Confession Session time ladies! Link up and confess anything you want to confess today!1. I would like to confess… that it does not matter what time I get up, how long I have to get ready, or where I am going, I am always late. I even try really hard…2. I should not be allowed to eat as much chic-fil-a as I do. It’s a problem. Really a problem when they know you, and your order, and that you have to have two salsa packets with your chicken burrito. I’m ashamed.
3. I have been listening to Roxette ‘Dangerous’ on repeat. You should too.4. I cut open my tube of foundation this morning in order to get the last possible bit in there. I clearly need to purchase some new makeup.5. If you happen to leave an article of clothing at my house, I may just happen to forget to mention it to you, and proceed to wear it until you say something. Scratch that. I never do this… ;)6. I have a UTI. And I am miz. I am also calling my father right now to have him call me in an RX…awesome. Don’t you judge, there are many ways to get a UTI. I am very pouty right now, and just need some babying. Feel free to baby away…7. I may have fallen asleep on the couch last night watching Jersey Shore. It was most certainly not because of the 4 diva martini’s {which by the way are heavenly} that I had out with the girls on our ladeis Thursday night…

8. I get extremely angry and irritable if I am at a restaurant and do not a. have a cocktail or b. am super hungry and you begin talking incessantly nonstop before I get either. I am most likely thinking to myself wow, sister, calm down till LouLou gets a beverage…9. I must confess… I am going to the BAHAMAS next week and may have some exciting surprise guest bloggers! Woo Hoo!

8. I get extremely angry and irritable if I am at a restaurant and do not a. have a cocktail or b. am super hungry and you begin talking incessantly nonstop before I get either. I am most likely thinking to myself wow, sister, calm down till LouLou gets a beverage…9. I must confess… I am going to the BAHAMAS next week and may have some exciting surprise guest bloggers! Woo Hoo!
10. This is my new iphone cover. And I confess, that I love it. Brett, my babies’ daddy (please do not confuse with my baby’s daddy, ha and if you need further clarification, please reference the “my babies” button above) told me it was straight ghetto. I told him he didn’t know what he was talking about, and that paired with the right look, it was not infact “straight ghetto”. haha.
Alright girlies it is Friday and I wanna hear your confessions!! I need some entertainment, so bring out the good stuff. I have a really fun theme planned for next week’s confessions.. but this week let’s just keep it open to ANYTHING you want to confess!TGIF lovelies!
Ugh, I am always late too . . . no matter what! That cocktail by the water looks amazing, and I looooove your blingy new cell phone cover!
Love the iphone case and going to the Bahamas! So much fun!! Have a fab friday!
I'm so jealous you're going to the Bahamas! I hope you feel better soon, UTIs are the worst.
I just have to confess that I have on almost the same exact outfit on that you do in your "phone case" pic!!! layered cream top, cardigan and gold necklace. I'm tellin ya, it's an Allison thing!! 🙂
that iphone case rocks. and I have the dress you were wearing last night. in brown and navy. it is so comfy and cute!
Love that iPhone case! It's so not ghetto.
that phone case is "straight bling" Brett!! lol! theres a restaurant around the corner from our apt and they know me by name, order and drink. Yesterday I went twice…YES twice, lunch & dinner! and sometimes the sweet old man sneaks me a free milkshake!! love it!
You are so funny… 🙂 I love this.. so, my sweet sista. i'm linking up today. just allow me to gather my thoughts over here.. 🙂 i seriously think we have some similar confessions here. Wine, drinks, … all in mine. obvi.
You got me to do it! Have a great time in the Bahamas and that IPhone cover is amazing, looks like Snookie's glasses!!
Sorry to hear about the UTI! They are no fun at all.
You missed a good Jersey Shore – nothing but drama 🙂
I happen to love your new phone case! It does look like Snookie's new glasses haha did you see that part of the show?
Have a great weekend!
We have a lot in common AND the same name to boot? Are we the same person? lol I am always running late too.. no matter how much time I have to get ready. And the whole friend's clothes thing? Yea, totally do it too. And for the record, I love the blingy phone cover!
I'm usually always late too!
I am always late too! Especially to work, bc I procrastante leaving until just about the time I am supposed to be there… and I had two too many cocktails last night, but it was worth it ~~ Thursday girls nights are the best!
Bahamas?! Jealous! I know you'll have lots of fun 🙂
I'm a new follower…and new confessor 🙂 I hate being late too. Just the worst!
Omg I love your phone cover!! Such fun confessions!
Been reading for awhile and just realized I hadn't hit follow. Oops. Love the cell phone cover. Tried to link up, but it won't work for me.
I confess that I do love reading your weekly confessions!!!
Foundation cutty up thing- EXACTLY what I do. There's like another month's worth in there! x
Chik fil A is delicious…so no judging from me! You are cracking me up with your blog. I told Leah "your roommate probably thinks I'm a nutjob" after I answered her phone but I promise we'd just talked about you and blogging, ha 🙂
I love your phone cover! I think it's time for a change for my phone now too!
I hope you feel better soon 🙂