Ello lovelies!(and that includes you closet male readers too!)
Here is what has been going on in LouLou Land.
I don’t have pics from camera from past weekend yet (must get from Leah) so iphone pics will have to do for now. I REALLY need to find my camera charger, it is driving me CRAZY!
Anyhoo, pledge class 02 Keeneland reunion weekend was a BLAST! I love LOVE my sorority sisters, we just had so much fun I can’t even try and qualify it to you all. I think I went into a slight depression when they all left. Sadz.
I got to spend LOTS of QT with baby Lily! Lil was a rockstar at Keeneland, being uber fashionable in her pink Bugaboo (wearing her Auntie LouLou bows of course!)
I love this child, she seriously is the best baby ever, she was in heaven being passed around by 30 of her Adpi aunts all weekend. Emily, sorry you didn’t get to hold your baby for 4 days.
We had a shower for Leah Friday night, which was SO fun. I was so proud of the gift I wrapped, ha.
In other news, I have been SO ready for spring it is not even funny. Exhibit A. coral dress, bracelet, tootsies.
I adore old navy flippies. They are my fav. Just got these a couple weeks ago. Pardon my fat feet (not sure why so fatz?), but I thought you all needed to know that you must go get these flippies in every color. I will LIVE in these this summer.
Also gave myself a little mani last night with this fun spring color… I just wish I could remember the name of it.
I have a bunch of new fun beauty finds for you girls, but I will have to post this weekend. Been super busy with life, moving offices TOMORROW, yay!!
Everyone remember to wear your tiara tomorrow for the BIG wedding day! 😉

LOVE the coral!
Looks like you had an amazing time at the reunion!
That baby is SO adorable and you look gorg in EVERY photo. For. real! so not fair haha =)
the green/black/white dress you wore to the shower is adorable!
i love old navy flips too! definitely time to stock up in every color!
I am a new reader of yours. I have really enjoyed reading your blog! I too had an engagement end in the summer of 2010…my fiance called the wedding off 9 weeks before the wedding day. I am slowly healing but it's a process. I have found a lot of comfort in some of your posts and can relate to looking for the type of love I deserve, so thank you!
I do not currently have a blog but am thinking about starting one.
P.S.- Where did you get the floral dress you are wearing in the pictures?? Adorable!
I'm a lover of Old Navy flippy floppies too!
and your spring/summer dresses? to.die.for.
Please tell me where you got your dresses! I am absolutely in love (especially with the green/navy/white one). Seriously, I need to know =)
PS. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and loooove it. You are so stinkin cute!
you look so cute in all your pics! hair and outfits are fabulous!
i love ON flippies too! they're so comfortable and sturdy! love them!
ON has definitely gotten some cute flippies in lately! I always hated the plain colors and was super excited when they released the jewled and bedazzled ones!!
you look tinnnnyyy your diet paid off!
that baby is adorable!! Glad you had a good reunion!!!!
Girl, you look gorgeous, as per the usual! Lily is just a precious little angel! Sadie Belle is jealz that she is not featured in this post, but I know that she is working hard on her bikini bod and is not releasing any pics until after her green bean diet is over!
LMK if you remember the name of your polish! It is fabulous!
So fun, I love your outfits and those SHOES from your picture with Alaka! I definitely need some Old Navy flippies now and I'm glad you had fun!! Virginia
Love the diy Mani… that purple is CUUTTEE [give us the color!] Also, I dont think your niece could be any more adorable!! Such a cutie!
Have a good weekend!
That little girl is seriously adorable! And you are beautiful of course!
I am loving your mani….I am horrible at doing my own nails! Looks like you've had a great week!
Your gorgeous! Love the colors on your nails!
I love all of your Dresses!!! Love love the outfit you wore to Keeneland! I nede to know how you poof like you do 🙂
I love the shower dress! Where did you gets?
I just stumbled onto your blog and couldn't help but continue reading! I love your banner! Awesome blog : )
Love your outfit in the bathroom photo!
I love your dress from the shower-and the shoes! You must let us know where you got those! 🙂 And that nail color-love it! Clue us in on the details please 😉
You look so gorgeous in all of the photos but I love the one of you with that beautiful baby girl the most.
Now, I am dubbing you the oprah of lex because my sis ventured all around town this weekend in search of the skinny girl ritas and they were sold out. When she called me to complain I said its all Lou's Lou's fault!! She put them on her favorite things list. I'm thinking Bethenny should start paying you loyalties!
happy early royal wedding day 🙂
You are just too cute 🙂 Looks like you've been having lots of fun!
OMG, I HAVE to have a little girl, just so I can put adorable bows on her like that. And that tutu? To diiiie for, she is so stinkin cute. Oh and do share where you got all your dresses in this post. I love them all!!
ooooo adore the coral girl and the nails! plus those flip flops are SO cute! i must get to old navy asap and get a pair in every color like you say 😉 have a great thursday!
Love those baby bows! Looks like a fun weekend!
Love your nail polish! I have nail envy! haha
That lil girl is adorable! I love the big bow on her head! Maybe I will get one for my niece?!
I love your dresses! I need more summery dresses!
Happy Thursday 🙂
I just started playing around with my nail color, and just recently I tried a purple and was nervous. But that is the most perfect mix of purple and pink that it just spreads happiness!
If you do happen to go home and see the name of the nail color, will you message it to me? LOVE IT! 🙂
You dress up in dresses so well! So pretty!
Those pins of yours are looking amazing Miss loulou!! I am desperately trying to tone mine up for when I go on a UK visit in july- any tips??!! XXX
I love that you say flippies! I do too and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy!! Figure out the name of that nail polish girlll, it's so cute!!
Sounds like a great weekend!! I love that flower dress (where'd you get it?)
I just got a nail polish similar to the lavender one, I love it and can't wait to try it out!
I have been reading your blog for awhile but have never commented…I just wanted to say Hi and that I live in Lexington too! You seem like a really sweet, fun person 🙂 Anyways, I just wanted to ask if you use a fake tanning product, and if so, which one? Your tan looks fab!
Glad your reunion was so fun! Love your coral bangles and toes. Mine are coral for now too – OPI Collins Ave.
LOVE the dress in the 6th picture! Where is it from?
You are adorable honey! I love all your dresses, but where did you get that blue and green? And, how on earth do you stay in such great shape! Hope you're linking up tomorrow for Fashion Fridays! Kori xoxo
super cute pics! I love your green/navy/white dress, adorable!!
Oh my gosh…that green and navy blue dress is adorable! You look so cute!
I NEEEED that nail polish!! STAT!
wouldnt that be grand to be able to wear one all day 🙂 so nice!
Um this baby girl is beautiful! and her bow is stunning! All my friends and family have little boys, so no bows yet, but when a girl arrives Ill be hittin you up for one!
Please tell us where you get your dresses and what kind of nail polish that is! You are gorgeous. Kristin 🙂
You must do a poof vlog! You always look great!
Sounds like you've been having such a fun time with everything lately!! 🙂
That little baby and her bows are beautiful! Your hair is always so perfect – I hate you! JK, but just sayin. I saw a girl with those flips on today and thought of this post. Creepy, yes.
love the nail color! and is your hair getting blonder? summa time! me likey!
Okay i cant even imagine painting my nails this perfect!
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