Yes, that is right. It has taken me until today, THURSDAY to feel completely recuperated from the weekend that was Jenn’s bachelorette party a.k.a. the best weekend of our lives. I think we all had a combined 8 hours of sleep, and it is safe to say we all suffered from “disembarkement vertigo” for 2 days after we got home. But this past weekend was without a doubt AWESOME. Jennifer’s family was so sweet to have 20 of us girls down on their boat, No Rules, all weekend, to party and live up Jenn’s final days as a single lady in style. The red pink carpet was seriously rolled out from arrival to departure. The captains and our chef (Darlene, Doreen, Daphnee? No one can remember!) were all amazing! I still can’t get over how sweet they were, and how much they wanted to make the weekend special for Jenn, and us. It was so kind and so memorable. Mallory, Jenn’s sister and MOH did an incredible job of planning everything to a T, and making sure the weekend went perfectly. Let’s take a look at the weekend in pics shall we?

Just my next house, no biggie. Ha.
Friday night, we all went out in our “No Rules, I’m on a boat” tanks. Made by LilaJ of course! We went to dinner and then out on the town! Super fun night.
I did however come home with a mystery bruise. Which is currently visible at work. Nice. However I am NOT complaining, because please look at the injury Missy sustained that evening. Yikes. But don’t worry, we found her a wheelchair.
Saturday we were on the water and had Jenn’s lingerie shower. It was SO cute. Jenn wore her bride bikini (rhinestone “bride” on the booty just like Molly’s!) and her visor veil that I made for her. Note-Leah did an excellent job bejewling, as I delegated her that task in order to work on Jenn’s other two veils for the weekend. Good Job Lee. You made me proud. Look at this adorable note from Mallory, along with her gift to Jenn! Precious.
Fast forward an hour and we are just cruisin’ down the inter coastal, when Leah comes running to the front of the boat where we are all laying out and yells “girls, the coast guard is on the boat, and they are HOT!” I have never seen 15 girls jump up faster in my life. You would think we had never seen boys before. Leah was correct. They were hot. We seized the opportunity and took some pics. Standard. Sorry for partying?
After the mandatory life jacket count, the boys obliged and posed for a pic.
We also happened to let them know we were going to Liv, in Miami that night, but we never saw them again. Oh well, I don’t think they could handle our pink boa annoyance anyway. I am not even going to tell you about Saturday night. How we got into the wrong limo for 45 minutes. How we got denied access into Liv due to the 549 pink feathered boas we had. How they tried to charge us 5grand to get in anyways, with the boas. No thanks. How we got snubbed by the real housewives of Miami (or so they thought). How we saw girls, no lie, wearing socks and pumps? say what? How we stole the adjoining room next to ours, how Kristin got “left” in our own hotel lobby-tears ensued, how a certain friend of mine kissed a certain captain, or how I fell asleep in my glasses sitting up with my laptop in my lap, fingers on keyboard. No pics of this will be posted. But here are some tame pics for you of Saturday night. We all wore black dresses (my mom made mine! loved it) and Jenn wore hot pink. So fun!
All in all it was a fantastic weekend. It made me so thankful for so many things. First of all, my amazing girlfriends. I without a doubt think I have the best friends ever. We are all so close, even though some of us now live on opposite sides of the country. We had girls flying in from Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Lexington just to name a few. We always have so much fun when we are together, and it truly is a one of a kind group of girls we have. Several of my close girlfriends couldn’t make it, and Molly, Ashley, Lindsey, Emily V., Emily R., Kate, Lindsay, Kelly, you were very missed. We will do it again soon! It also make me so thankful for this time in my life. It is so easy for me to get stressed about where my life is going, feeling like I am behind on things I wanted to accomplish by this point in my life, but I am so thankful that I am 25, and that I am not tied down with a family and babies just yet. Yes I want these things when the time is right, but I love that I CAN just up and fly to Florida for a wild bachelorette party with all of my friends, and have no care in the world except for “where is my margarita?” And lasty it made me so happy for Jennifer. She is getting married May 15th, and I couldn’t be happier for her. Jenn and Alex truly are just perfect for each other, and it is so obvious to everyone how much they love each other. I want to thank Jenn for getting married and having an excuse for a girls weekend like this, hehe, Mallory for being her amazing MOH, the captains Richard, and Ricky for taking such good care of us, and the Warrens, for their amazing kindness, and hospitality over the weekend. Jenn you are so loved, and you made us feel so loved as well! Cheers to Jenn, and her upcoming wedding! And Cheers to being 25 and fabulous!
That sounds like a fun weekend! How adorable is that veil! Good job.
Sounds like an absolutely fabulous weekend that you will remember forever! I love the boas! Glad you've recuperated!
OH MY GOODNESS! that looks like so much fun! I'm so jealous, what an amazing weekend!
I'm going away for a girls weekend in a couple of week to D.C.. and I Can't WAIT!
WOW! Pretty much looks like the best party ever!!!!!
Looks like an AMAZING weekend!! Living in FL – it makes me want to go hop on a boat and have a margarita!!
how amazing is that?! That is some bachelorette party. Looks like ya'll had so much fun!