Pretty sure my jaw hit the floor this morning when my stylish sista who hails from LA asked me this question.
For those of us on this side a the Mason Dixon Line, Keeneland is a household name. This is the bluegrass state y’all, and we are known for our blue grass (I still don’t understand that one) and our horses. We looove some horse racing. And any excuse to get all prettied up in your seasons best and don some big ole southern hair whilst sipping a cocktail is alright in my book. It never occurred to me that friends in LA were not aware that Keeneland season was fast approachin’! Oopsies, MY BAD 😉
So, for those of you who maybe also wonder “what the heck is Keeneland?” Never fear, I shall tell you. Basically we southern gals and gents dress up and go bet on the ponies. Cocktails are involved. Food is involved. I undoubtedly always bet for the pink pony, duh. Usually I do alright with this approach- my biggest winnings to date are $65. HA. Now I know you are laughing because let me tell you, that ain’t nothin’ when you are talking horses. Let’s face it, I am there for the social aspects.
Anyways to get on with my point, Jess and I were talking this morning about fall and Keeneland, and she mentioned we should have a blogger Keeneland meet up! My first thoughts?
My second thought?
Haha. She quickly appointed me prez of this event, I assume for my knack of knowing how to party. No? I don’t know, but I am PUMPED.
So girls, Kentucky bloggers, and NON Kentucky bloggers, mark your calendars for October for the first Keeneland Bluegrass Blogger Bash! (suggestions for an actual name welcomed, Jess and I never said we were marketing genius material)
We are trying to decide if it should be October 8th, or October 15th. But so far it is looking like most people who have responded are available the 8th. Anyhoo, If you want to come and have a BLAST with us Kentucky gals at the track, leave your email and the date you are available in the comment section below. I will get an email going around so we can discuss all of the fun details. Don’t you KNOW I am already working on a logo, and some super blingy name tags.
We are envisioning here a BIG CLASSY GIRLY BASH – with cocktails, cute dresses, heels, hysterics, great food, and dancing!!
Who is in?!
More deets to come in the following weeks, we just need to see who is interested.
I definitely want to encourage everyone to think about it!! Especially if you have never been to Keeneland, or GASP… KENTUCKY! What a perfect time am I right??
Off to brainstorm more, and peruse the online sites for a dress. WHAT WILL I WEAR???
So excited I can’t stand it.

That sounds like so much fun!!
The Kentucky Derby is definitely on my bucket list… I feel like this is a close second. 😉
Oh How Fun! I so wish I could go, but I have school and my son's football games going on both of those weekends. I hope everything works out for you girls; I can't wait to see pictures!!
A part of me is considering catching a flight from Boston to somewhere in Kentucky and making an appearance! This would be so much fun!!
How fun!!! I've never been to Kentucky, and that sounds like a blast.
booger! oct 8th is when lindsey lee and i get back from nola. but i'm TOTALLY avail oct 15th. not sure if the funds will be avail but i can work it out.
wish we could be there on the 8th with everyone else.
Sad to say that I didn't know what this was nor have I ever been to Kentucky. Yes, I am ashamed.
I'd love to go to either days 🙂
I actually have family in KY so that would fabulous!
Thanks for putting this together LouLou and Jess!
October 8!
This sounds so fun! Too bad I don't live anywhere near Kentucky! 🙁 I'm in love with that pink hat!!
Thats sounds so much fun!!!
omgosh! love my so Kentucky, poofs and horses! Im in! Hopefully we can get Raven on board!
I am from Kentucky (northern) and even though a lot of my friends have been I am ashamed to say I haven't! Not positive if I will be able to make it but if I could the 8th would work out wonderfully for me! Can we bring some gal pals??? email me! themrsburris@yahoo.com
Im in Cincinnati and LOVEEE Keeneland…Ive been so many times and its the best!
Jess and I actually emailed about this yesterday and I think it would be SO fun!!
I would totally be down for the 8th!
I love KY! Working for a bourbon company will do that to you! Wish I could come, have a blast!
EKKKKKKKK! You did SO good with this momma! {As if there were any doubt- that's why YOU. THE. PREZ} You have my email, if I get any others on board my way – I will fwd them to you!! What to wear!?
Y'all know I'M SO THERE
And please let me know what I can help with!
(I'll brainstorm some names too!)
sad face. Beth and I are in NOLA the 8th and 15th I'm throwing Courtney's bridal shower.
Boo and gay. Do another weekend.
Ill be in Rio 🙁
well now I am officially sad..
because I didn't know what Keeneland was..
and my besties and I planned a girls weekend..
all booked and everything… dang nabit!
you know, I kind of hate this post. love you, but hate this post. Why? cause little old ME alllllllll the way over in podunk town Washington will not be able to come.
and imbibe in the many cocktails and oh yeah, wear a delish pink hat. and now the pictures are totally making me jealous, and everyone who says they can come is making me jealous, and basically, this post was just RUDE. (wink wink)
So fun y'all! Mr. Banker and I are planning a trip next year for the Spring races & the bourbon trail…I will love reading your recaps and the best places to hit in Lexington!
Ahh this sounds like so much fun!! I wish i could make it! 🙁
Best.idea.ever!!! I am obsessed with everything about this. You go Pink Lou Lou! Count this Lexington lady in 🙂
I'm from Ohio and didn't even know what Keeneland was….guess we're just not too in to horse racing up here. But I must say the idea of big hats, dresses, and betting intrigues me…
xx Emily @ laughliveandshop.blogspot.com
Count me in! This is an awesome idea…October 8th is best for me 🙂
i don't have far to travel… 😉
i'm IN!!! (will need help with my "poof" though)
your hair looks so cute in this picture!
oh man that sounds like soooo much fun!
Omg i would LOVE it! Count this sista in!
I love that your 2nd thought was "poofs for all!" I would have to admit I've never heard of Keeneland either, but I'm all the way in Seattle, so I'm using that as an excuse 🙂 Sounds like fun, can't wait to see pics.
I want to come! I am definitely in! I am available on the 8th!
I'm coming! Whenever it is!
This sounds like so much fun! Put Kari and I down!
LOVE this idea!!! Keep me in the loop 🙂
October 8th! Any excuse to visit my old Kentucky home!
OMG, I would love to come! I LOVE Keeneland! If it's the 15th I am in, and coming from IN! 🙂 My brother lives in Lexington so it's a perfect excuse to visit my adorable nephew, and I guess my brother too! 🙂
– Beth (bethmuhlenkamp@yahoo.com)
Awesome idea! Not sure if I can make the 8th but I'll try! The 15th works better for me…let me know either way!
Duhh!! I'm in! Of course I would love to help you plan (never will turn away from a little party planning!) I will help plan if you do my poof and makeup? k! perfect! either date I think is fine but 15th would be better for me. Love this! Can't wait for you to make a logo then we can all blog about too 🙂 XOXO
So much fun!! The fiance and I are avid keenland-ers (that's a word, right?) as he is from KY! It would be great to meet up but we will be tying the knot. 🙂 Maybe there will be a second annual next year?
This sounds so fun!! Not sure 100% if I could make it and I would have to make sure I would have a friend to make the drive with me, but keep me up to date on the details and I will try to free my schedule so I can come.
That would be so much fun! I wish I didn't live 8 hours away, but if any Raleigh girls are thinking of making the trip, I'd love to join! 🙂
Jelly! I want to go! I lived in Cincinnati for 26 years and NEVER made it to Keenland. Oh and just for FYI: Cinco de Mayo and the Derby fall on the same day. You might have to do Derby edition.
Have a blast!
I had no idea what Keenland was either until I started blogging and followed all you southern ladies 🙂
would love to, but babies are a coming and I am pretty sure I will not be able to make it! I LOVE Keeneland and all things that go along with it, but I don't think newborn twins would be a good idea!
im a boston girl and i know what kneeland is!! 😀 I feel special
we have a horse racing stadium called Suffolk Downs and the sign always says simulcasting from Kneeland, Churchill Downs, etc!! WOOP
id love to wear a giant hat and sport a poof. But I need to know. How do you have a poof AND a hat?!? Are there special hats that have a cut-out that shows the poof?! haha totally kidding…but really im not..how does this happen!
Ooooohhhh girl! My parents live in LEX and I am very aware of October Keen time! Love, love love it! I hope that maybe I will run into you and your poof sometime the fall! XO
This sounds like such a blast! Hope ya'll have a great time!
Aghh, totally loving this!
I haven't been to Keeneland for two years, so I would love to come!
Just need to make sure I don't have anything going on then.
Ohhh sounds fabulous!! AND I've never been…so I'm in!
Either date works for me!
My blog draws more google searches from "What should I wear to Keeneland?" than any other search! 🙂
I may be able to meet y'all. Please keep me in the loop; mintjulepmagnolia@gmail.com.
Ah so excited! Keep me in the loop because even though I'm up in Boston, I'm a southern girl in training!
After our tweet shesh this morning, I am currently looking up flights now. But uhmm if I can't make it then I say we do a blogger meet up in Charleston in April since we will be there anyway;)!
I would LOVE to jump on a flight from SC just to come to Kentucky! It's def on my to-do list! Strongly considering doing this!!! How fun!
Dang I forgot to say, October 15!! Wahooo!! I'm excited y'all!!!!!
Um, YES! I so want to go to this with y'all!!! October 15th works better. I will be in Louisiana the weekend before that!!! If y'all do it then, let me know and I am there.
Hboyle01 at gmail
I am in–as you may know 😉
How fun!!! I wish I lived close enough 🙁
I live in Lex, but I have out of town baby showers just about every weekend in October. Have fun!!!
This would be SO fun!! I'm in northern KY and would love to join if I am available! Add me to the list!
O How I wish it wasn't 10 hours away!! I would absolutely love to join all of you ladies. Yall will have so so much fun 🙂
Sounds like fun..wish I was there
Whoa! Check out all these bloggers that will be joining you!! October is such a hard month for me, but if anything would work it would the the 15th. I will look at flights.
Girl this is AWESOME! I am great with either weekend. My email is bluegrasslove@gmail.com.
I would love to come to this but have plans Oct 8th weekend. I think I can come oct 15 though. How far is lex from Memphis?
This sounds like so much fun! My dad owns a racing horse that we race at Emerald Downs! I am starting to get more into it and you may bet on the "pink one" my bests are based on which has the cutest name ;P these are by far the best 2 ways to bet?! am I right?! Still waiting to get to the Kentucky derby, my father is by far ahead of me now with that one! 🙂 take care!
I'm all the way up in VA so I can't make it down or else I would have loved too! VA has some fabulous horse races as well! Nothing like getting all dressed up and wearing a big hat!
We want to go!!! My sis and I are relatively close!!
Either day is fine with us 🙂
OK, now I'm jealous. I SO miss Keeneland. Good times!
I live in San Diego and we call this "the races" at the Del Mar track! So jealous of KY though!!!
YEA!! I have wanted to go to a race for sometime now andt his is the perfect opportunity!!!
My vote is for Oct 8 since the UT/LSU football game is the weekend of Oct 15…just sayin 😉
Oh, add me to the list!
love your hat!
Girl! You are a marketing genius! Blogger should pay you…A lot! I would be so all over this event. I’ve always wanted to go to Kentucky for some kind of horse race. Now that I’m stuck in Europe, it shall wait!
I just found this super cute designer out of SC that you might just love! You totally deserve a custom made dress for this event…check her out here
…So southern…So classy…So fabulous! She custom makes dresses for the Carolina cup and this year’s dress are so cute! Love the monogram on the sash and I know you’ve said you love everything monogram!!! Check her out! Can’t wait to see pictures of this event!!
Oh Im so in! The 8th is great too!
OH my word! I want to come so bad!! One of my best girlfriends went to UK and I was never able to make it to Keenland! Sadly the gamecocks and your wildcats are playing at home the 8th and I just don't think I can miss it! I can't wait to hear all about it and see the precious pictures!
Ummm…u r one self centered, uneducated, crazy ass bitch!!!
Would you believe that I've lived in Kentucky my whole life & I've never been to Keeneland? My hometown is 2 hours away but we've lived in Lexington for several years. I am definitely attending at some point this year & looking forward to it! Enjoy it 🙂
Ahh! So happy after I read this! I'm a freshman at the University of Kentucky all the way from Chicago and everyone raves about Keeneland! I seriously cannot wait October!!! I've just recently started blogging and my two followers are my mom and sister, totally cool.. I know. While I was going through rush week here at UK I got a little down about being dropped from some houses and my sister sent me your post titled I wanna say "Because I knew you I have been changed for good" After reading that I felt like everything I had been going through was for such a good reason. That soon I would have amazing sisters in Lexington just like I do at home Chicago. So I wanted to say, Thank you. You honestly helped me get through a really tough week that I had not expected! I'm happy to say I am officially a baby anchor! Delta Gamma!! I'm loving it and I can't wait to amazingly close relationships with my pledge sisters just like you do! So, once again Thanks!
Oops forgot to add in how amazingly fun this sounds! Email is nelliety720@yahoo.com
So amazingggg!
This would be awesome!!! I'm a new follower!
OCTOBER 15TH PAHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first I thought there is no way I'd be able to make it but I'll just so happen to be in Knoxville, TN the week of the 8th so count me in! =)
PLEASE include me in your list for either weekend! Email with detail PUH-lease!
I'm new to the blogging world, but I'd love to come!
Do a repeat on the 15th!! I'll be at the 4th wedding in a row on the 8th, this one not as planner nor guest but bridesmaid/coordinator. I'll be poofed with cocktail in hand in honor of the Blogger Keeneland take over!
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