I kid. Clearly, I did not get married.
but check what my name card said at the wedding I attended on Saturday.

not my last name obvi…but it is my date, aka the best man’s last name. Interesting …. definitely made for a few funny pics that evening, and many unexpected “congratulations!” haha.

Anyways, the weekend started fast paced-me RUSHING home from work to change for rehearsal dinner I had Friday night. Dinner was fab and I went out afterwards with ma date Adam (exhibit A below) and my sissy and her BFF Kylee.
{sidenote: girls, check these dimples. To die for am I right?} I digress.

Saturday started off with a faulous breakfast of cheddar tots from this classy establishment. No judgment please. Point goes to whoever can tell me where I am in this pic.
Saturday was full of some nice napping, followed by some getting ready for the wedding. Oh wait did I mention I missed the wedding because I was running late? So I just high tailed it to the reception , nail polish in hand, and met some other fellow wedding skippers at the bar. It was quite comical. And yes I did polish my nails whist sitting at the bar with my new-found-also-unpunctual friends. I almost got away with it, but upon Adams arrival all I could say was
“I’m embarrassed…”
His response? “You should be” haha.
What are you gonna do right? I think the only way to get me to a wedding on time is to put me in the wedding, or give me specific pre-wedding things to be in charge of that ensure I must be physically present at the church, because unfortunately this is not the first wedding I have missed. Dana are you taking notes here?
Anyway it was a SUPER fun fun wedding reception, and MissLouLou was definitely having a good time. Such a good time that I currently have a little war wound on my knee, covered by none other than a hello kitty bandaid. Those darn heels got the best of me 😉
Here is a pic I snapped at the reception to send big sissy- and by the looks of things I would say I am on my thrid glass of wine at this point…
{I call this my KimK dress ha ha}
Here’s more proof of said good time. Apparently I made a pretty aggressive move for the bouquet, and caught it, aaaaaan insisted on keeping till the next morning.

PS apologies for poor quality of photos! Can’t remember if I told you all or not I have LOST my camera charger! It’s quite awful I assure you, so I must resort to iphone pics. Oh well…

This is hilarious! I, too, have missed a wedding TWICE. Yikes! So embarrassing. I have got to work on this whole punctuality thing. These pictures are hilarious and you look hot in your Kim K dress!!
P.S.–your date?? was he a DATE DATE or just a "date?" Dying to know!
Interesting weekend! haha.. The photos are lovely! You are beautiful so it doesnt really matter..
Haha…That's funny about the names. Are you at Tolly Ho???
ok you are possibly the most adorable girl out there missing weddings today. lol I love this becuase I am always running late try and try as I might.. also I am loving the three glasses of wine bathroom picture, you look beautiful. Dimples is a lucky dude.
I think you're at the Ho in your breakfast pic 🙂 So funny about the wedding. One of my friends actually missed my wedding. As my husband and I walked out the sanctuary doors, she walked into the vestibule, LOL. I couldn't be mad at her because it was hilarious to see her expression 🙂
Bahaha…looks like you had a great time. 🙂 Love the last picture – classic!
Such cute pictures from what looks to be a fun wedding! Your hair is always so cute – you MUST teach us all how to do the messy bun.
And you are TOTALLY at TOLLY HO – it's been over 10 years since I graduated from UK, but I'd recognize that place in my sleep!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! I love your skirt also!
You are too cute! I love the dress you wore to the wedding! You look better than KimK!
Korchussss!! Oh and I totally big your new surname up, coming from an English girly of course! XXX
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Your dress is oh so fab 🙂
Looks like a fun weekend!
LOVING the last picture wild child! haha Your dress for the wedding is gorg! Def KK! The Pinot proved to be your KRYPTONITE hahaha Glad you had a great weekend!!
I love the picture with your "new" last name and ring and the one of you in the bathroom you look beautiful!
that adam is a cutie…and maybe that little last name mix-up will be a fun story to share later in life. if ya know what i'm sayin'. 😉
and girl…it's like every time i go out drinking i wake up the next morning with some sort of bruise and aching legs. i guess from all my sweet dance moves. but i just count it as a free work-out.
Tollly ho for sure!!!! 🙂 sounds like quite a fun wedding, to say the least :)… hahaha
You're definitely at Tolly ho! It's been 5 years since I graduated from UK but I always recognize that place. Love your Kim K dress!
you must be at Tolly Ho!!! I could really go for some cheesy tots right about now.
Haha it looks like you had a great time! Your "Kim K" dress it so cute.
Tolly Ho! Only the greatest place in the world! Looks like my type of weekend xo!
hahah you are hilarious! I have taken detailed notes! Do not miss my wedding or else! 🙂
I seriously love reading your posts. You crack me up! I love that you were painting your nails at the bar. That is too funny! And you must share how you get your hair to look so perfect all of the time!
Love your KK Dress 🙂
I really enjoy reading your blog..so cute and fun! I am a new follower 🙂
..and you are definitely right about those dimples! too cute!
Oh my gosh it took me a min to put two and two together with Adam – I was like that name sounds familiar… how is he?? Hope you had a great turkey day! I finally got a photo scanner so oh yes some photos will be sent your way soon!