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Office Updates: Lifeguard Press

Office updates! 
I have said it before, but we spend more time at work than anywhere else, so we might as well make it homey right?! If you missed it, here was the little tour of my cozy office spot. 
Those lovely ladies at Lifeguard Press sent me some new items to help my desk look even MORE fantastic! 
I recently received this adorable notebook, which I use for my daily to-do lists, this adorable note cube, complete with pen and perfect for drafting cute notes to your co-workers, this precious picture frame (I  like it without a picture in it??) and this colorful storage bin that I use to file lots o things
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
I could spend all day on this website. And it is funny, somehow I have managed to amass half the things on there. I recommend any of these items if you have a gift giving occasion coming up. Maybe your sis just landed her first J.O.B. and you want to get her some office swag?! Definitely check out all these items and more at Lifeguard Press!

They also have the cute Lilly planner pictured above, which I swear by!

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  1. Holly says:

    Love decorating my office with cute things! I don't feel productive at all if its not homey 🙂 Loving all your Lilly Pulitzer things.

  2. Tara says:

    I've been looking at some of the Lilly Pulitzer office supplies on the Lifeguard Press website, actually! It's all very cute, and I think I'm going to have to get several of the things I've seen on there for my desk in my dorm room! The problem is going to be deciding what to get…I want it all! 😀

  3. itsallaboute says:

    oh my!! i am in love! I will have to get this for my new office!!

  4. Kelly says:

    these are so cute! I think I just found my school supplies for next semester!

  5. Rebecca says:

    awesome post! ps check out the giveaway on my page, im giving away some awesome earrings =]

  6. Your office is so much cuter than mine!! But starting next month, I'll be working mostly from home, so I guess that's an excuse to spend time decorating my house. Right? 🙂

  7. MrsMatched says:

    Your to-do list makes me swoon! In a good way, of course. I love how straight your "done" lines are!

  8. Considering how miserable I am at my job *insert pouty face* it would be great to jazz up my desk area a little bit. A little more color and fun would make it not so depressing at that place. I have a bunch of fun pictures with friends hanging up, but I feel like I could use some more pizazz.. these items are perfect! 🙂

  9. EEK so so cute & adorable! I love love love it girlie! I do the same with my mine I always say i spend more time there & it needs to be homey 🙂

  10. Tiffany says:

    Adorable! I need to spice up my office a bit–I've done well on the photos, but need some color. Looks like Lifeguard Press might be my answer! 🙂


  11. Such fun and colorful goodies to add a girlie pop to your desk!! Love it!! 🙂

  12. No! I shouldn't have clicked on this post. Now I need to do some more lifeguard press shopping. lol

  13. Kodi says:

    These are all too cute! Thank you for introducing me to ANOTHER website thats going to get me and my bank account into waaaay too much trouble:)

  14. Shayna says:

    I love decorating my office cube! They have some super cute stuff & will definitely be looking at their website more!

  15. I have that same Lilly planner! Obsessed. It goes with me everywhere… especially love the little stickers 🙂

  16. You are a girl after my own heart with that perfect highlighted list I spy 😉 I also live and die by my Lilly planner!

  17. Julie says:

    Thanks for posting this! Just got on the Lifeguard Press website and ordered a planner and a note cube! Can't wait to get them in!

  18. Vicky says:

    The way to this girl's heart…. office supplies! Love it 🙂 I've already eyed some items to add to my wishlist!

  19. Jill says:

    I need you (and Stephanie) to come decorate my office. However, I die to know how you manage to stay so darned cute and organized?!?!? Do you tidy up for pictures or is this totally normal? My desk is a total wreck…sadly…

  20. Jessie says:

    ADORABLE!!! Very cute stuff to add a little POP of color to your office. I love anything that has to do with office space.

  21. One word, Fabulous. That is what came across my mind when I first saw it. I love those products. Think I'll purchase some for my own office desk too. 🙂

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