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Traveling. I love it.

So I know y’all are all anxious for the FAMILY FEUD update. And trust, you will get it my friends. I took lots of pics on our game show contestant adventure, so try and focus. 
First off, have I ever mentioned that I LOVE traveling? Now the actual flying, not so much. Ergo, why why I feel it absolutely necessary to partake in morning cocktails such as the mimosa, or the bloody mary. 
 But I love the travel process. I love packing, I love picking out a cute little casual, yet stylish airport outfit, {you know just in case you are spotted by the paparazzi 😉 } I just love the excitement of it all. 
But mostly I love being organized. Everything has its own little bag, it’s own little spot. For example, my bras all fit so nicely in my cup case. What the hey is a cup case? Allow me to introduce:
You see it is a handy little guy that keeps all those pricey bras you buy from getting all squished and mangled in your luggage! I also like to store headbands, and hair pins/flowers that I wear in here, to keep them from getting messed up.
And it is freaking adorable. Win-win. What’s that, you want one too? I thought you might… email Elizabeth at to get yours! 
So back to the trip… here we are the morning of our departure, just being jet-setters. 
Albeit not as stylish as these broads from the cup case website…
I guess we ALL can’t have our own plane 😉
Of course I forgot to put all my liquids in a zippie baggie, resulting in the contents of my purse being strewn across the terminal, and me being on the receiving end the stink eye from many obviously more savvy travelers. Whatev.
(See above, mimosa. Told ya.) 
When we finally landed, we went straight for margarita’s, queso, and poolside fun. Baby Lou is always the object of our entertainment, this time sporting fancy new swimmies (I mean, she IS the baby) and perfecting her running heel kick… thing. You know what I am talking about. 
Love my sissies and my cuz :). Mom, love you too, sorry you were TAKING the pics! 😉
That night we went to bed early (beauty rest people) but got up at the crack o’ dawn to start the beautification for TV process. 
Please note Baby Lou in these pics. Hilar. She is such a little rock star.
OF COURSE we were running behind so we had to haul tail to the studio, and I was forced to fix my hair in the car. NOT kiddin’. So when you see me on TV, don’t you dare judge alright, it was crunch time. 
The fam 🙂 Dad was such a great supporter. I think he definitely preferred watching the taping, rather than being up there with us! 
Long day had by all, but we finally made it to dinner, and had a blast. LOVE my fam 🙂
After dinner, we found this hole in the wall place called the Derby Pub, and stole some shirts. 
Upon our return at about 4 am, the only food we could find was the fruit basket set out for the continental breakfast bar in our hotel, which explains the picture below. Sissy was NOT wanting to share her apple…
We had an absolute blast. I can’t tell you the outcome of our taping yet, so I guess you just gotta wait and see!! Maybe reality steve will have this season’s spoilers? 😉 
I kid, I kid. 
No but seriously, I will keep you posted on the air date, and we can all have a wine and family feud viewing party, and y’all can all make fun of my first answer. It’s pretty classic… HA. 
xoxo, thanks for all the support, love you all!
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  1. Amanda says:

    OMG! I can't wait to see the show! Please keep us updated on it's air date 🙂 Looks like you guys had a blast!

  2. Monica says:

    Looks like a great time!

  3. I want your life. You're adorbs.
    That cupcase is so perf!


  4. Jenna says:

    OH my gahhhh!!! This looks like SO much funnn! CANNOT wait to see the episode!! So cool! 🙂

  5. Lia Joy says:

    Love this! Looks like ya'll had so much fun! And ya'll looked beautiful for the taping! And please. I don't think your hair can look bad!

  6. Kayla says:

    Too cute!

    Baby Lou on her tip toes cracked me up!

  7. Amy W. says:

    hey how cool are u!!
    ur a celeb, lookin all stylish and stuff, always looking GORG as usual!

    So Family memebers from my town also are in the game as well!! i wonder if yall will ever play against them?

    There the Fenoglio's.. FYI..

  8. Miss Lindsay says:

    The trip looks so fun!! I will definitely be watching when it airs.

    I NEED one of those CupCases!!

  9. What an awesome trip. Does baby Lou blog? If not, she needs to! I am already sorta obsessed with her cuteness.

    Also, can I just say, I am insanely loving all of your organization? I seriously get giddy over having little pouches and bags for every item I travel with. I die over the cup case – pure genius.

  10. Looks like yall had a good time. Pretty pics!

  11. Michelle P says:

    Looks like so much fun!

  12. How fun!! I too love traveling (except I LOVE flying… Cray cray I know) I love it SO much! Can't wait to see more pics!!

    XO Lucy

  13. Great pictures! How exciting 🙂 I totally want one of those cup cases now.


  14. great post!

    My baby sister is always wanting to be on the Family Feud. She loves it.

  15. Shayna says:

    Looks like y'all had a great time!

  16. I love your blog, it is so cute! You all looked beautiful!


  17. Jenny says:

    SO much fun!!! JEALOUS!
    I wanna go on Family Feud just so I can color coordinate with my family. lol 🙂

  18. Oh My Goodness it looks like y'all had so much fun! Can't wait for the show!

  19. Mandy says:

    Cannot wait to watch your episode! I play the ipad version of Family Feud all the time 🙂 Sounds like a fun trip!


  20. Miss K says:

    your fam is so super cute!! can't wait for the show to air!

  21. Kelsie Lynn says:

    love the blue dress you wore!

  22. Courtney says:

    Where did you get the adorable tank that you are wearing to dinner? Love it!

  23. Hilary says:

    Y'all are too freaking cute! Who is Elizabeth? And is she going to think I'm crazy for emailing her regarding a cupcase?! 🙂

  24. Rebecca says:

    super cute blog post =]

  25. Ashlee says:

    SO cute! I can't believe it…you're a celeb now! 😉 And, I MUST have one of those boob cubes! I do have my actual plane (hubs is a pilot…a very small plane, but a plane nonetheless, and I DEFINITELY don't have the swag that those girls do) 😉

  26. LOVE that cup case! Genius!

  27. Jill says:

    I am still in awe that you guys went on Family Fued! That is so amazing! And PS, I'll be buying one of those cup cases…you turn us onto the most fab things PLL 😉

  28. You would look perfect at the airport 😉

  29. Jaclyn Kaye says:

    Oh my Im so jealous of you, and I need one of those cuppy things stat!!!

  30. Jaclyn Kaye says:

    Oh my Im so jealous of you, and I need one of those cuppy things stat!!!

  31. Is your sister baby sister drinking a miller lite in that early a.m. photo where y'all were gettin ready? 🙂

  32. Amber says:

    What a fun little trip! I can't wait to see your episode. I LOVE family feud!

  33. I definitely want one of those Bra Cases!

    Can't wait to see pics from Family Feud!!

  34. I love traveling too! I definitely need to find that travel case, it's perfect for my padded bras, lol!

  35. Ashley says:

    ya'll look so cute traveling 🙂

  36. Hannah banjo says:

    Oh don't worry girl..I bet your hair will look amazing! You are so pretty! I hope I can watch the Family Feud you are on. I love following your blog.

    from,Hannah K. or Hannah banjo

  37. Glitterista says:

    That picture of all of you in your beautiful bright colors is gorgeous! All of you will definitely pop on tv. 😉 Can't wait to see the episode.

  38. Ahahaha! Ally you're too much!! Looks like y'all had a grand old time! XX

  39. Looks like so much fun!! Can't wait to see it on tv!

  40. Manda says:

    Your family is adorable! And the cup case is genius–I'm going to have to get one of those : )

  41. Elizabeth says:

    You ladies are so stylish when you travel! Your fam is so beautiful…


  42. You and your fam are BEYOND gorg!!! I can't wait to watch you on tv!!!! 🙂

  43. Emily says:

    Ok I neeed the cupcase! That is so handy! I have had the random bump in my bra from being packed in a suitcase….awkward! Love all of the pictures and can't wait to hear of more updates!

  44. Emily says:

    Ok I neeed the cupcase! That is so handy! I have had the random bump in my bra from being packed in a suitcase….awkward! Love all of the pictures and can't wait to hear of more updates!

  45. Cupcase ??!?? Sign me up! Oh pll your family is adorable. I am pretty sure your baby sis is in my old sorority at good 'ol Transy. I think she is big buddies with my brother's friend Paige who is from my hometown and a doll! Small, small world here in lex. You look beautiful as always 🙂

  46. caitlin says:

    you sold me on the cupcase – totally sweet!

    where is baby lou's coral necklace from?

  47. seriously, stop being so dang pretty! 😉 glad you had a good time and can't wait to see how it all turned out!

  48. JMB says:

    Uhmmm cannot wait to see this!! Hoping that your future agent is watching on this day 🙂 xo

  49. Day Old News says:

    I hope that was booze you were drinking before the taping. That will really make me proud. Happy birthday baby Lou!

  50. Lindsey says:

    i loved reading this recap and seeing the pics. Your blue dress for the taping is gorgeous and you look perfect. PER USUSAL. bitch

  51. So much fun!!! As always looking Fab!!!


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