This song is STUCK IN MY HEAD! Help!
I think because it is nearly 70 degrees outside and I am in a great mood, besides the fact I cannot hear, or breath.
I have just been a little under the weather this week! I had to have blood taken Monday {there is not much I despise more} and I left work yesterday because I thought my head was going to explode. Just a little sick girl. Good news? feeling much better today. I literally woke up at 8, and was out the door at 8:20. Sadie looked at me like I was a loon. Look how cute she is snuggled up in my mountains of fluff.
Loves the Sadie girl!
Anyhoo I don’t have much of anything useful to say today so I thought I would just show ya my outfit of the day!
Bam. There it is.
Things to note:
- I love my true religion jeans. I love them even more that they are now too big and I must wash AND DRY them in order for them to fit, and then they are still big after. YAYYY says the girl who is trying to lose weight!
- Don’t you judge me that I am wearing Clinique Happy {circa ’97} I found a baby bottle of it the other day and something about it just said “welcome spring” to me. Ha! I do have a slight perfume obsession. See here if you don’t believe me. (collection has expanded since post, must update with recent finds.)
- Sadie snuck in the OOTD. She just wants to be included.
- That would be OPI Mimosas for Mr. and Mrs. on my hands (still rocking teenage dream on my tootsies)
- My DY ring that I have on is actually the light purple, but I couldn’t find a pic.
- I love cardigans and fitted super soft v neck T’s. Throw in some sexy heels and bling and I feel oh so “J.Crew meets Elle Woods”. 😉 haha
And here is the necklace I have on, thanks to Leigh Ashley!
And a pic of my unwashed hair. The messy bun thing is always a fantastic quick fix for the gal who likes to sleep in. 😉
I’ve got dinner with my girlfriends tonight {weekly Thursday tradition!} so that is good. Thinking about swinging by best buy for a camera charger beforehand, so y’all can finally have REAL pics from me, instead of iphone ones!
AAAAND look what I treated myself to at lunch today.
Oh heavens how this makes me want to just write a big ole to-do list.
Love love. heart heart.

Your hair is super cute!
I also love rockin' cardigans and tshirts 🙂
Love, love, love the outfit. I would have never thought to pair a cardigan with a long fitted tee. Great idea!
If I keep following your blog I'm going to be seriously more trendy – which is something I desperately need!
PS – congrats on the weight loss! Go you! 🙂
CUTE! I love it! Come to my house and dress me please? 🙂
love the outfit! similar to what i'm wearing to class today! also, your so good with hair! I can never figure out anything to do with mine.
My mom has that yurman ring in purple also….I always try to steal it from her…..I love your outfit….and I wish my diet was going as well :/
You are just tooo cute! I have a bunch of colorful markers at my desk too! 🙂
Love Sadie girl, love the outfit, your hair always looks so dam cute even unwashed and all! No Fair!!! Hope you have a wonderful dinner tonight with your friends 😉
that is a spectacular outfit choice! and i am jealous your hair looks so good on a non-shower morning..mine on the other hand, looks crap-tastic
I hope you feel better soon! and thats awesome that its 70 there!! It reached about 45 here in Boston which has everyone up in arms and wearing flip flips..much nicer than our per usual 20 degree weather this month!
enjoy 🙂
I am so obsessed with those pens!! Your hair looks fabulous miss sleep iner 🙂
I love new pens!!! You look so stinking cute to be sick. Hope you're feeling better!
GASSSP! i love lists! lol.
Ok on my unwashed and sad hair days it looks NOTHNG like your adorable bun here lol. it looks like a hot mess. I am makeing a collection of said mess to share when I have enough lol. luckily I have been having less and less hot mess days.. but they sneak in there!
Also that is such a pretty color on you! I love it all 🙂
I am SO jels of your OOTD!!!
And your hair is fab!! I will definitely have to remember that on days that this girl likes to sleep in =)
You're so funny. I wish I could look that awesome for getting ready in 20 minutes but not so much.
please come raid my closet 🙂 love your outfit girl! xox cardigans and ts are my fav!
I've got that song in my head now too. Enjoy the gorgeous weather!
I love your outfit and so jealous of your hair !!
That songs reminds of the movie "Easy A" – pretty funny scene involving the tune! And those pens will make for listing making fun! 🙂
I love your OOTD and your hair!! I wish I could wake up and throw my hair together that nicely 🙂 Love Flair pens too!
love what you are wearing!!
Yes please I want the outfit and those pens! I need to make a supply order!
those pens are the best! they make writing even the most mundane things in your planner fun 🙂
Dang guhl, I lurve that scarf, where dat be from?
Cute hair and I love the outfit!
I love that necklace – so fun and girly. Glad you are having such a great day!
Love your OOTD! Too cute! The necklace is amazing! and Btw I have a perfume obsession too! and a huge pen collection, sharpies haha.. You are so beautiful! Have a great day sweet girl.
I love Flair pens! I have never seen a pack that big…there's no way I'd be able to walk past without buying it.
Colorful pens make me want to make lists too.
I love your outfit – it really does seem like J.Crew meets Elle Woods haha.
Love your outfit of the day! I still wear Clinique Happy 🙂 haha
i need them now.
Your outfit is gorgeous just like your sleep in bun is gorgeous! I am so jealous and can never get my hair lookin like that.
Oh and those pens are fabulous – it's like they make my handwriting waaay better!
Haha! You crak me up! Love that outfit! Might have to copy you sometime! Omg I almost treated myself to a pack of multi colored sharpies but I wanted those instead! So jealous! I hope you start feeling better soon!
I love flair pens!! They are the perfect "teacher" pens! 🙂
L.O.V.E. flair pens! I may just have to go to Target now…
Cute outfit too!
LOVE LOVE LOVE that necklace! and I wear Clinique Happy and have been pretty much wearing it since 1997!!
You look super hot for being sick! Sadie is so adorable!! Doggies are the best to snuggle with when you're under the weather. And I love the outfit you put together, especially that scarf! I want it wrapped around my neck. K? Thanks. Feel better soon!
XO, Katie
Running On Happiness
You are so stinkin cute. I just want to be your friend in real life haha! ps. LOVE that flower hair clip
I absolutely love that you said that your marker made you want to make a to do list! I think we may be kindred spirits! 🙂
Love your style C:
And can you please share you fitness and diet tips with me pretty pretty please?? C:
Teach me how to do that bun!
Props to you on those True Religions being loose! Get it girrrl! Maybe treat yourself with a new pair? Just a thought;)
Hey I emailed you about a blog design…let me know if you could do it, pretty please! 🙂
many things:
1. love your blog
2. your pup is so cute
3. cardigans, v-necks, heels and bling?>>MY GO TO OUTFIT!
glad i found your blog!
By the way.. That damn Pocketfull of Sunshine song gets stuck in my head too.. Have you seen the movie Easy A?? I saw it with my awesome roomie Jilly bean at the dollar theater a few weeks ago (I'm still upset they call it dollar theater when i paid $2, therefore making it dollars theater, I digress) and the scene where she gets the card and gets that song stuck in her head cracks me up every time!! I thought I would share it with ya.
Cute and simple outfit! So how do you throw together a cute but simple outfit for summer? I need to begin preparing! 🙂
color pens always make me happy! And i still remember all the time we spent at the clinic counter smelling happy!
Those pens are my FAVE. I love your outfit, too!
I love when you do posts like this! You're always so cute, that I love the inspiration!
I love the messy bun! I think we need a tutorial!