A new year.

You know, 25 was a good age, but I can honestly say I am somewhat glad to see it go. 25 was without a doubt the hardest year of my life, and I almost feel relieved at the thought of a new year, and a new start. I have been super emotional recently, and have just been overwhelmed with everything that is running through my head. I have cried a lot, dealing with, and remembering things from this past year, the 25th year of my life, but I have also spent time thinking about, and looking forward to taking control-and making 26 a fantastic year. So while I am in this mindset, I decided to make a list of 25 things I will always remember about being 25, and a list of 26 things I WILL accomplish in year 26. This is mostly for me, so I can look back and see how far I have come, but also thought it would be fun to share with you all-you know, to keep me accountable. 🙂
25 things I will always remember about 25…
1. I started this BLOG and it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself
2. I taught myself indesign, photoshop, etc. and started designing blogs for my friends!
3. I got engaged.
4. I experienced the most awful heartbreak, and a broken engagement. And am still dealing with that aftermath, and the choices I made everyday.
5. I partied like a rockstar on my friend Jennifer’s yacht, and pretended I was a celebrity. ha.
6. I paid off over $12,000 of debt by myself. Feels SO good to say that out loud. Story for another day chics.
7. I lost over 15 pounds. exact amount still unknown, as I refuse to get on a scale currently! ha.
8. I went on a super fun cruise with my family and had a blast.
9. I got into the biggest fight I have ever gotten into with my sisters, and I learned how important it is that I always remember that no matter what I think, they ARE looking up to me, and I MUST remember that.
10. I met my sister from another mother, Kristen, from this lovely blog world! She is freaking awesome and I swear we were separated at birth.
11. I found an unexpected really good friend- Cowboy Casanova-you know who you are!
12. I lost my favorite Aunt and felt unbelievable sadness.
13. I became incredibly self-aware.
14. I would not recognize me a year ago. I am SO strong and have grown SO much these past 12 months.
15. I have grown in my relationship with Jesus Christ, and have never known Him as I do now. I would not have made it through this year without trusting in Him, and believing that He continues to hold the desires of my heart in His hands.
16. My life changed when I discovered the black girl weave shop-and constructed my very own extensions. Thank to my soul sisters for teaching me that I too, can have hair-even if I must fake it! haha.
17. I felt true happiness for two ex-boyfriends, Nathan and Chris, while I watched them get married. I am so thankful I was there on each of their special days.
18. I celebrated with my dear friend Emily, and helped welcome her FIRST BABY GIRL of our pledge class into this world! I will always cherish the cry fest we had at your shower Emily, when we all brought you a meaningful charm that represented motherly love to each of us. I know my little angel charm will watch over little Lil!
19. I helped my sister get through her first, REAL heartbreak, and I will never forget her sleeping in my bed for days, and just crying with her, telling her it WILL be ok. I also have see her now fall in LOVE for the first REAL time, and that feeling of happiness I just cannot express!
20. I have been so proud of my baby sister- and the person she has become. She is our little shining star, and is such a special person.
21. I lost my first pet- and it hurt more than I expected.
22. I have become closer to my parents, and have actively tried to overcome the differences we do have. Mom and Dad I love you, and THANK YOU for loving me, even when I don’t make it so easy sometimes 😉
23. I took responsibility for things that I did that were a MISTAKE. And I apologized, and sincerely asked, and received forgiveness. From Reed, from Reed’s family, and from Lance. If you need this back story, grab a snuggie and a diet coke and start reading here.
24. I learned I like Pinot Noir. A lot.
25. I learned that life is all about perspective. Yes I have had hard times. I have cried. I have felt alone. I have been so upset and sad that I thought I couldn’t go on, I have been in therapy, I have seen my fair share of antidepressants, and guess what. It could ALWAYS be worse, and I am so thankful for the good things I have going in my life, and I am glad I learned this lesson early. I learned not to stress the small stuff, and to be thankful for everyday, and for every special person in my life. Life can change so quickly, and it is how you handle those changes that make you who you are. So thank you 25. You were a hard, good, trying, teaching, insane year. But for some reason, I wouldn’t change any of it. I am stronger now for it.

26 things I will accomplish in year 26…
1. I will try and get my mom on Ellen, to share her awesome story! Deets to come…
2. I will save $200 a month out of my paycheck and NOT touch it.
3. I will open up my heart to the possibility of finding LOVE again. 🙂
4. I will talk to my sisters more about my relationship with God.
5. I will be more patient!!
6. I WILL GET TO WORK ON TIME! Ok I am going to try REALLY hard.
7. I will start my Etsy store with all PinkLouLou original items! yayyy!
8. I will start working out… at least-three times a week.
9. I will do a better job of not procrastinating.
10. I will take a girls trip, or maybe 10.
11. I will get more involved with volunteering.
12. I will give Sadie a bath once a week. Little stinker.
13. I will be better about calling my friends who don’t live here. I am such a tammy texter, and I will do better about calling.
14. I WILL visit my bestie in TEXAS!
15. I will visit Emily and baby Lil in Minnesota! And I shall take her lots of pink fluff.
16. I will fill up the baby pool in the back yard with Chrissy again, and proceed to have a fabulous summer day. This time without that darn transient Kujo dog. and maybe a few less Mich ultras.
17. I will go to Chicago for Halloween with my girlfriends and visit my gorgeous bestie MO!!! I will also encourage her to start a blog, as it will be hilarious.
18. I will go to more comedy shows. I love to laugh, and why the heck not right?
19. I will write my grandparents more. 🙂
20. I will watch another one of my best friends Michael, marry my favorite ADPi little sis Dana! I could not be more excited about the bedazzled wedding coordinator tank I shall be sporting this day, whilst getting serious on some caterers/florists ass.
21. I will make out with my roomie Leah’s boyfriend Jed. Bahaha ok I kid. He is sitting right next to me and wanted a shout out. Sorry Lee, you know I kid.
22. I will learn how to dance, like serious Dancing with the Stars type dancing. With a hot boy. Because everything is better with a hot boy involved right?
23. I will watch one new movie a month.
24. I will read a new book. period. haha.
25. I will do something completely random for a stranger, like pay for someones tab I don’t even know, just to brighten their day.
26. I will continue to remember each and every day how lucky I am, and TRUST HIS PLAN.
So CHEERS to ringing in 26, and I will continue to ROCK ON in true PinkLouLou fashion. xoxo lovies.
love you ALL.
  1. Holy crap, girl. I've been 26 about 5 months longer than you have, and with this little list you've got going here, you've done more by making this list than I've done in 5 months! It's going to be a great year for you! =) (I'm a little comment happy, today, sorry.)

  2. Stephanie says:

    SUCH a good post!! Loved every word! Hope 26 is as fabulous as you are! 🙂

  3. OMG Bring tears to my eyes giving me a shout out in 25 and 26!! I love love love you and couldnt imagine my life without our emails, texts, pic mail and phone dates!! I promise to visit you soon and I cant wait for you to come here!!!

  4. my birthday is in 2 days and Im totally going to do this!

  5. Katy says:

    Happy Belated birthday! 26 looks to be a promising year! LOVE the list.

  6. Amber says:

    So nice to see the things you have reflected on over this past year and what you are looking forward to accomplishing this year! 🙂

  7. Happy late birthday, beautiful girl! We are the same age, (I turn 26 on Dec. 3) and I can SOOOO relate to so many of the things that you write about. Yet another reason why your blog is one of my faves : )

    Here's to a fabulous 26th year for you, chica!! (I'm raising up my imaginary martini glass here at my desk and toasting you, ha!)

  8. delaurah says:

    you are the cutest! i know we weren't the closest in college, but I love reading your blog and always seem to brighten my days with your humor! i love your lists of 25 and 26 and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

    pi love,

  9. Jessica says:

    Your goals are totally reachable! I seriously need to start getting to work on time. Dangit

  10. Mighty Burns says:

    you are so amazing! I felt the same way when my birthday rolled around this year and made a similar promise to make a few changes, have more fun, and enjoy me!I think you are adorable and without a doubt will do all of those 26 things! I can't wait to hear all about it each day as you do 🙂

  11. Laura says:

    This is great 🙂 So much I can totally agree on.. and so much I am so proud of you for accomplishing.. and going to accomplish!! You are such an amazing girl.. I know you'll meet all your "goals"! But, of course add Sweden to visit me to the 26 😉 hehe

  12. Happy 26th! 🙂 I love this post! So motivating!!

  13. These were great to read especially since I just turned 26 too! 🙂 The weave though still cracks me up! How often do you wear them?

  14. Whitney says:

    I wish I have paid $12,000 off of my debt. That's how much I have 🙁 Still paying it down though. Slowly but surely.

  15. Brittany says:

    I loved reading this!! You have accomplished so many things and seem like such a grounded lady! I love your goals for turning 26 🙂 Here's to a wonderful year for you! Keep up that amazing attitude you have. xoxo

  16. Love your list(s)! My BFF and I once made "30 Things to do Before We're 30" lists, but I can't seem to remember where it is….?!? You've inspired me to start a new one! So excited for your Pink Lou Lou Etsy store — that's going to be so popular! (PS – I gave you an award on my blog last night!!)

  17. Cassie says:

    What a wonderful post! There's so many things I want to hear more about-paying off so much debt!, your mom's story…

    It sounds like 26 is going to be an amazing year!

  18. Starting a new job this week I have MISSED this blog. Wow you've gone through so much and you still have so much amazing ground to cover. And you're coming to Chicago for Halloween? Seriously? That is awesome.

  19. Jess says:

    Welcome to the 26 club child! It is pretty awesome. Sadly, I will be leaving your behind come December though, for it will be time for me to be initiated into the 27 club 🙂

    Happy Belated Birthday!!

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