Well girls, all I wanted to do all weekend was lay at the pool and not go out. I succeeded.
this video makes me laugh so much. How cute is Jami?? Don’t you want to just eat her up? She was my little sidekick all weekend, we had so much fun!
I feel like we have been talking so much HAIR recently, but I thought some of you might find this helpful, especially if you are trying to do the look, and you have longer hair. I made this for a sorority sister of mine who was having issues with her long locks.
Also, I got bored, and decided I wanted to master false eyelashes. Shout out to Lindsey Lee Boo Bear for teaching me her ways.
Problem is now I want to wear them everyday. DARN IT.

She makes those up-downs look so easy! My personal trainer had us do those and I hated them!
what up my little PLL! Love the shout out and the lashes look fabuloso! I'm so jealous of your weekend poolside at big sissies. And ummm … I lol'd at the hearts covering your cha chas. The only thing that's missing from this post is the Blindside pic, hahahaha!!!!
p.s. Is it really Monday morning already? BOOO!!!
You are for realzies the cutest thing!
And I appreciate the video for longer hair- I think I'm about to chop some of mine off.
Have you tried Latisse? I'm so curious about it, but the warnings say something about eye discoloration-
Love long lashes! It's amazing what a difference they make!
Have a great day! 🙂
you are the cuuutest EVER!
your monogram hat/coozie are just amazing and you pull them off so well!
love the G-rated buubbies…you might have had to add a "I am over 18" yes/no page to the blog if they were exposed!! jk im sure they're fab..and that was said in a non lesbionic way
thanks for posting the longer hair video, helped me out !
thanks for posting the longer hair video, helped me out !
lol! way to keep is classy PinkLouLou! What would I do without your beauty tips? I'm rocking a side bun/side swept thing today!
girl…show them cha-cha's off! i'd probably have to put a heart over my whole body though. 🙂 it's pretty disgust.
those falsie eyelashes look great! 🙂
you are too cute!!
I so enjoyed the vlog! I do plan to attempt to replicate the look. *crossing fingers that it works out*. I would prob have a heart attack should I try to do that exercise that quickly, but suddenly I want to try it? Have a lovely Monday!
Don't forget to enter muuu Summer Time giveaway!
Love your beach hat! How fun!!
You have great hair-I'll start with that!
Oh how I wish I had a pool I could go to on a regular basis. With temperatures nearing or passing the 40 degree mark, I would die to jump in!
I love that you poof for the pool. I have a love affair with false lashes. Got me a drawer full, just like a certified drag queen.
Oh my goodness! I got a shout out on the blog! WHOO-HOO!!
Thanks for the personalized tip…I plan on trying it out as soon as I have a free minute (so in about 10 years) 🙂
You look FAB as ever!
Very aptly placed heart there Miss Loulou! So Miss Carrie Underwood was over here on Aussie TV yesterday!! I've got the link on my blog- I think she's been reading your blog and taking hair tips from you! XXX
Well aren't you just the cutest thing ever 🙂
Love the derby hat! looks great!
i did me some false lashes on vacay and i wanna wear them everyday too! hahaha…
Love the messy bun!
haha.. Blocking out the ta-tas .. Almost like a subscribe for more add.. You are beautiful.
You always look adorable! Kori xoxo