't imagine calling any other city my own! Seems like you're having a lot of fun! 🙂
i'm a chi o too!! yay baby lou!
Welcome to NYC BabyLou! I am in Brooklyn as well, but I have lived here all my life =) Glad to see you're having a great experience and if you ever have any questions just ask!
Sounds like a great time!
Haha your umbrella hat is just hilarious! You definitely need to start your own blog!
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself in the city! I really doubt you'll get around to your LSAT books cause there's just so many things to do there. =)
Just a little tip, if you haven't already heard of it or caught onto it, don't be an "escaLefter" as my friend calls it. That's when you stand on the left side of the escalator. It's technically like the fast lane for those New Yorkers in a rush. Haha
Love it! I just got back home from NYC tonight. Can't wait to post about all of the crazy things I saw, like the girl who's dress blew up in the wind at the Top of the Rock and showed her whole thong/ass to the world or the drunk that puked on me on the train =/ Gotta love the city!
What a cute blog,you have a really intresting way of writing!
I am your new follower,would love if we could follow eachother so we could keep in touch more
Kisses and Hugs and waiting you on my blog<33
So funny you mention people can be a little "cold" up here in the Northeast! When I traveled anywhere south/west coast it totally caught me off guard and creeped me out when everyone was so friendly! All perspective I guess. 😉
Loving all the Chi-O love!! SO jealous of your summer in the city, I go four times a year for work and it's never enough. Enjoy!
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