Hellllloooo ladies.
I say that with hesitation because I am fearful you have forgotten me recently.
Let’s catch up.
For starters, I am having the most fabulous night. Do you ever just enjoy being by yourself? I am one of those weirdos who NEEDS this. Not every night of course, but I find something therapeutic about having “Allie time” if you will.
I have had some HECTIC weeks frequently, so to be completely honest, I was in need of some pampering. Thank goodness I am staying at big sissies house for a few days because it is prime locale for said *pampering*.
I just had the most glorious bubble bath in Aphrodite herself’s bathroom. No lie, my skin feels like an angel baby’s. note to self: ask Jo where she got that almond sugar scrub….
Here is were I am currently residing. aka Heaven.

I am now BLOGGING while watching SATC the movie… even though I CANNOT figure out how to get the damn wide screen DVD to play correctly on the WIDE SCREEN TV. I even had help from my buddy Marky Mark AND JillyBean! #louloufail.
Whatev. I blame it on the new Direct TV bologna they got…

PS I know you are digging my background 😉
Oh I am also sipping on this. Ma fave. Thanks Jo for introducing me to it.

Anyway, so back to the task at hand, WHERE HAS THE PINKLOULOU BEEN??
Long story short, I have had some big changes on the job front. My company cut ties with our parent company, and because of the short notice, that meant quick packing for me and my office girlfriends. Try packing 60 years of history, files, etc into boxes in oh… 3 days, and you will find yourself where we have been.
It is a great thing for us, and I am super excited about this new venture, but it has been a bit crazy to say the least!
I’m not gonna lie, I am sad to leave this little cubie. But I look forward to new beginnings!

I told you we have fun at work 😉 I hands down wouldn’t trade anything for the girls I work with.

Let’s see, what else have I been up to… OH YEAH designing these for big sis on the FLY! ha, right Jo? I think they turned out super cute… never mind that I borrowed the idea from a website I saw… I was in a HURRY and my deadline was like rightthatsecond!

the stress of moving, and the asap xmas cards lead me to drink.
I kid, I had to go stock up for xmas weekend anyway 😉

I also found time to make and decorate cookies 🙂

And listen to this on repeat…

And wrap some gifts…

And construct some ornaments…

And then OH YEAH then there was CHRISTMAS! 🙂
I had a beyond wonderful Christmas with my family, enjoying the gift of our precious Lord, and enjoying time with the ones I love the MOST!
Baby sis and I mid present-opening chaos…

Becky’s boyfriend Matt joined the family for Christmas for the first time, and he did WONDERFULLY! Never mind the fact we got him lost in West Virginia… he stayed positive. And also cracked a beer.

The Christmas morning PinkLouLou…
Here I am with my gorgeous Aunt Lucy who you remember from here and my cousin GinGin who is just the sweetest thing ever. It’s just rude how how precious she is 😉
I’ve told y’all before we were a boxer family, and my Aunt Lucy’s boxers were cracking me up! Check out Pugsley, just wanting to cuddle on Becky’s lap…

Clearly we keep pugs in the family as well. See a trend? Short nosed, muscular dogs? Yep. we love ’em!
Maggie just snoozing…
Ok, so my favorite thing about Christmas this year, was finding this at my papa’s house. My Papa is in his late eighty’s, and is one of the most admirable people I know. I get sad that my sisters and I did not grow up as close to him as my other cousins did, as we lived in different cities, but I love him so much, and have so much respect for the person he is, and the family he built. He is the cornerstone of our family, and is the last of five brothers. I was helping clean up, and found this sitting on his desk in his office. I picked it up out of curiosity, and it was a print out of an email my Aunt Lucy had send to the family. The subject line said “They grow up to be wonderful kids!”
I read further and my eyes began to well up. I am not sure if you can read the picture below, but the email that my Aunt sent, is about a blog post that I posted. When I was going through the most AWFUL time, one of my best friends Sara sent me this prayer, and I immediately clung to it. I was so overwhelmed that my Aunt first of all read my blog, but that she emailed my family, and then my Papa printed it out, and set it on his desk. I was so touched. I had no idea. I just started crying and went and hugged my Aunt Lucy and thanked her for sending the email. My papa was asleep by this time…
This simple email, printed out, and framed, was my favorite Christmas gift.

Anyway, here are some more pics from Christmas in Pikeville! 🙂
The next pic is my next favorite Christmas gift this year. My beautiful cousin Lucy got me “boo boo bling”. Yep, you heard me. For starters she knows I love bling, and secondly, she knows of my knack for taking tumbles. These are GENIUS! I am SO pissed I didn’t come up with these. These are little rhinestone adhesive strips to place over your band aid, so you are oh so fab even when you have a little boo boo! I LOVES it!! cant wait to have an excuse to wear one! HA!

OK, so here is a pic my mom snapped, and as you can see I was NOT a happy girl. My Dad’s mom lives on the BIGGEST hill in eastern KY ever. As you can see, no car is ANYWHERE in sight because we had to park so far away to WALK to her front stairs.
So that is all for Christmas pics. I hadn’t washed my hair this day because I was up to late the night before having fun with my cousins at my papa’s house.
And there you have the abbrigged version of WHAT THE HECK I HAVE BEEN UP TO! haha.
In other news, I have had some free time these past two days not working, and I have been in “hibernation mode” from said not working, and stumbled upon a plethera of old prom dresses of my sisters and mine at my parents. Check out my junior year prom dress. Quite different from my tiger dress no? Bahahahahaha.
ALSO one more random… remember when I ordered Carrie’s lashes that she wears? WELL I just saw this in US Weekly, confirmation number TWO that I got official Carrie falsies! woo hoo! I think NYE will be my unveiling… if I can get them to stay on 😉
Your Christmas looked beautiful!!! Glad you had fun… Carrie lashes are def the way to go, very cute and your eyes will pop, looking forward to seeing the piccies!
You have such a beautiful family! I love that your Aunt sent the prayer to your email. It's amazing how simple things can be so very special to us!
I wanna stay where you are staying-that bathtub just looks amazing! I need a tub/bathroom like that!
Secondly-can we be friends? LOL Seriously, you just sound like nice, fun person and I need friends like that LOL
What a fun week! Happy Holidays, girlie!
WHOA! you've been a busy girl! thanks for the catchup – love all the pics!
Oh my goodness, just reading this post made me exhausted for you! You have been so super busy! Can I please come join you for a spa getaway? Looks like heaven! So glad you had a Merry Christmas! XO
THANK YOU for posting LouLou! I love it! I love all your pictures…I didn't take a single picture at Christmas this year (beat me to death please). Love love love the ornaments…we need to have a crafting party or something! I got your text last night–I have to work tomorrow so tonight won't work for me =(
Oh and PS I snapped a picture of Carrie in the magazine and almost sent it to you but I figured you had the same magazine haha 🙂
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! <3
My husband is from Pike County too (Belfry, actually) and my dad is from Jenkins! I recognized the backdrop in the picture of you climbing the hill to your grandmother's house. What a workout!
Do you work somewhere in Lexvegas?
looks like a fantastic time darling.
sounds like you had a wonderful christmas!! i love that your papa framed the email!! so sweet! you have to share 1) carrie eyelashes and where you bought them; 2) how you "make" your weave and where you buy it, what size pieces you get, what color, etc. 🙂
Yay your back! Looks like you had a fun hectic time! Loveing the boo boo bling, I actually got blinged out eyelash curler from my Sister in law!
Happy New Year Girl!
Aww great photos! Lovely Christmas! Great boo boo bling! Have a great day!
Your grandpa is the sweetest! Also, I want to live at Jo's!
wow I can't believe you still have your prom dress! I think I donated mine to Goodwill I didn't know what else to do with it!
You look so cute in the santa hat! Sounds like X mas was a good family filled time for you! 🙂
What a fun post 🙂
Looks like you had a fab Christmas! Those decorations are the cutest EVER!!
Happy New Years 🙂
Wow, and I thought I was a busy girl the past few weeks ha! Love this update as I always love reading your blog 🙂 Happy New Year's!
I'm glad that you had a good christmas! I love the picture of you in your pink santa hat! I can't wait tosee pictures from you on NYE with your lashes!
Wow! That was a serious post! LOL Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures! 🙂
You sure have been busy girl! Enjoy your time relaxing 🙂
jealous of the bathtub!! too awesome…
ps: LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!
I just LOVE reading your blog Ali- it inspired me to start my own blog…again! (I was not dedicated the first go-round)
Question for you: What brand of hair "weave" did you buy, and about how much did you spend on everything? I am quite interested in doing my own DIY weave!
Happy New Year! 🙂
wow. I need a min to soak that all in lol. You look too adorable on Christmas morning lol. I so love my Grandfather too, thats a really sweet gift! *I love thos dogs too lol. They may be big but they still want to curl up in your lap.
You have such a sweet family! Love all the pictures. And I love that y'all are a boxer family–so are we!