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Carrie talk… yet again.

First off. I love this dress. She looks absolutely stunning. 

Hmm… So recently we have been debating weather our girl Carrie is expecting. Remember the Golden Globe’s we chatted about here? Well I got an email from sweet little Maggie, and then another one from Brittany asking if I had heard the latest Carrie buzz, which I hadn’t yet, so I quickly researched. So check this… The always reliable Star magazine is apparently reporting that Carrie is two months preggers! (right along with our speculations girls) which means that if this is true, she was totally preggo when I met her! I kinda met Carrie’s baby. Hahaha. But in all seriousness, how awesome would this be. I bet it’s a girl. Because Carrie just needs a little gorgeous mini songstress to tote around. And come to think of it, I think she needs a baller nanny named LouLou to come help her out! All I can say is that is However, there is also a good chance she is not preggo. I mean she has said time and time again they are NOT jumping into a babe. They want to do the whole married thing first, which I am TOTALLY an advocate for. Being neither married, or pregnant, ha. 
Anyways, since we are talking Carrie and wedding (and baby) have you all ever seen her ring up close? Well, this chic has seen it in person. This is the part of the ‘meeting Carrie experience‘ when I went completely silent for 30 seconds while she was signing my stuff, and I became mesmerized with her left hand. Holy moly y’all. After she finished signing, she looked up at me and all I could do was just smile. No speaking. Like a dumbass. Well anyways here is a pic I found of her ring up close and personal. 

BAM. There it is. 
It’s amazing. Not my style, but amazing. I like dainty dainty bands and just a big ole solitaire! If you remember from here… I had one just like that. Tear. OK No memory lane today! Ha. 
Anyways. I guess we will see!! OH I forgot to tell you ladies yesterday when we were talking makeup, but I have found the most ultimate youtube little mix to put your makeup on to! And here it is. Back to Back Carrie favorites. You are welcome. 
This video inspired my new “get Carrie legs by summer” kick. We’ll see how that goes. Until tomorrow…

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  1. Kate says:

    I loved reading this post and love your Carrie obsession. When I'm asked which celebrity I'd want to be, I always say Carrie. Duh! Anyhow, your dream engagement ring is so my style and what I have – I love my *bam* solitare! I actually blogged about it:

  2. Rachel says:

    I am so glad someone loves her as much as I do…well, I think you have me beat, though 🙂 But really, she's perfect. And that RING! I would just die. I so hope she's preggo, but I think she may have just enjoyed the holidays a little toooo much, but then again, who didn't? She's still incredible. And HELLO legs–I think I'm jumping on that bandwagon with you! Carrie legs by summer. Let's do it!

  3. Laura says:

    I agree with you, I think she's totally preggo! And she's trying to be sneaky about it, but that dress hides a tiny baby bump (she's so tiny normally, of course she would have a little bump by two months!)
    We'll just have to wait and see!! It BETTER be a girl!

  4. Amber says:

    I think she's pregnant too – she's just SO thin to have that bump without the baby. As if she wasn't beautiful enough – now she's going to have the pregnant glow. Oh….if I didn't adore her so much I would totall HATE her.

    Did I ever tell you that she's my sorority sister? We're both Tri Sigmas! She's wearing one of our stitch shirts in one of her videos. I was in college when she was on American Idol and it was this HUGE thing for all of us to get together and vote for her each week. She came to our national convention the year after she won. I was president of my chapter at the time and got ot meet her – she sang our ritual song accapella…OMG! Not a dry eye in the place!

  5. Kim says:

    I read something about her being pregnant just yesterday and I thought Pink Lou Lou reported it first people!!! Give the girl some credit!!!

    It would be amazing if she was pregnant! I can't wait to find out if she really is or not. But that flowy red gorgeous dress…could be hiding a baby bump! And she is just glowing…but really when is Carrie not glowing?!

    Fabulous close up of the ring too…that is To. Die. For. I love me some big honkin bling!!! And that ring is all about bling. Gorg!

  6. Aww so cute! That baby is very lucky! and she is as beautiful as ever!

  7. Seriously, she is just drop dead gorgeous. Yes, I'm on a Get Carrie Legs thing myself! Ha.

    I don't know, in that pic in the red dress she still kinda looks a little bit preggo….

    Gah, that ring! I die. I woulda been silent too. Staring. And possibly drooling.

  8. Marcy XOXO says:

    First of all I love your blog!!! You are adorable… I also share your love for Carrie! I have loved her from the minute I saw her and I am jealous that you got to meet her LOL PS I went back and read your story about Reed… it seriously brought me to tears! I will be praying for you sweetie!!!

  9. ashbash:) says:

    Ah!!! I love love love Carrie also! I would love if she were preggo..I actually was at the aca's when she wore that beautiful red dress and pictures do not do her justice!! I was in the stage pit right next to her as she was winning her award! Awesome experience!! Just wanted to say I love your blog! So cute and fresh!! <33 ashleigh.
    Ps I watched your hair video..the one with the poof..and I tried doing it right after and it worked 🙂 thank you!!

  10. Ashley says:

    I got to see her at CMA Fest this past summer and I was mesmorized by that chick's legs. My goodness!

  11. Sole Matters says:

    shes totally preggers. you can tell in her dresses bc they stick out a lil bit. yayyyy!!

  12. Brittany says:

    Thanks for the shout out, haha. I really do thing she's pregnant! She's too tiny to have a bump without a baby in there.

    Her ring is beautiful, but to be honest, I like yours MUCH better. More my taste.

  13. Katelyn says:

    I just LOVE your blog!

    & I hope she is having a baby. She will be a gorgeous pregnant person & not too mention how beautiful that baby would be!

  14. MJ says:

    I can't wait til its official one way or another!! That little one would have the life…

    Her ring is gorgeous!!

  15. Awwww I hope she is having a babY!

  16. O-M-G! Her legs look AMAZING! I think I might have drooled a lil bit!!

  17. Sallie says:

    Thought I would share:,,20461222,00.html


  18. Caroline says:

    Carrie looked stunning. Love that red dress. It's great if she's preggo, but I think they should enjoy the married life a little bit longer (like she's stated time and time again).

  19. S says:

    The ring is gorgeous!!

  20. Caitlin says:

    Ha! Your Carrie posts always make me laugh! I thought maybe it was just bad posture in the other picture, but in that glam red dress she definitely looks a little preggo. And that ring. Oh my. There aren't words for how gorgeous it is.
    Hope you have a great day!

  21. Miss K says:

    i love your Carrie posts, they make me smile. her ring is gorgeous and if she is pregnant i'll be so excited for her, i just love her.

  22. Kerr says:

    maybe its the angle or maybe she had just eaten a big buritto, but in that picture it looks like it might be true!

  23. Mighty Burns says:

    first of all let me just say.. I dont think ANYone minds more carrie talk lol. Also.. you totes met her unborn child LOL ..

  24. First, i LOVE LOVE LOVE this red dress!!! Second, she's either PMSing or with child…I guess only time will tell. 🙂

  25. Amber says:

    PS – Will you please, pretty please change your email preferences so that people can send an email reply to the comments that you leave on their blog? You keep leaving these amazing comments on my blog and I want to email you a response but always get the "no reply blogger" message!

  26. The ring isn't really my style either, but oh my word, it is gorgeous, as are Carrie's legs!

  27. CMae says:

    Ok first of all SERIOUSLY LOL I was driving to work and i sat in my car listening to the radio and they said that Carrie was 2 months and the FIRST THING that came to my mind was SOMEHOW contacting you immediately to see if you were hearing what I was hearing!?!?!?! LOL No joke so I twitted at Jess@Polka Dots pink Oh my and asked her if you had a twitter so I could like say something you asap!! LOL SO that was me sending you a follow request..>how funny what your post is today! 🙂

  28. Mandy says:

    I want Carrie legs, too!

  29. Delaney says:

    Why do I trust your call on whether she is pregnant or not over the tabloids? I feel like I get inside information 🙂

  30. I'm buying into it … she will make a great mom!

    And thanks for that great post of her hair — umm, hello desired wedding hair!?!?!? I'll use this as an inspiration pic!

  31. Rissy says:

    I popped over here after reading your comment on another blog…. and now I am following because I. LOVE. CARRIE.

    During facebook doppleganger week, I had her up and people agreed with me. I almost died because I was sooo incredibly thrilled (my hair is like black though).

    You definitely look way more like her than I do!

  32. Cindy says:

    Love her ring and def want to have Carrie legs too!! Love your cute blog!

  33. kebowman says:

    Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I awarded you! 🙂

  34. leigh ashley says:

    Hey girl. I was wondering if I might be able to get some advice from you… I tried to click on the "email me" link, but it popped up some weird email that I'd never seen for you before. Can you email me at Thanks a million!

  35. Mateya says:

    I think she is preggo too…look at that bump! 🙂

    That ring is just WOW!

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