Carrie embraces PINK!

Did you all not love Carrie’s little rocker chic vibe last night?? I thought she just looked adorable and SO so excited to be singing with Steven Tyler. They killed it!! 
LouLou is loving her pink weave.
And if we don’t love her enough already, this video has reminded me that I am on a quest for her amaze legs. Seriously, I want them. 
Oh Carrie, when are we gonna hang out again??
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  1. Rissy says:

    I'm like you. I can't get enough of her.

    Oh sweet Carrie why do I love you so much? and why do you ALWAYS look fabulous?!


  2. She does always look super fab! And I LOVE Steven Tyler so was happy to see them together! 🙂

  3. Marcy XOXO says:

    GAWSH I LOVE HER!!! She is just absolutely adorable and that performance was AHMAYZINNNNNNN!!!!

  4. Mateya says:

    Loved her duet with Steven Tyler! And seriously…how can we all get those legs?!

  5. Kelsey says:

    haha I am including this is in my post typing im currently Typing! I loved it and I am in love and want her weave is looked so good!

  6. Ashley says:

    I LOVED the duet last night and her pink weave was amazing!

  7. Jessica says:

    LOVED her last night! And she looked amazing too!

  8. The Aly Way says:

    fantastic post! I absolutely loved her green dress so much! Did you see Miranda Lambert's shoes… they were fabulous! Happy week to you!

  9. Catherine says:

    I missed the awards last night so I'm glad you posted this! Ummm….I'll take her legs too so if you find the secret let me know 🙂

  10. Mandy says:

    I LOVE steven tyler. This was so cute! Thanks for posting the vid, I missed it last night!

  11. Loved her and her pink weave! I def talked about her (and her legs) in my blog post last night! Her body is amaze balls.

  12. Raven says:

    Carrie was AMAZING. Her and Steven Tyler are two of my favorite people so them singing together? Gave me goosebumps, it was amazing! Carrie is just perfection, and Dear God, if I could please have her legs, I won't ask you for anything else ever!!

  13. i love love love how much you LOVE carrie, because i am the same way with kristen stewart. a little girl crush is healthy, i believe 🙂

    and carrie & steven did amaaazing together. wouldn't mind a couple more duets with them!

    ps, you could totally rock that pink weave 😉


  14. Elizabeth says:

    I love love love Carrie! I like the pink extensions, too!
    Her legs are my main workout motivation, haha!

  15. Alaka says:

    I love Carrie! She has an amazing body…I'm also trying to get her legs! And I always love what she's wearing. Just a cute girl in general.

  16. SHE DID AWESOME!!! Loved the pink too – she rocked it!

  17. Stephanie says:

    To be honest, I actually thought of you last night when she was performing! 🙂 She did amazing, looked amazing and I loved how all over the stage she was! I'll never get tired of lil mrs. carrie!

  18. How cute were they! Love both of them! Thanks for sharing- can't believe I missed it 🙂

  19. Sophie P says:

    She is a bit awesome and her legs are craayzayyy. I really miss American Idol and want to know when the new season is on our screens down under!!! XX

  20. Tiffany says:

    Seriously… many lunges do you think she does a day?!? Her legs are unreal!


  21. Kahla says:

    Carrie is just amazing! Love the extensions. So happy you provided the video, because I hadn't seen it before this! 🙂

  22. Veronika says:

    I just love her. There are no words. She's perfect!

  23. Tangles says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! Her performance, hair, clothes!

  24. Brown Girl says:

    No but for real, do we know the leg work out she does to get those gams? I need to know.

  25. Legs. That's all I can say. Uh-maze-ing.

  26. Candace says:

    Carrie is awesome. Loved her last night. Well I just love her all the time. She rocks.

  27. Kori says:

    I absolutely loved her pink extensions! That was my favorite part of the whole show, and I thought of you when I watched it! Hope you had a great day honey. Kori xoxo

  28. Carrie is SO pretty, she looked fantastic!!!
    Love your blog, it's super cute 🙂

  29. Katie says:

    I love her to pieces as well! And, no kidding, I started searching for her leg workout before I even finished reading the blog. Besides being fab and my dream BFF, she's motivation to get to the gym as well! Love the blog 🙂

  30. Jennifer says:

    I LOVE her!!! She's so pretty, down to earth and what a FABULOUS performer/singer!! LOVE!!xoxo

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