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The Hot Chick

{FIRST: Thank you all for all of the sweet, heartfelt comments yesterday. I appreciate them so much more than you know, and can’t wait to share all the love with my family this week. I have enough tears ahead of me, so today I want to share will y’all something that made me laugh so much.}
Ello lovelies. 
This weekend I got to meet… are you ready for it… 
THE Rob Schnieder. 
Now you may remember Rob Schnieder from any number of his stellar films. “You can do it… You can do it all night” anyone? Well this weekend he was in Lexington doing stand up and I have to admit, it was HYSTERICAL. I got hit with the lolz many a time during his show. He is just SO animated, and his impersonations are SPOT on. 
My favorite part of the show? When he did Jessica, from The Hot Chick. Omaword yall. Tears. I was ROLLING. 
If you have not seen this movie, well I am sorry because it is hands down one of my favorite movies, like ever. I am actually wondering why I am admitting this publicly, but eh, I’m going with it. 
{here is the trailor, I just know you will want to immediately buy it}
Now, I know you are thinking, that I am THE only person who actually bought this DVD, and you might be right. But color me pink when Rob Schnieder signed my copy, and called me and my sisters “The REAL hot chicks” I was in celeb heaven.

He was SO nice, thanked us each for coming and was extremely sincere and sweet. Very refreshing. I wanted to put him in my Louis and take him home with me, because let’s face it, he would have fit. 

I would also like to report, that Sadie is back in the nook. All is right again. 

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  1. I looooove The Hot Chick! So hilarious and stupid at the same time…perfect guilty pleasure movie!! 🙂

  2. Ashley says:

    I can't help but love The Hot Chick! It's hilarious and will definitely put a smile on your face when you need it! He seems like a sweet guy. So awesome you got to meet him! Have a lovely day, lady. Thinking of you!

  3. Noelani says:

    How awesome 😉 And yay for Sadie, lol.

  4. Caroline says:

    I love Rob! He's so funny! I miss the good ole SNL days with him on it.

  5. I'm Jess says:

    That is for realz awesome! And you are not alone… I own Hot Chicks and watch it way too often to admit 🙂 I'm impressed Comedy Off Broadway got such a big name. Also, I'm thinking of coming "home" for the weekend you are doing your blogger meetup at Keeneland can you add me to your list so I can get some info! Thanks doll!

  6. Mighty Burns says:

    YAYA for the nook being warm and snugglie with a puppy again 🙂

    He is soo short! lol i never knew that how funny. I LOVE this movie. I actually watched it a few weeks ago. how could you not love it? very cool!!

  7. Loves it! I saw The Hot Chick in theaters and purchased the DVD the day it came out. I mean, it's a classic …just like The Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music.

    Also – looks like we have the same exact sheets. My favs -so comfy & girly. We have the best taste, just sayin' 🙂

  8. Ally says:

    How fun you got to meet him! I absolutley love that movie.

  9. Elizabeth says:

    How fun! Love that movie! Glad Sadie is back to normal. xoxo

  10. Erin says:

    OMG girl… that is one of my boyfriend and I's fav movies!!

  11. Dree says:

    YOU MET THE SCHNEIDE?! I adore him!! I am so jealous – the Hot Chick is one of my favorite movies.

    Sadie is too cute all snuggled up.

  12. Raven says:

    hahaha this is great.

    you meeting Rob Schnieider totally trumps my meeting Bill Nye the Science Guy.

  13. I LOVE The Hot Chick!! My best friend and I used to quote this movie ALL the time!!! We were practically on the floor laughing so hard when we saw this movie for the first time. I definitely own this movie too 🙂

  14. Raquel says:

    Omg that movie is soooo funny! I haven't seen it in so long though haha. And thats really cool that you got to meet him!! So jealous!

  15. I absolutly LOVE that movie! So hilarious. I saw it 3 times when it came out in theaters when I was.. 7th grade?? haha "Boys are cheats and liars" was definitely my song of middle school.. of course.


  16. Caroline says:

    My favorite part is when you text me at midnight & said "Sooo I hung out with Rob Schneider tonight.." Like its normal. Except, with you, it oddly was. 🙂 Loves you & that Robbo got some laughs outta you & your fam 🙂

  17. Oh how fun! You look fab! I always watch that movie when it's on TV. Ha!

  18. Lindsey says:

    One comment: why are you and little lou's heads not photoshopped on that first picture you posted. #fail

    I suppose I'll rent this movie now.

  19. How awesome! Sounds like you had a good time! How is it I live in Lexington but never know what's going on? I think I need to get out of the house sometimes! LOL

  20. Anna says:

    You're not alone. I LOVED that movie.

    Glad Sadie Belle survived her depression! Nobody likes a sad pup.

  21. Love this movie So happy to hear Mr Schneider was a sweetie. Terribly sorry to read about your Grandfathers passing. I hope your sorrow will be replaced with fond memories soon, Hugs!

  22. hahah!! I almost forgot about that movie – that one is certainly a classic! And he is tiny!!

  23. Amber says:

    I love this! He is hilarious!

  24. Jen Watts says:

    How fun! Little Sadie is the luckiest dog in the world!

  25. Phoebe Jan says:

    Trust me! You are not the only one who loves or owns that movie! I think Rob Schnieder is hilarious! You're lucky to have met him!

  26. Lauren says:

    How did I miss that he was in Lex?! So MAD! UGGHH

  27. Whitney says:

    You must have been at Comedy Off Broadway? I've only been once, and got to meet Hal Sparks. How cool though! Loving your hair.

  28. Candace says:

    I love the Hot Chick, it's hilarious, I've seen it a million times! 🙂

  29. Chelsea says:

    Hahaha, I love that you met him! I knew he was little but wow, he's definitely little! The Hot Chick is hilarious, as are most movies that he's in 🙂

  30. Caroline says:

    He's my friend's uncle!! ..and hilarious!

  31. Hehe I've met him too it's weird seeing that he's shorter than I would have though. He was basically my height but super nice guy!

  32. CT says:

    Pink Lou Lou-
    I just lit my Hot Maple Toddy candle for the first time tonite and I am in love! It smells like fall in my apartment. Thanks for sharing!

  33. So good you can find humor in such an overwhelming week… that's so uplifting! Sending happy thoughts and prayers to you!

  34. K_stets says:

    I feel like he would be a really cool celebrity to meet in person. Hot chick is hilarious!

    And yes, please put him in your Louis!

    p.s. glad Sadie is better!

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