I seriously don’t know what to call this. So there.

TGIF ladies!
This has been a WEEK trying to get caught up after the debauchery that was last weekend. I swear I am not going to do a thing this weekend except just run around and do things I want/need to do, and that will most likely include a nap, and a pedi. Maybe with this color to ring in the fall {thanks Mo for suggesting} And probably some wine. Whatev.

{Teasey Does It, Burlesque Collection}

Not much going on in the world of LouLou today, however I did go downtown with Miss Em last night to see this 80s band play, which was fun.

Also had a sighting of the Lancelot kind, which was the first time I have seen him in 5 months, so I got that “first” over with, somewhat. Well, he didn’t exactly see me, but I saw him. Ha. He was with the new GF and I decided I’d had one too many blue moons to go say hello, I would most likely embarrass the heck out of myself. So, I dove behind some strangers instead. Standard. Did I mention none of my friends were around, so I grabbed on to this 40 year old man I didn’t even know and started talking to him. What the heck, who does that? I swear I need a camera crew. My life is quality ridic.
Oh and then someone spilled a beer in my purse, like I was able to pour it out. Luckily sweet Catherine was by my side to help during the traumatic situation-and no electronics were harmed. But now Louie smells plain awful. Utter and severe frustration.

Also this morning a lost $1000 dollars. Well ok not really but sort of. My favorite morning show is Kid Kraddick in the morning (Shout out to Kensie, my fav). Well they do this game every day and give away $1000 to the first caller who has the initials they call out randomly. And no freaking way today the letters are A and J. I felt like I won the lottery. I reached for trusty iphone and to my shock and horror I had LEFT IT AT HOME. My phone is attached to my hand. I NEVER leave my phone. I ALWAYS have it with me. Are you freaking serious? So there I am shouting profanities alone in my car, seriously about to cry, because I just lost $1000. Hmph.

Next subject: Kristen. My Texan sister. This little sweetie sent me a package which hasn’t arrived yet {I am anxiously awaiting} and sweet girl forgot to put the card in it! Haha. Love her heart, so she emailed it to me! Love this girl! Xoxo Kris. You better have on your engagement ring bahahahaha. I kid.

Cheers to a fab weekend ladies. Excited to be a nerd and catch up on blog reading tonight and tomorrow!
  1. Rach says:

    Ah I want that nail polish! I LOVE dark polish and this one has glitter which makes it even better 🙂 Hanging on a 40 year old man when you spot your ex bf? Yup, I so would have done the same thing. And I would have killed someone if they had spilled beer in my Louie, I freak out if people even spill on my shoes. Thanks for always giving me a good laugh when I read your blog 🙂 Have a great weekend!


  2. Ahhhh bummer on the purse and the cash! The ONE day you leave your phone.. Crap…

  3. Amber says:

    Boo for someone spilling beer in your purse. Complete and total party foul! Some people shouldn't be let outside after dark!

    Here's hoping you have a much needed relaxing weekend!

  4. Jessica says:

    I would have done the same thing had I run into my ex! And poor Louis. 🙁 Super sad face for beer in the purse. That just sucks.

  5. awww!! I cant wait for you to get it!!!! You have to let me know when it arrives!!!

  6. Jillian says:

    Love that color nail polish!!

  7. Jill says:

    I don't know HOW you didn't punch someone out after spilling a beer in your purse! omg!! So wish I'd known you were going to be there. Judging by the pic it looks like I was on the complete other side of the stage!

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