A Very Merry Christmas Eve Indeed!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Tonight I am thankful for my God, and my loved ones. I hope everyone is having a blessed Christmas Eve!
Here are two of my favorite (Christmasy) songs 🙂 . Absolutely amazing. I hope you have time to listen to them, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

  1. KWR says:

    Merry Christmas! Love the GLEE christmas soundtrack.

  2. Marian says:

    Merry Christmas pretty lady!!

  3. heehee, check out your new header!!! And I'm totally all about the Glee Christmas album–I've been listening to it all month!! (and I've never even seen Glee!). Merry merry Christmas–I hope it's wonderful for you and your family. 🙂

  4. Sara says:

    Two very beautiful songs! Thank you for sharing them. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas 😀

  5. mFw says:

    Merry Merry Christmas!!!!

  6. Brittney says:

    Loveee that hymn Carrie sang! Hope your Christmas was fantastic pretty girl! xox.

  7. S says:

    Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

  8. JMay says:

    Just stumbled across your blog, it's so cute! Carrie is uhhhmazing! LOVE that pic of you two, you look like her sister 🙂


  9. Mighty Burns says:

    Ummmmm I love Glee! And I love this version too! Carrie, is there anything she can't do?

  10. AndreaLeigh says:

    o holy night is my favorite christmas song! thanks for sharing. i hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  11. AndreaLeigh totally stole my line…LOL O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song too!!!! I've loved it ever since I first heard it on Home Alone. LOL Glee did an amazing version of it!! 🙂

  12. Sophie P says:

    Just beautiful… I actually have a tear in my eye… I'm seeing my Mum tomorrow, she's flying to Melbourne from the UK and I have missed her SO much, Christmas just hasn't been the smae without her 🙁

    Thank you for posting these gorgeous videos..


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