I wanted to share this sweet story with you all. My friend at work Kate sent out an email at work yesterday about two dogs that her fiance’s dad found on the side of the road. A mom, and her baby. 

Being a dog owner, and dog lover, this story of course just tug at my heart. I am hoping these dogs had not been dropped off by someone, who could do that? But maybe they wondered in from somewhere… who knows. Anyways, of course I wanted to adopt them but I can hardly take care of the one little pipsquek I have let alone two more BIG dogs. So I just said a little prayer that the pups would find a good home. This morning I got an email from Kate saying that the dogs had been adopted by a family in Colorado through the Pilots n Paws program! What a neat organization. Pilots n Paws serves as a meeting place for those who rescue dogs, and pilots and plane owners who can assist in transporting dogs to families who want to adopt them. It is such a great idea, and provides so many dogs with homes that they might not have had access to before. You should definitely check out their website. I am so glad that these cute little pups found a great home, and that this story has a happy ending!

Those dogs are just so adorable! Thanks for entering and posting about my giveaway!
That breaks my heart that someone would just leave their dogs 🙁 Glad they found a home though!
Your blog is too cute 🙂 I'm a new follower!
so excited to read your blog!! 🙂 hope all is well with you… i will definitely add you to my list so i can keep up with you!!!
What beautiful dogs and what a fantastic program! So happy to hear they have been adopted…