Complete sidenote here, this pic was from another weekend, but this dress is from Target, and I feel like you all needed to know. Go forth, and shop.
SO onto Dana’s wedding weekend. The weekend was so perfect and my little Dana looked GORGEOUS the entire time. I am really PO’d because for some reason my iphone deleted all the pics from the rehearsal dinner. So weird, and aggravating. Totally ruined the story I was going to tell you about how Jami got attacked by a bat. Bogus.
Anyhoo, I wore the Loubie’s to the rehearsal dinner, yay! LOVE them. They fit like a DREAM.
The next day Courtney and I took mimosas over to the bridal party. We were her little helpers for the day.
If i were a bouquet, I would be Dana’s. Absolute perfection.
How precious is sweet Tiny? (obviously her hair was not finished yet… )
Dana made us precious little shirts to wear. how cute are they? And how cute is her little dress?
Makeup time!
Just a little white out mani touch up. HA. gotta be resourceful sometimes 😉
I gave Jami a poof
Wish you could see this dress better, because it is so pretty. I got it at KOHLS people! $30. Is it not the most perfect PinkLouLou dress ever? Looks exactly like my bedroom.
Wore it with my “perfect wedding shoe” shoes. Love them.
I found Baby Lila! Cowboy Casanova… I know you are reading, and I know you are jealous right now.
So thank you all for your hair help. I decided to go with number 3, since it was SO HOT out. And it was great, i never worried about it once. Perfect for dancing.
Just feeling up the bride!
Beautiful bride! She was STUNNING
ADpizzzle house!! The reception was right across the street from my sorority house! I definitely tried the code on the door. I wanted to frolic around the house, and break in the kitchen.
They definitely have changed the code since i lived there 8 years ago 😉
I’m tired. Too exhausted to write much. Just wanted to say tanks for hair help, and show you how pretty my Dana was! Dana I LOVE you! Have fun on your honeymoon babygirl, and I am so happy you married my best friend Michael!!!

She looks gorgeous! Love the one shoulder dress 🙂
What a fun wedding weekend! I love the dress you wore to the wedding 🙂
Can you come do my hair someday if I get married? LOL Seriously the way you do your own hair you'd think you went to Beauty school! Jealous! 🙂
Wedding season is so fabulous!
You are so gorgeous doll! I just found your blog and I am in love!
Such a fun post! You look gorgeous, and I love both pairs of shoes! I can't wait till my friends start getting married! Have a wonderful week PinkLouLou!
you are perfection… you hair, shoes, and dress choices are all kinds of fabulous.
want to come be a part of my wedding? I mean we may all be in wheelchairs by then but hey who knows.
You are a bargain shopping genius.
I used to LOVE my friends' sorority house kitchens… especially late at night.
loove the hair style you chose! was it easy to do? i want to do something similar for my hair for one of the weddings I'm in this summer!! I love styles that are low and on the side!
and im dying to know how you wear such high heels all the time?! jeez i wore wedges the other day and got blisters and my feet hurt!! haha its not fair!
you look so pretty! sounds like such a fun wedding!!
That pink dress is SO cute! I love it, and $30! Great deal.
The bride's dress is to die for!
Perfect, perfect, perfect. Still in awe of your poof to this day. We need to meet so that you can teach me your ways. LOVE the dress you wore and love the monogrammed outfits. Also … excuse me, but your boobs look BANGING in the one pic of you on the ground painting the nails. Badda bing.
This will always be *our* house, won't it?! Good ol' 476 Rose!!! And I'm sooo impressed you remember your code! Dana was gorgeous, as were all of you!!!!
Ugh, okay so I hate you! Not really, but could you come be my personal hair stylist for the rest of my life? Your hair looks uh-mazing and the bride is beautiful as a bride should be 🙂
Little Tiny is gorgeous, and her dress is TO DIE FOR.
You are just so cute in a million different ways. seriously. you don't even J. simps "bump up the volume." you do a pouf better than anyone I know. Did I miss the blog post where you showed us how to do that???
You were gorgeous, your girls were gorg, little tiny was gorg (I just love saying her name) and I'm so totally bummed that the code didnt work on your old sorority house. Maybe another time 🙂
I know who CC is! sneaky! haha! Little miss Lila, super precious.
Your friend was a gorgeous bride! You looked gorgeous as well, and good hair choice too! 🙂
Can you pretty, pretty, please either vlog about the poofs, or show step by step pictures on the next friend you poof? I/we needz to know how you do these perfect poofs! 🙂
Hello! I just found your blog last week, and I am in so in love with it, it's ridiculous, lol. Your posts are hilarious! Also, you looked like a celebrity at that wedding! Can't believe you got that dress at Kohl's! 🙂
Love love LOVE your bargain dresses. Super fabulous! 🙂
Someone looks a wholeeee lot like her idol in those top two pics. For a second I forgot I was reading your blog and wasn't on like or something 🙂
Wedding Weekend looked like a blast. We went to a wedding this weekend and rehersal. It was the most REDNECK THING I have ever been too. The rehersal dinner food was fryed gator tail, FROG LEGS, and cat fish! UGH Looks like yalls went a 100 times better!
you looked gorgeous! That hairstyle was perfect! And that bouquet? Amazing. Looks like a wonderful wedding!
Glad you went with hairstyle numero tres, looked tres perfecto!
Dana's bouquet was stunning as was she! Looks like you had an awesome time!
I can't believe you got that dress for $30 at Kohls! What a steal!
Looks like it was such a fun wedding! Very glamorous! You know what I think you should do? As silly as this sounds – a tutorial on the poof – and while you're at it – letting us know how you get your curls to stay in! 🙂
SHUT UP! That dress is from Kohls? And your other one is from Target? You have the best luck with dress shopping! It looks like a gorgeous and super fun wedding!
Y'all are all so gorgeous! I want to trade closets w/ you: that cute headband, the Speedy, the Loubies, and that adorable dress from Kohl's? Wedding is lovely!
You look so gorgy!
Weddings are so much fun & you know how to do 'em up right!
Your blog is so fun, and I love all these pictures! Beautiful hair-do, and gorgeous outfits 🙂 BTW I just passed a Versatile Blogger award along to you! Check out the post here:
It is crazy how much you resemble your girl Carrie! Holy Cow! It looks like a good time was had by all; wishing the new couple lots and lots of happy days.
I've been quietly following for awhile now, absolutely love your blog. Everyone looked gorgeous! I am dying to know what brand that pink dress is!! Just spent the last 20 minutes trying to find it on Kohl's website with no luck.
Your hair looks beautiful — it might be time for another hair how-to video! 😉
I love your posts!! I used to live near the ADPi house in Lex…I'm a former Kappa Delta!! 😛 Go Cats! Enjoy the blog!