Hey girls! Let’s chat.
More specifically, about this handsome Brit. HELLO, how am I JUST jumpin’ on the ‘Prince Harry is a stud’ train?
Seriously. I mean, common.
Dead. Sexy. Man. Meat.
Exhibit A.
So clearly he doesn’t want to be with this train wreck, right?
So I have decided that I, PinkLouLou, am without a doubt the best candidate for Prince Harry. Princess Lou Lou? I get to KEEP my initials? You can’t make this stuff up.
I know he would just love me if he gave me a chance, I mean
a. I like fine wines
b. I can speak french (after two glasses of said wine)
c. I look FABULOUS in a tiara
d. I am a fantastic kisser
e. Pugs use to be considered ROYALTY…
What more could the bro of the soon to be King of England ask for?
Just think, if I married Prince Harry, it would be like the Royal Wedding meets the Kardashian’s (with a splash of Sharpay Evans) across the pond! TELL me E! wouldn’t pick that up…
Just so you can fully envision this glittery shebang like I am, please see below.
BAM. Meet my bridesmaids.
You may see some familiar faces in there, I picked out my bloggy buddy’s who I knew wouldn’t kill me for photoshhopping their heads on Disney characters.
From left we have:
Raven as Jasmin (I mean common, she would be most likely to have a tiger sidekick, a la Miss Britney Spears style)
Kristen as Snow White (are we not DIGGING her new blonde bob y’all?)
Baby Lou Lou as Mulan (she is so worldly)
Lindsey Lee LouLou the first as Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty
Moi, PLL, as le bride Cinderella.
Lil’ Lou Lou as Pocahontas (because she befriends woodland creatures)
Jess as…. Who is this green chic anyway? She wasn’t around in the 80’s (Also please be kind, Jess seems to have had a self-tanning mishap)
Carol as Belle… hmmm no specific reason, I just love Carol.
Beth as Ariel, for obvious red-headed reasons 😉
So IN conclusion…
All those in favor of me marrying Prince Harry please say aye.
I already know what Prince Harry will say.

You may have just made my day with the above photoshopping!!! PS I loves Belle!
Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog, she's my neices favorite. I've only seen part of it but it's pretty cute.
This was more amazing than I ever imagined. The best part is that you called me by my birth name. I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT!!! Best thing that has happened all week.
Prince Ginge is sooo EFFING hot. He needs to drop that hot mess Chels.
ahhhhh…love this! ariel is my fave for obvious reasons. thanks for letting me be a part of your special day. hahah! 🙂
as much as i think Prince Harry is hot, 2 reds don't make a right so good thing you're going to be his princess.
Ha ha! This is great!
Cheers! 🙂
Let's go BIG BLUE!! Maybe I'll see ya at the game tonight!
OMG you are too funny. I actually just read today in a Life & Style mag that he is back on the market. So you may just be in luck! 🙂
He has gotten soooo attractive. Plus he's funny. I read a book on him and Wills and it talked about how he set up his grandmas (aka THE QUEEN) cell phone voicemail and set it up to say "sorry im away from the throne right now but you can press two for prince phillip, three for prince charles, and four for the clergy" and you could here william in the background. ahhhh this post made me laugh so hard!
xx Emily @ laughliveandshop.blogspot.com
Hahaha, that was awesone. Only you could do something like that.
And I'll drink to another Royal wedding Lou Lou style! 🙂
You would DIE in those conservative dresses and sensible 2 inch heels! But you'd be the people's princess for sure.
All I can really say about this post is…
This has made my day!!
You are so cute. You know Prince Harry is coming to live in America for army training? Maybe you should plan a trip to Arizona/California/Wherever the heck he is going to be …just sayin'
hahahaha Sessssssy-belle, you made me thee most approp. one and you didn't even know it 🙂 I am Tiana, from Princess and the Frog {HELLO, you KNOW how many frogs I be kissing on lately!! WHERE IS MY PRINCE!??!} And Prince Harry is FINE, I think he is finer than WILLY!! Always have!!!!!
I think you are way GORGEOUSER {that's a word} than busted out Chelsea! Bless her heart, she is what you would call "unfortunate looking" hahaha. I've heard that before by a WISE friend.
Does this post have anything to do with us discussing my GINGE of a date for the football game next weekend? THAT you're missing due to a wedding!!??? Hmmmmmm? Match made in heave. We need to get your blonde hind end to England!!!
BAHAHAHA!! This is genius. I have been on the Prince Harry train since this whole royal wedding shenanigans started. I mean look at him. Boy is F-I-N-E!! Much cuter than his brother and alot more fun.. like you 🙂 It's a match made in Pink LouLou heaven!
hahahaha! I LOVE THIS POST! This literally made me laugh out loud.
And I think you would make a perfect princess! Princess Lou Lou… Seems meant to be 🙂
Love it, you are hillarious!! I see a royal wedding in your future..PLL style!
ooo la la Mr. Harry has been my favorite prince since I was a wee little thing (and he was as well)
This chelsey davies thing put a damper on things, but she is semi-history it seems. The studly prince likes to party hardy though, and I don't see that in my married future.
I guess what I'm saying is, I'd be a good bridesmaid and not try to steal your man (photoshop my head any time ; )
I absolutely so strongly agree!
HAHA I love the photoshopping you've done! Too funny!! -e
Also, I better be Tiger Lilly. That sassy B rocks a killer tan and parties on an island of boys. Sign me up.
yes PLL yes! a million times yes! this is a match made in heaven for sure!!! why didn't we think of it sooner??
Hahahah! You're too funny!
This is hilarious but SO awesome!:)
teehee!! This is too cute!
you and prince harry would make perty babies!
AYE! So I'm assuming that if you get to be the future princess of England you will invite thousands of you favorite blogger friends to the royal bash, right! 😉
That girlfriend of his is a HOT MESS!! He is so freaking cute though 🙂
before i got engaged I always said Prince Harry was the only Ginger I would marry! lmao
Love this post, i agree, that Chelsey chickie is so not right for him! I think you are a much better candidate!
I don't know when it happened but Harry is so much hotter than Wills. Love me some of that red haired man candy!!
OMG! You haven't seen Princess and The Frog?
Get your butt up on Netflix and watch it.
Then get back with me and tell me Lottie isn't the most adorable Disney character ever.
She needs her own movie stat!
Haha, LOVE this post! I used to this Wills was the hottie, but now he's got a receeding hair line and it's just..yeah. Loving Harry! 🙂 You should get on that!
HA i love it!
this is hilarious! that photoshopping idea was outrageously AWESOME!
and you and prince harry would be a hot couple. just sayin!
HAHAHA omg I just laughed out loud at work. Love the photoshopping and I agree… what is with that Chelsea chick?? eww. I never understood what he saw in her??
So do all of your bloggy friends get an invite to the Royal Wedding round 2?? 🙂
hahaha you are always crackin me up! Love the photoshop, what program do you use to do all your cute little photo shops and wording on pics? Oh and Price Harry? LOOOOOVE right now. I used to be so down with good ol' Prince Billy but look who is the hotter one now, Mr. bald eagle 😉
So cute..I love the princess idea. Princess is definitely what I went for with my wedding and it was perfect! Love your blog!
this is THE BEST POST!!! besides the one you are going to write about your sister meeting Gary from Teen Mom. I would be in favor expect I want him too 🙂 but considering he like blondes I guess I am out of luck. Take good care of him!
When Harry was in training for the Army my brother was his gunnery instructor – of course I had to visit the camp to catch a glimpse and believe me he is way hotter in the flesh!
Love the royal naughty vibe he has!
Can't wait to see the E! Special!
No joke — there is a pic of Prince Harry in my 7th grade yearbook (one of those awk "this year in the world…" spreads at the back) that has a heart around it with my initials. SERIOUSLY hot ginger.
Doesn't Chelsy Davy remind you of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka?!
He is insanely delicious. And he always seems to have a, "What can you do with thissss?I dare you." look on his face. (Or is that just me …) Yumm-o!
LOL! Love it! He is totally smoking.
Too cute. I was totally a William fan when I was younger but now harry is the front runner in the s-t-u-d department. I totally approcve of this marriage.
I think the green princess is from the new Disney movie "princess and the frog". I babysit far too much.
omg, I have ALWAYS thought that about prince harry's ex. OUT of ALL THE GIRLS he can choose from he has chosen her for all this time? yuck. He def needs him some PLL on his arm.
tiger sidekick haha! And HOW did you know Jasmine is like, my most favorite Disney princess EVER?
and hahahaha that chick in the green dress? She is the new african american disney princess. "tan mishap" HA!
ok this was the awesomest thing ever. So tweeting this right now. I can picture your guys' babies already….
p.s. um wait wait. I just read all the comments and your sister met Gary from TEEN MOM? OMG PLL, please do tell. THAT I must know about.
ahahahha, this post had me dying! Love your princess bridesmaids 🙂
This was too funny and just made my day! I LOVE Prince Harry, been a fan for a long time now. He is oh so hot. I think you make a perfect couple! Hahaha (And I adore the princess bridal party you have) 🙂
Harry is totally a hottie. I have a thing for red heads though – just ask my husband 🙂
you just made my day with this post. you're too hilarious for me. let's be best friends forever.
I deem him ineligible marriage material until someone rids that boy of his pleated pants. I mean, really? Is their no Ye Personal Stylist of Her Majesty's Court? Let's be serious. No. Pleated. Pants.
This just made my day! How are you sooo talented with Photoshop!?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! This is just too stinkin' precious. How shall I send this post to him? He must see it. I know he will be sold! 🙂
LOVE this. He is seriously hot. Can I come to the wedding?
Im dying. Funniest thing I have ever seen! I'm with you, he's a hottie and I'm totally coming to the wedding! 🙂 Cheers to Princess Lou Lou!!
I absolutely loved this PLL!!! You go girl I am sure you are a much better canidate for him for sure!
I must say I have never ever really looked at the prince, but for a Ginger, I think I would take a second look!
I seriously love your blog! It makes me laugh all the time! I love your royal bridesmaids!
This post is awesome and a perfect example of why I heart your blog…I love the fact that you just nonchalantly threw a High School Musical reference in there too btw haha…so classic. Xoxo
First of all, I totally agree that Harry is a stud. I've thought so since I was a little girl. Don't worry, you can have him 😉 Also, the photoshopping of princesses is TOO FUNNY! I love it so much. Girl, you're talented!!
oh my word, hilarious!
and he is HAWT:)
Love it! Who would have thought Harry would turn out to be the hot one? I remember for years thinking William was oh so hot and Harry was just "ehh.." and now it's completely the other way around! Go for it! I'll watch your TV special and I'll actually wake up at 4:00am for that royal wedding ;0)
I fully support this union! I think the windsors should come to ky for the wedding 🙂
That will, indeed, be the wedding to rival Wills and Kate's. 🙂
Love this! Especially the bridesmaids! Haha!
I totally love Harry- he is the hotter one of the two! So he's 27 in like 9 days time and when I was younger I sent him a poem (just after his Mum died) and I received a letter back!! So funny. It's def that cheeky thing he has going on 🙂 XXX
haha! Ohmyword. You are so funny! This is great! Thanks for the laughs PLL!
This is too funny!! Lovin the bridesmaids picture! Haha!! And you're right! Harry has definitely gotten wayy hotter than William!
Love the post and I think that your wedding would be fabulous!! =P
Oh My Goodness you are hilarious!
Harry is so def so much hotter than William never saw that coming when I was growing up!
This was pure amaze-balls. I love your blog girlie. You have the best posts!
This post is AMAZING! and HILARIOUS! And yes, you should definitely try to meet/date/marry him, and then introduce all of us blog followers to his attractive, well-to-do friends!!
He really has become so much more good looking over the years! 🙂
Hahah! Love this! I always thought he would be the perfect catch- I mean who doesn't want to be a princess forever 🙂
LOL!!!! I love this!
hey back off! i already posted about harry a few weeks ago when i did a why i want to become a ginger…mainly i figured if i was a ginger…he's a ginger…it could happen 😉 hilarious post, girl!
If you're going to marry Prince Harry, you should probably call 'England' the UK, since England is only one of the 4 countries. Don't want to embarrass yourself in front of royalty 😉
I saw miss Chelsey in person at a club and I thought the exact same thing. Why, Harry, Why?
My vote goes to you. Good Luck
i almost spit out my coke zero when i read this post! your so funny! i definately think prince harry is yours! 🙂
He is Definitely easy on the eyes!!! I would support this union! 🙂
hiiii – how do i follow you on twitter and not on your blog??
love this post. absolutely hysterical.
p.s. if you're looking for "filler guests" – because you know, westminster abbey is HUGE, i look great in a fascinator. just sayin'
This so made my friday morning. Full of laughters at work (blushing) have a great weekend
I have always thought Harry was so much cuter than Wills!
Would the wedding be in KY or England?! You know I would get up for some pink bubbly at 4 in the morning to watch your royal wedding!
And the photoshopped princesses – I DIE.
that would be the most amazing wedding of all time!!!!!! I'm rooting for you!
Just found your blog … and the pug on your banner immediately caught my eye (we have 2 ourselves!). Prince William was always my royal of choice, but now that he's taken, it's obvious Harry is just as desirable. And, how perfect that you just so happen to have so many princesses to ask to be your bridesmaids!
I think you really would be a good candidate.. esepcially over that girl… I don't mean to be mean—but SERIOUSLY!?!?
LOL! Aye!
hahaha your bridemaids lineup just made my day! love it 🙂
You are something Special! Always make me smile!)
Hahah, this is great!! Love the Disney princesses! And Prince Harry is SMOKIN 😉
Aye Aye. I love me some Prince Harry. You two would be the cutest couple ever.
I love Prince Harry too and I am convinced that my husband looks like him. Check out my blog and see- I swear they could at least be cousins 🙂
he truly is a sexy man and his girlfriend makes me sick to my stomach because she is not princess pretty… go get your man LouLou!
Oh my how we love Prince Harry! Never have I drooled over a redheaded royal more.
What a fabulous post! Just found your blog through a favorite blogs link up on Kelly's Korner and am a new follower. Hope you have a great weekend!
LOL. Girl you are a HOT mess! Love it!
Girl, I've been on this train for ages! Welcome to the club 🙂
Can't. Stop. Laughing. I support this 110%.
haha you are too funny! 🙂 love this!! he IS hot!
this may be the funniest most amazing post I've ever seen. "Bam. Meet my bridemaids" I'm still laughing. i can't get enough of your blog. you are far too cute. great post, love. Would love if you'd check out my tribute to Rachel Zoe in honor of tonight's premier. xoxo
aye aye! here here! Cheers!
I love this lol.
haha I think I love you more and more each day! Have you seen the t shirts that say "keep calm, harry is still single" hehe you need one!
Omg, I freakin' love you lady!! AYE!! I'll be in London at the end of the month, I'll drop him a note for you 😉
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