So I finally saw the HELP!
Omaword, LOVED IT!
My only beef with the movie is that my favorite quote from the book was not included. Hmph.
Now just try it with me in your best Ole Miss sorority girl accent, “A Chi Omega never walks with a cigarette in her hand…”
Now how fun was that? Haha, I don’t know why I think that is so funny.
Anyhoo, the movie was fabulous, just like the book. I would suggest still reading the book, because you get so much more of each character’s stories.
I loved Emma Stone as Skeeter, she is adorable. And how about that shinealator… HA! Dare I say the brazialian blowout of the 1960’s? 😉
My favorite character from the book was also my favorite character in the movie. Hands down Miss Celia. Adorable. And hysterical!
Sidenote, I totally want her yellow romper. I am not kidding.
Miss Hilly was plain awful, I wanted to stomp up and down on her snooty little hiney.
Both Minny and Aibaline’s characters were spot on, so so good.
And if I haven’t convinced you to see the movie just yet, well than allow me to introduce you to my newest crush of man meat.
Hellllllo there Chris Lowell.
I find he bears a strong resemblance to my boyfriend John K, no?
I call five. Back up ladies. 😉
It’s just crazy to me to think that these ‘social norms’ seen in the movie were NOT that long ago. I mean these were our grandparents, raising our parents. My mother grew up having a full time nanny, housekeeper, & gardener etc. Don’t get me wrong, my Nana wasn’t sittin’ around eating bon bon’s all day, she was a very hard worker. But that was just what you did back then if you had the means to do so. And she had a big ass house and five kids. I actually met my mom’s nanny a few years ago. Jan, she was so sweet. My mom remembers helping her change all the bedding on sheets day, because she thought it was fun to pretend to work in a hotel. Only my mom. HA.
Anyway, I just loved the movie, and loved the book, and it made me really thankful to have been born when I was, and be in my twenties now, and not in 1960. Yeah the poofs, and the pretty dresses are ADORABLE, but I just would have had a hard time not smacking some of those ignorant people (aka Miss Hilly!) Ha ha.
So go see the Help. It does NOT disappoint!

Loved the book, I cannot wait to see this movie!
Not kidding…I IMDB'd Chris Lowell mid movie. I'm serious. He looked familiar and I couldn't place it. (If you're wondering, he was on Private Practice.) Loved him then and I love him more now!
Totally agree… I saw it Sunday night and I am obsessed! I want to see it ALL the time… can't wait to be able to buy it! P.S. I have a confession I seriously want Celia to be my bff… LOVED her!
I can't wait to see this movie. Loved the book and I've heard nothing but good things about the movie.
I'm a Mississippi girl (Ole Miss in fact) and I can honestly say that I have heard someone say that line about the cigarettes. So strange.
haha Mom Judy used to tell us that all the time about smoking and walking (not that I smoke)…she would tell the girls that a lady sits down to smoke. she was very southern!
This was one of the best movies I've seen in awhile! I absolutely loved everything about it, and have to agree with your praise for Celia! I think this is one I'll definitely have to buy so I can watch it again and again.
I'm reading the book now and can't wait to see the movie. How's your foot?
I'm reading the book right now and I'm about half way through. Determined to finish so that I can see the movie with my grandma before going back to school! I love when book to movie turns out right!
I just got the book in the mail yesterday….can't wait to finish it and see the movie:) p.s love love love your blog! you are too cute!
I'm a recently newer reader and have never commented before (but might have already, um, stalked the archives because I love your blog…I'm such a creeper), but I knew as soon as you posted those pics of Chris Lowell that I HAD to! I was looking at those two pics trying to place him and then it hit me…he was also the only redeeming thing about Season 3 of Veronica Mars. 🙂
Amazing how much things have changed! Haven't seen the movie, but I read the book last year and loooovvved it!
And I totally agree about the hair and outfits- totally cute. I wonder how much hair spray they used on the movie set? 🙂
The quote about not walking and smoking reminds me so much of the silly sorority things that still happen! Too funny!
I loved both the book and the movie! Cecilia was also my favorite character.
Where can we get that yella' romper before summer is over?!
Miss Celia was my absolute favorite. I totally loved her! That platinum blonde! Girl haz it! I needz it!
Chris Lowell! Smokinhotbabe! Get it girrllllll!
Have a great day! 🙂
Completely agree! Loved the movie, but the book gives so much more depth about each character. And I couldn't stand Hilly in the book, but the movie just made me want to smack the girl! I was disappointed that the movie didn't give enough depth to the relationship between Skeeter & Stuart. Such is life 🙂
Great movie & book — a good reminder to never get so comfortable in life that you don't have the courage to stand up for what is right!
I saw it last night! I laughed, cried, smiled, etc. etc- BEST EVER! I went w/ my boss and I was talking about how weird life would seem back then…my family has never had 'help'…I don't know how I'd feel about it…
i can't wait to see the movie, the book was phenomenal!
Totally agree – I loved the book and the movie!
That was my fave quote in the book too! :))
I can't wait to see it!
I loved that line from the movie as well. When I was in college at Transylvania, our (Phi Mu) chapter consultants used to come up from headquarters in Georgia and tell us about the old-time rules that some chapters still had. Apparently, our version was "a Phi Mu must be seated with her legs crossed while smoking a cigarette." Ha!
I loved the book and cannot wait to see the movie, I've heard such great things!
luuuurved that book and I can't wait to watch the movie. Your so right, its crazy to think how not long ago this all was.
I just saw it last night and I loved it! And cried like a baby. I agree celia foote was my favorite! Elizabeth needs to get a mind of her own and Hilly was just dreadful- I'm glad she ate 2 slices. The book is always better : )
I loved it, too! It made me want to reread the book pronto!
Seriously though, about the romper. Want it!
I am trying to finish the book before I go see it on Friday night. I have heard so many people say it was the best movie, so I cannot wait to see it!
im seeing it tonight, so excited!!!
I am a Chi O and we were totally told as pledges that we weren't allowed to smoke and walk at the same time…. swear!
Loved the Ole Miss shout-out!!! Need I say Hotty Toddy!!! Anywho, I totally loved the book and am dying to see the movie! Thanks for the review!
As an ole miss grad myself (and a member of a sorortity), I can tell you it's still te norm to hear "you should only smoke sitting down". We don't tell Actually tell the girls that anymore, but it's definitely stuck around as a rule. You are also told not to drink while wearing your letters.
And my mom grew up in small town MS and they had a housekeeper, but she wasn't treated anything like those in the movie. She didn't wear a uniform or have her own bathroom. Although knowing first hand how some Jackson people are, I can imagine it was different there compared to where my mom grew up.
Everybody keeps telling me how good the book is! I think its going to be my next puchase! Haha. The movie seems like it would be good too!
I'm reading the book now, totally in love! How's your ankle/foot?
I absolutely loved the book as well! Going to see the movie this weekend..cannot wait! I actually grew up in the Philippines and we have 2 maids and 2 drivers. My parents still live there and employ maids and drivers. I couldn't help but think twice about the norm I grew up with reading this book…
I thought both the movie and book were fantastic! The fashion and hair in the movie was too cute and I agree with you about all the characters. Chris Lowell is sooooo hott!!!
Miss Celia was my favorite too! I had to wonder if the book gives more details about if she ever has a baby and if she ever makes more friends.
And my favorite quote of the movie…"Love and hate are two horns on the same goat, and you Eugenia, need a goat." Or something like that, lol. So funny!
Oh I can't wait to see it!! I'm reading the book first though… I am SURE I will not be disappointed!
that cute boy use to be on Private Practice… i'd get a dose of him weekly.. but they killed off his character 🙁 now i guess i know why… he's starting his movie career! I need to read the book… then see the movie, but I can't wait! hope it gets some more oscar buzz!
That quote is completely true for us Chi-O's and I got tickled when I read it! I read the book but haven't see the movie yet. Disappointed that one of the best quotes In the book didn't make it in the movie, but can't wait to see it regardless!! Glad to hear all of the great reviews!!!
Dying to read the book and see the movie. I'm a little behind right now…suppose I'll have to wait til it comes out on DVD.
I'm going see the movie tomorrow and I'm so excited! I loved the book!
Oh my gosh he is BEAUTIFUL!
I loved the book so I was expecting to hate the movie. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was very good! I hated the casting of Emma Stone as Skeeter but I thought she was fantastic, as was the rest of the cast. Ceilia was hilarious in the movie – much less dark than in the book.
Can't wait to see this movie, looks awesome!!! 🙂
So happy to hear this. I'm going with my Mom next week, and can't wait. 🙂
Chi Omega Statement = 100% accurate statement. I can't help it that we're so classy. Per Loren's comment, they really did preach that to us. True story. (be honest- is some part of you jealous that you didn't get to live in the steamboat with us?)
Just posted yesterday that I'm about to start this book. The movie trailer was the deciding factor, it looks absolutely wonderful!
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but this post totally sold me. I'm downloading the book to my kindle as we speak!
Miss Celia was my favorite too, by far! And you made me laugh… I swear I slapped my friend during the movie and said, "that's Jim that's Jim from the Office…well, maybe no!" haha he looks just like John K. Great movie, fabulous book! fun post 🙂
i can not wait to see this. Ive been on the wait list to read it from the Library for far too long. so I might just have to go and see it first :/ I am certainly excited though!!
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but I am dying to do both! It looks so so good!
Love me some Chris Lowell!!
I wanted to read the book before going to see the movie. Haven't had time to get pick up the book yet!
Im going this weekend to see it with my mom and I can. not. wait!!!
Ive heard such good things already about it!
umm I want to see this SOOOOO bad. Why couldn't we see it together? Oh and their hair and clothes … I so should have lived in that time era. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Lindsey Lee LouLou the 1st
I was lucky enough to be a lowly extra in the movie and got to sit at the same table with Celia (Jessica Chastain) and her hot hubby during the benefit scene. She was so nice. It was hilarious to hear her switch on the southern accent. PS- she was sewn into that pink dress.
OMG i loved this movie and i want to read the book when i finally get a chance. I blogged about it last week when i saw it!
I'm reading the book at the moment and I can't wait to see this film!
It doesn't come out for another month of so here so I am mega jealous that you have got to see it already! =) x
I am reading THE HELP now and I can't wait to see the movie! I'm an Ole Miss girl! Love that line! 🙂
Ooooh, I want to see it but I want to read the book first! And that is DELL from Private Practice! Now I want to see it even more!
I just saw it yesterday, I laughed I cried. So good! I too wanted to knock Miss Hilly upside her head.
i love the romper as well! love your blog!
OMG Chris Lowell looks a LOT like my current boyfriend, and as others have mentioned, he was on Private Practice!
<3 your blog! 🙂
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