weekend pic post

I had a super packed weekend filled with best friends, cocktails and lots of dancing. 
Had a shower for Miss Ashley on Thursday night. I forced her to wear a veil. Come on, did she REALLY think she was gonna get out of it? She looked gorgey!
Had a ‘man’ shower Friday night for one of my best friends Michael and his fiance Dana, who you know from here
There is that manly man… (my gift to him was pink, whatever)
My favorite bartender on the planet, Keith! Love him! I may or may not have been behind the bar, playing bartender myself. That’s just what a LouLou does…
I wore my sissies shoes from Forever 21 and they actually survived the night. I know, I am shocked too. 
Saturday was Keeneland day, those of you not familiar, Keeneland is our race track in Lexington where we all go watch the ponies race.  
Weather= not cool, so we were camped out in MB’s car. I may or may not have accidentally dipped ma weave in the ranch. Party foul.
Out and about Saturday night, definitely made for a day of napping on Sunday! 
And last but not least, check out Rhinestone Cowgirls precious new spring line! She is the BFF of my Texan bestie, currently residing in NYC! I want both of these necklaces. You hear that Jackie? 😉 
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  1. Petchie says:

    Looks like a fun weekend!! I love your sister's shoes they are so cute!


  2. ty says:

    I love the race pictures. Pretty sure I have an identical picture of me camped out in a car. Effing weather.

  3. Helen says:

    Looks like you had an awesome weekend! I just love your blog so much! 🙂

  4. So sad I missed the races this year. You all looked adorable!!

  5. Rissy says:

    love the necklaces.

    so nice to see that this pair of F21 heels faired better than the last pair.

    You have some fab spring dresses. I need to go shopping!!!


  6. Michelle says:

    I love both of your dresses! You look gorg! I love all the Louis bags! I'm glad your shoes made it through the night 😉

    Starting something on the blog tonight you might just want to see 😉

  7. simply shea says:

    we froze at keeneland on saturday! it was ridiculous—especially since sunday was BEAUTIFUL!!

  8. AbbyS. says:

    PALE? Are you kidding me. Girl- you are far from it.
    I cannot believe you braved the cold at Keeneland on Saturday! brrrrr. You were a brave one.

  9. Savy Girl says:

    Ok so do share where the dresses are from!! I have several events and a cruise coming up that NEED these pieces! I'm pretty sure my email is linked, but just in case, I can be reached at Philosurfy at gmail dot com. Glad you had a fun weekend 🙂

  10. Kelsey says:

    Looks liek you had fun! I love the dress you wore on Saturday!

  11. Katie says:

    Ummmm….wait…back it up. Is that Andrew K. in the picture with your 3 girlfriends from Keeneland?!?! I went to high school with him! That or he has a twin.

  12. It seems you had a lovely weekend and lot of fun… 🙂

  13. Brittany says:

    Looks like you had a great weekend! I love those shoes!!


  14. JMB says:

    1. I am sad I did not attend Keeneland!! I was hoping you had better weather than what he had here!

    2. HOW cute are you and the boi!! 🙂 Love it!!

  15. S says:

    Thought of you today as I was in F21 – saw the infamous shoes with the defective heel 🙂

  16. Gina says:

    Cute, cute, cute. If your life is as half as fun as it seems, you are one lucky girl.

  17. love the dress and you are so cute!

  18. Jana says:

    where are you getting all these cute floral dresses from?!? You are rocking them well!

  19. Pamela says:

    cute pictures! love your blog!!!

  20. You are so gorgeous!

    {Sorry for the lack of comments. My new job is swallowing me whole, but I love it!}

  21. Sarah says:

    I love your blog!! I definitely LOL'd when you said you played bartender. Keep on keepin' on girl!

  22. Taylor Marie says:

    Looks like you had fun! Love the part about the party foul, I like died laughing! New follower here 🙂

  23. Mckenzie says:

    Been reading you bloggy blog for awhile now– love love.
    Awhile ago—Almost went to Transy and visited one of my friends from high school that goes there– turns out she was your sisters rooms freshman year. I knew I recognized her. Small small world! Keep up the fab blogging.

    xoxo mckenzie

  24. Mateya says:

    Love those dresses…so fun and springy! Where are they from???

    Seriously looking at those heels make my feet hurt…I don't know how you can wear those all night long ha! I am such a grandma!

    Seriously LOL at the comment about dipping your weave in ranch ha!

  25. amazing pictures. you look stunning. seems like a wonderful weekend. please stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news and check out pictures from the fall/winter preview I attended yesterday in Beverly Hills. xoxo. Would love your support. xoxo


  26. Jill says:

    So I know you said you are so pale…but compared to me? You iz so tan! I need to use my Groupon Versatans (which, I know, I said I wouldn't do anymore, but it was a good deal and no one has to see me nakey that way!) so I don't scare anybody with my leggggs.

  27. Mighty Burns says:

    lol you are so cute, I love all the floral print dresses you have! I have been all about that these days too. its spring and so pretty! Looks like you had a busy weekend!!

  28. MJ says:

    Sounds like such a fun weekend!! Love the outfit when you were dipping your weave in ranch 🙂

  29. I adore the LV picture, My birthday was on Thursday and I recieved one and you were he first i thought about!

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