A few days ago I posted about sweet baby Abby, who has a very rare disease, so rare only FOUR people have it.
This is just the most amazing part- Heather, a fellow blogger contact me about wanting to do a giveaway for a good cause, and told me she wanted to help little baby Abby. My heart was so touched. Heather is doing a giveaway, where ever dollar you donate, is an entry in her giveaway! It is truly the sweetest thing I have ever been a part of. Please please check out the wonderful, informational, and super touching post she did on baby Abby HERE! So so sweet. There were over $300 in donations on the FIRST day!! Let’s all do our part where we can to help, weather it be donating, or praying for this sweet baby girls health.
Here is Abby with her Auntie Tasha! Tasha and my sister are BFF’s!
Help Abby on Facebook.
Baby Abby on the news here.
Baby Abby donation site here.
Also, in more baby news, my cousin Jessica had an emergency c-section two days ago, at 25 weeks.
My cousin Jess, and her hubby Grant.
If you were reading last year, Jess may look familiar from this post, when her mother passed away.
Well Jessica, Grant, and sweet baby girl Elise need our prayers again.
I don’t know all the details of why the c-section happened, but I do know that it was absolutely necessary, for mommy and baby.
Elise was born weighing 1 lb, 4 oz. Her apgar scores were good, so that is very encouraging. She has been a little fighter, and each new day brings new news.
She is just a little miracle.
Please pray for sweet baby girl’s health, for excellent doctors and nurses, and for peace for my cousin Jessica and Grant, & their families. I cannot imagine how hard this is on them, but I do know how strong Jessica is, and I know she is being the best mommy in the world, just like her momma 🙂
Love you Jessica, Grant, AND little lady Elise!

I really hope both babies pull through like fighters! The world needs more fighters in the world like them. Prayers for both!
My baby girl Olivia Adele was born at 1 lb 7 oz at 26 weeks was born via emergency c-section as well! I will be praying!! Every baby is a miracle!! Please keep us all updated!! 🙂
Thanks for the shout out!!! We are over $500!!!
Sounds like both of these little ones are fighters! 🙂 As a NICU nurse, I have a passion for these tiny ones, I'll be praying for them both!
Prayers going out to both families in this difficult time! PLL, thank you for sharing these stories. You make a difference in their lives just by spreading this word.
Awwww I'm definitely praying
Sending prayers to both babies!! Thinking of both families too:)
Praying for healing for both sweet babies!
OMG sadz. That is the smallest baby ever! Hope both have better days ahead.
I am a huge follower/lover of your blog and this post is so very near and dear to my heart. 5 months ago (2 weeks before my wedding) my twin nieces were born at 26 weeks, weighing 1 lb 14oz and 2lbs 6oz. They spent the first 2 1/2 months of their lives in the NICU but I'm so happy to say that they are doing GREAT today and growing more and more every day.
The only thing that got my family through this tough and scary time was knowing SO many people were praying for and supporting us. It was amazing, so I will definitely keep your cousin in my prayers!
I am praying for BOTH babies and I did my part by donating/entering the giveaway … I am honored to be a part of a blogging community where so many people who don't even know one another reach out to help someone else in need! xoxo
I will keep both babies in my thoughts and prayers. I have seen babies born at 23 and 24 weeks thrive in the NICU so I know the amazing doctors will care for that baby <3
Poor sweet Abby! I donated and shared the link to her donation page on my Facebook. =( Praying for both of these poor little girls!
Prayers going out to both beautiful babies! Keep us updated ;0)
What precious babies – they will be in my thoughts and prayers! It looks like the doctors are doing an amazing job X
Praying for both precious baby girls…
omigoodness. absolutely praying. how terrifying for both families.
I've been praying for little Elise since I heard the news! I love Jessica to pieces and know this little girl will be a fighter just like her Nana Lisa 🙂 xoxo {av}
cute sweet Abby! I donated and shared the link to her donation page on my Facebook. =( Praying for both of these poor little girls! Buy Periactin
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