{written by the Sadie Belle herself, in her native french accent}
It is me, Sadie Belle LouLou. How do you do?
I so excite, to tell you of ma new finds.
Bring on fall bishes, cuz I haz scarves. I so seksy, no? Oui. Tres chic.
le pouty face.
And zat is not all, I also haz new toy and new, how you say… necklace and leash?
Now I go to sleep. Au’revoir, bisous. xoxo
Alright, it seems Sadie has hacked the macbook again, that little Parisian is always trying to hog the spotlight.
In all seriousness, HOW cute are Sadie’s new finds? Those snazzy chics at Lifeguard Press hooked me up with some ultra fab goodies, yet again! love them!
Check out the swag Sadie and I scored ourselves this time.
Sadie and I are pretty obsessed with Sadie’s new gear. I mean is this Jonathan Adler scarf not to die for adorable? Sadie will definitely be wearing it in our Christmas card picture this year.
And what about the adorable little bone toy. I don’t know why but I just thought it was so precious. What a great gift for a friend with a new puppy, right?
We love the print of the Jonathan Adler collar and leash, so so cute!
And some gifts for Moi, a Lilly umbrella and water bottle. Love both! I am quite Lilly’d out these days, and I LOVE it! I used the umbrella the other day and it was so nice, it covers you so well, kinda like those ones you had when you were a kid! PLL endorsed for sure. 😉
Also girls, if you haven’t gotten your new 2012 Lilly Planner yet, hop on over to Lifeguard press and get yourself one. As you know they are my fav!
I got the pink one this year, but was SO torn between the pink and the navy!
Happy Shopping ladies!!

Hahha i totally just read that with a french accent lol! Cute stuff btw 🙂
Oh my gosh, the scarf is too cute! Perfect for a Christmas card photo! It looks like Miss Sadie just loves her pretty new collar and leash too 🙂 Adorable finds!
Oh Sadie you little devil you. LOVE the scarf and if I had a adog (NEVER) then I would get him or her one. OHHHHH EFFF! I just remembered during my lunch shopping I found some cat goodies I took lots of pics of wuahahahahahaah emailing. You will die, Carol will love.
Oh Sadie … you are quite the sneaky little doggie hacking into PLL's computer, but please, PLEASE do it more often!
I totally read that with with a french accent also lol.
I read the beginning part with a french accent too … ha!
Loooove Sadie's new leash and collar, so presh!
omg, his native french accent.
"alo" HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
"I so excite" LOLOLOL!!
seriously? I think le Sadie is the luckiest dog ever!
I totally read this to my dog in a French ak-sont. He wasn't impressed because, well, he's British.
Totally read that OUT LOUD.
And thanks for the planner tidbit- been searching every where for a perfect one!
Sadie – you crack me up!
I have the navy Lilly planner and LOVE it! I get so many compliments on it 🙂
Sadie Belle, tu es la plus jolie !
I love the Lilly planners ! I got the navy one and I'm obsessed with it !!!
Bisous de Paris 🙂
My accent always turns british… The other night I was trying to do "chinese" accent… it turned british.
She is the cutest pug with the cutest accessories!
My bestie got me the navy for my birthday. Love it!! I also love that they have stickers…def adds a little flavor!
As if I didn't already want a puppy, now I want one just so I can deck her out in Jonathan Adler.
LOVE that planner! I'm in desperate need of one, thanks for the heads up!
And I'm LOL as I try to read Sadie Belle's post! I can't get the French accent down. 🙂
Guard your stuff, Sadie, your mom's new litter will be after it with a vengeance.
Hahaha you're so funny! I totally just read that in a french accent! You should bring us more posts from Frenchy! 🙂
I love Sadie's voice! I wish my dog was as beautiful and as lovely as Sadie. 🙂
Aww so cute!!!
I also read that with a French accent. Ha, ha!!
aww, your dog is gonna be the coolest one on the block 😉
This little accent was so fun to read. haha I'm Obsessed with your blog. Definitely a favorite! 🙂
I just got the Pink one for my birthday, and so far I have filled it up till Novemeber. I am a serious planner!
cut it out lol youre dog has better style than I!
Aw! Sadie looks adorable! Lovin the Lilly umbrella too. I have one coming in the mail.
Sadie is a diva pug for sure, and I love hearing from her! Work that scarf!
Love your blog btw, it's one of my favorites!!
How fun is that scarf and I love the leash- if we didn't just get our lab a new collar and leash I'd be getting that one! And I'm loving my lilly planner!
so i just showed my pupcake your pupcake and let her know they are blog dog buddies. lol she kind of ignored me. 🙂
looked your cutie patootie in the scarf
Oh my, those swag bag goodies are adorable!
Btw, I'm new to your blog – hi!
I in no way hate the fact that Sadie has a French accent, because for some reason mine has a Sweedish accent? We're not sure about it, all we know is that it happened.
And both my dog and I are super jealous of your swag.
Oh my gosh. Sophie NEEDS that scarf this winter!
I had the Lilly agenda this year and loved it; I think that's my plan for next year as well!
oh my gosh!! Sadie Belle is too adorbs!! Love that scarf too!
OMG I almost peed my pants laughin! shes cute as hell!!!
Oh gosh this was too adorable for words! Seriosuly though, I need to get the scarf for Molly! Hopefully it comes in sizes for Labs!
I love Sadie's accent! So adorable!! She should guest post more often! 🙂
oh my gosh so adorable!!! i have an english bulldog and those adler treats are to die for. thanks for the post! xx
Awesome swag, girlfriend! I love everything. I definitely have my eye on that umbrella. Me needs me some!
Love the agendas, too. I am such a pink girl, but I just couldn't resist that navy this time!